Yoga nidra reviews

Common Questions and Answers about Yoga nidra reviews


Avatar f tn I have almost exactly the same symptoms and test indications that you have. A colonoscopy and many, many blood tests, stool samples, etc have all been inconclusive, so I've been diagnosed with IBS. I found a website that helped quite a bit (, but I had to modify the advice from this website slightly (through trial and error) in order to best control my symptoms.
1926359 tn?1331588139 Hi All- I have discovered this wonderful guided meditation. It is called Yoga Nidra and is meant for those dealing with addiction and chronic pain. I just did it and after a hellish morning of pain where no meds would help, I feel much better and may even be able to function. I think it would be a powerful tool for those of you that are in detox hell right now, for those of you that are dealing with chronic pain issues, anxiety issues, or even just normal stress.
10609801 tn?1412399288 I am in school studying to be a yoga therapist! I will be learning how to teach Yoga Nidra! It is very hard for me to lay down and so the breathing. My heart is pounding and I can't stand the noise or feel of it. I get more freaked out. I have been trying the Nadishodana ( alternate nostril berating) You breath in through the left nostril while holding the right and and then exhale through the right nostril.
10683890 tn?1412893806 Lulu posted one in the social a while back that I use a lot I think it is called Yoga Nidra ... its online. Its 30 minutes which I find extremely long because I cant relax for that long but I do it so far for nine minutes at the most and its great. yoga is key for better balance and health overall, if I could just make myself do it more. I totally agree with you. ty for the titles!
Avatar f tn Ive read mixed reviews on it's effectiveness. Good luck!
Avatar m tn Yog , mditation, visualization, Yog nidra are pemenant ways to increase concentration and equanimity of mind.
Avatar f tn Hi :) First, Congrats on 6 Days!! Yup, You're going through it! The no sleep thing is definitely the worst part of the 'process'. Our circadian rhythms get all messed up because acute detox is such a shock to our systems. Our balance of neural hormones is destroyed & it takes time for them to even out. You're going through the worst of it right now, so hang in there! It's worth it & you've come so far!
Avatar f tn I discovered the following today- sent by my yoga teacher as I am bed bound and unable to attend class in person. It is Yoga Nidra and focuses on pain, addiction, and insomnia. Hope it helps you find peace. Time to get back into making your recovery your #1 priority. Everything else will fall into place. Lu
Avatar m tn Either that, or a sleep hypnosis, progressive muscle relaxation or something called Yoga Nidra [a full body scan leading to sleep] -- also available on yt. The more clean time that you accrue, the more you exercise, hydrate & eat well, the better you'll start sleeping.
Avatar n tn I am now on DIM and have wonderful results. Please do your research on this, I always read reviews and they had some very good reviews on DIM.. Been on it now for 6 months and LOVE it. Very affordable.
1443810 tn?1287151876 Does anyone know some natural remedies?I have a bad back so yoga is out of the question for the time being,and i"m freshly sober from alcohol for 4 days( I was self medicating)I want to start fresh and get all the chemicals out of my system one at a time.Please any advice will help!
9668401 tn?1405176684 I have to take prevacid to prevent ulcers, but have spent a few years trying alternatives only to come back to this basic regimen. Yoga Nidra for meditation helps, but that is it for me. I hope you find what works, In the mean time, have those pills doled out by a trustworthy source as prescribed. Surgery is a complete justification, IMO, for pain meds, short-term, as prescribed. A friend of mine swears by Aleve for her back pain, but it didn't do anything for me.
Avatar f tn My anxiety has been a daily battle for the past few months. I exercise, do yoga, go to therapy, on meds to no avail. Has anyone had success on Zoloft for severe anxiety? What about side effects? I've read it can be somewhat stimulating which is my problem with the Effexor.
Avatar f tn Try doing a ginger tea using fresh ginger you smash the ginger and put it to boil they use that a lot in the Dominican community I'm planning on doing that if I past my due date
Avatar f tn t take long, walking several miles/day at a brisk pace to notice a difference. Yoga is also excellent for toning/losing weight. Both walking and yoga will tone the whole body. You can check out YouTube for tons of videos on yoga poses. Yoga emphasizes balance, breathing and relaxation. It works a lot on core muscles. Sounds like something for old folks, but it's really not.
Avatar f tn Im 34+2 is it okay for me to be doing yoga ? My babies prefectly healthy and i am to, does anyone know ?
Avatar f tn Starting yoga tomorrow. First time, ever! 24 weeks and a few days and im a little nervous! Any other mommas do or doing prenatel yogA?
Avatar f tn Is beginner yoga safe while pregnant? Or would I have to do yoga for pregnant women?
Avatar f tn im tring yoga, but after a couple days i am ready to quit from the pain. does it get better or should i quit.
Avatar n tn I do basic yoga asana (asana means that it is less cardio more posture and stretching) since the beginning of my pregnancy. I will be 35 weeks on Tuesday and it relieve my minor pains (hips, pelvic, lower back, buttocks and thighs). It also help to have a good posture and strengthen your core muscles for birth and baby position. It is great to take that time for you to relax. Sincerely, yoga is a revelation for me.
Avatar f tn Thanks! Do you all take regular yoga or prenatal ? I already joined a gym and they have yoga classes a few days a week but not prenatal yoga.