
Yeast infection causes pimples

Common Questions and Answers about Yeast infection causes pimples


Avatar n tn I had a follow up yesterday, and no relief. She took a culture, and it came back as a yeast infection, and now she prescribed Oxistat 1% lotion. What a ride. So here are my questions: 1.For a yeast infection, would you prescribe oxistat? If not, what? 2.If oxistat is the right medicine, when can i expect relief? This has been going on too long! 3. How did I get a yeast infection? 4.
Avatar n tn its yeast infection to both of u. plz go to ur doctors and get treated .
Avatar n tn These bumps are scaring me, I do not deal well with having lumps of any kind. Could this be a yeast infection that is causing these boils or pimples, whatever they are? Shouldn't I take a yeast infection treatment? I can't wait until Tuesday when I can see her, I need some relief now.
Avatar n tn Also I just read that the Herpes strain that causes cold sores can be transmitted to the genitals resulting in genital herpes! So if one of your gfs has had cold sores and gave you oral, then it could be transmitted. You should ask your doctor about a blood test in order to look for the antibodies. If you went to so many doctors, then surely one of them would have done a blood test. But in any case go to your doctor or the local health dept before you give this to someone else.
Avatar n tn A yeast infection is a fungal infection that's very common to get if you are so active. Did he actually examine you or just guess? Did he give you any meds?
Avatar n tn i think i have yeast infection because i have few pimples on my tongue, but theyre going away slowly. i saw that yeast infection is sign of hiv.... im very very scared now.
Avatar f tn Can you get a yeast infection when pregnant? And if so whats the causes?
Avatar n tn But if the date of periods is not expected then it can be due to other causes like infection of the cervix or friable growths of cervix like cervical polyps also. In that case, a pelvic examination is needed. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps.
Avatar n tn s you have seen that it is thrush then you can use over the counter medication for a yeast infection (that is what it is called in America). But it sounds like it is recurrent and that you really need to see a Dr about because they have medication that should help.
Avatar f tn they said that yeast infection can cause pumps similar to pimples or a rash type could be that.
Avatar n tn Thank you very much for your comment, I have become Obsessed with worry and fear of spreading anything just having that comment helps a lot
Avatar f tn So I bought another package of the off brand cream that is for 7 days and o used it for 2 extra nights and it worked. Just make sure when u use any yeast infection medicine, put it in right before u are about to go to sleep so it can't come out that easy.
Avatar m tn I think there is an over the counter test you can buy at the drugstore now that you can test for a yeast infection at home to see if it is really a yeast infection. You might try getting one of those and testing to see if you really have a yeast infection or not. Lots of time women think they have a yeast infection and treat for it when actually it is something else that is wrong.
Avatar f tn I would not put off going to be seen about this any longer. If it is a std then it's a risk to your fertility by not treating it promptly depending on what std it is. Even if it's just a plain ole bacterial or fungal vaginitis - the longer you don't treat it the worse it will get and the harder it will be to clear it up. You are sitting outside in the sun all day sweating and wearing a bathing suit - that's PRIME yeast infection conditions!
Avatar f tn hi I was wondering if I have a yeast infection I have a wire creamy think discharge and I'm burning there and I'm itchy there aswell, it becomes really painful, any one know what it is?
Avatar m tn The next day she starts to ich down there. She goes to the doctor Monday and is diagnosed with a yeast infection. Also on Monday, I start feeling a lil uncomfortable down there... just the urge to pee all the time. over the next week my syptoms were this... urge to pee.. lil white pimples on head of penis and foreskin, just on the top. I never had white discharge. Pain when peeing. the pimples didn't hurt.
Avatar n tn m wondering do I have a yeast infection combined with having irritated my rectal/anal area with the baby wipes on a shaved area? I've also been having some mild cramping in my uterus/bladder area like I've had before with a UTI but it doesn't hurt at all to pee. I don't wear cotton underwear a lot except at night and I do work out a lot and work in a gym so I'm constantly sweating but I've not had this before.
Avatar n tn Sounds like a yeast infection.....I use to have one once a month when I was 20 years old they went on for a year and half before they went away for good! Just go out and get some Monistat.Dont need to go to the Dr.If you have those symptoms.
Avatar f tn A yeast infection is when the yeast in the vagina, mouth or skin grows out of control so it causes redness and itching. A vaginal yeast infection is usually triggered after the person takes antibiotics, as they also kill good bacteria in the vagina that normally controls the yeast numbers. Natural yogurt with no sugar is the best treatment for it as if contains the bacteria bactillophillus adicophillus (spelling) which feeds on the yeast and regains that natural balance. Hope that helps!
Avatar n tn you spit into a cup of water first thing in the morning and tif in 30 mins the spit in the water doesnt disolve and looks cloudy, you might have a yeast overgrowth which is what causes a yeast infection. how reliable is this?
Avatar f tn ve been treating it as a yeast infection for the past week and a half my concern has been the fact that it has not gone away and has infact developed what feels like pimples. My partner has a one inch patch of redish/pink skin on the lower base of his penis as well.
Avatar n tn I have yeast infections every time I am prescribed an antibiotic. You can get medicine over the counter. It will clear it right up. I have heard that you should not have sex because it can be transferable. Yeast infections will drive you crazy! Yogurt definately helps!!
Avatar n tn Well you really dont get sores from yeast only itch for the most part but if you scratching them they could get infected,.
Avatar n tn Doctor took a quick look, pulled back the skin and due to the redness and peeling he said it seems to be a yeast infection since no STD really looks like that. He gave me Miconazole (miconazolenitrate 2%), said keep good hygiene, apply twice daily. Should clear up within 2-4 days. Apply for a few days after just in case. By the way, should I be applying it to the little pimple on the outside of my penis? Bottom line this is what worries me.
Avatar f tn is it possible to get a yeast infection from handling bread (sandwich etc) and then touching your vaginal area (going to the washroom)? the other day i did my laundry after i had a sandwich and touched the crotch areas of my underwear... is it safe to wash that underwear or should i wash it again? is it possible to get a yeast infection from that? i know it sounds like a dumb question but it's really been worrying me.
Avatar n tn It normal to have a yeast infection during pregnancy try keeping your private area dry after you pee n poo