
Xyzal and sudafed

Common Questions and Answers about Xyzal and sudafed


Avatar f tn Benadryl if that helps and sudafed but the regular one not the fast acting or extra strength
Avatar n tn Have tried several medications such as Zyrtec D, Flonase, Nasonex, Xyzal....also nasal rinses, and some vitamins and herbs...nothing works for long. Today the doc decided to start testing me for allergies to try to get to the root of the fluid and swelling in my ears. Your results sound interesting. I have in the past from time to time has what I think are fever blisters around the corners of my mouth. Is there a test for Herpes simplex 1? I may mention this to my ENT next time I go there.
Avatar f tn I have been on many type of antibiotics, use a saline rinse 2-3 times a day, take Nasonex, Astepro, Xyzal, Singulair and headache medicine. Some days are better than other but most days are constant pain, numbness, throbbing. A cat scan showed fluid in maxillary sinuses and some ethnoid sinusitus but my ENT surgeon shows no infection and is now considering a tubinate "snip" as he calls it to because my left turbinate is a bit large.
Avatar n tn Do you still suffer from an itchy and runny nose ? If not, maybe it is time to get off of the xyzal tablets , but you need your doctor's permission and your doctor will tell you the safe way to gradually get off of this medication. Otherwise, there will no doubt be side effects of withdrawing from this medication which you say you have been taking for five years. Another idea is to check out this website : This is a great website.
Avatar f tn After 8 months of constant hives, lip swelling, eye swelling and finger swelling, i went to an allergist and got prescribed Xyzal. It worked great for the first 2 weeks and i was over joyed to have my life back! But the past few days, some hives have started to come back. I have been taking benadryl along with the xyzal as needed. I was wondering if I could take 2 xyzal a day instead o 1. The only other medication that I am on is ortho cyclin birth control.
Avatar f tn I have been dealing with hives since 2000. All i have to do is be in the sun and i break out. I have tried Zyrtec, Allegra, Singular and now i'm on Xyzal. The Xyzal i only tried one time and woke up the next morning feeling like i was drunk and hit by a train. It left a horrible taste in my mouth. I am so sick of these hives. I'm getting married in August and have a terrible farmers tan and i am asking for any advice on what to do.
Avatar f tn I also noticed an exzema rash under my arms and inside my left elbow. The rash under my right arm and left elbow is quite itchy. Why is this happening?
Avatar n tn He said if itching goes away after four days of using the XYZAL, then I will try Niaspin and see how my body will react. Now, after using XYZAL for two days, my body is still itching, there is no diffrence yet. I got two more pills of XYZAL. I'll wait two more days and I'll publish my comment about this medicine. Thanks for your help.
Avatar f tn Is it safe to take sudafed while youre pregnant? Im 22 weeks and I just want to make sure its not going to hurt my little girl?
Avatar f tn My dr. ok just plain Sudafed.
Avatar f tn I've been sick off and on a lot with my sinuses my ob told me to take sudafed so I'm taking the nasal decongestant sudafed that the pharmacy said was safe. My concern is I haven't heard good things about taking it anyone else taking it and everything turned out ok with their baby? 29weeks tomorrow also.
Avatar f tn I am a 13 year old girl and I have been taking sudafed for 4 days now and OI was just awoken shaking uncontrollably could this be why? This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Undiagnosed-Symptoms/shaking-at-night-when-I-wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night/show/199072">shaking at night when I wake up in the middle of the night</a>.
Avatar f tn Im 6 months and I am so congested and have ear ache, is it safe to take sudafed????
Avatar f tn So my Dr told me to take Sudafed for this head cold. However, they were adamant that I make sure I get the kind we have to sign for and not the OTC one. I was wondering why because I know the one we sign for has the stuff that people use to make meth but the OTC stuff does not. So what is the difference?
Avatar f tn Well a few days ago I started having flu like symptoms so I look at the paper and it basically says Sudafed for colds and Tylenol for pain or fever, but no Ibuprofen. I start taking the Sudafed for a few days, doesn't really help.. Only for the body aches. Well last night I had a fever of 101.4 so I decided to go to the ER just to be safe. Turns out I don't have the flu, just a really bad viral infection. They ask me what I've been taking and I said Sudafed.
Avatar f tn lots of fluids, rest, and if okay by ur dr its usually safe to take benadryl and then I was told regular sudafed or Robitussin...hope u feel better...
Avatar f tn I find that I have to space them out by many hours or I get very jittery if take as an example Sudafed and my Synthroid together ... I make a judgment call and usually take the Sudafed in the AM and then do the Synthroid much later ... together they make me very anxiety ridden for hours.
Avatar f tn Tylenol cold and sudafed are on my safe list of medications to take for a cold that my doctor gave me.
Avatar f tn ENT said eustachian tube dysfunction due to allergies (tested positive for various inhalent allergies) and said to use Xyzal and Flonase. Xyzal made me too sleepy so stopped, and Flonase has done nothing. ENT said it would take Flonase a month to clear up the ETD. The constant ear popping wouldn't bother me if it weren't accompanied by the lightheadedness and brain fog, which sometimes by the end of the day turns into a very bad headache and then disappears.
Avatar m tn Hello Doc, Your advice pls, As I told u I visited a general physician without disclosing him STD exposure. Now after taking 3 days medicine proposed by him Atarax and Xyzal. Rather I m now observing general redness of skin on hands also. Do you suggest visiting skin specialist or any other blood test ?
Avatar f tn I would call and make an appt with your primary, they know what you can and can't take while pregnant. Good luck and feel better soon!!
Avatar f tn Ok Thanks. Ive had 2 mc's and Im just nervous until I see that heartbeat. I had a Molar pregnancy and a blighted ovum.
Avatar f tn Also I was drug tested often because I was on a narcotic drug for so many years prescribed by my doctor and I'd take sudafed and Benadryl through the spring for my allergies and I never failed a test.
Avatar f tn Ya ibwas stuffy and stuff than my bf got sick and I have a cold like he did a d the list said sudafed was fine but I grabed sudafed pe and I wasnt sure if it was okay I only took one anx I have a drs app tomorrow so im gunna reassure but I wanted to see what other oregnant women think
Avatar n tn I took XYZal for 4 days for my Fall allergies. Once I stopped, I developed this maddening itching all over!!!! I went to my dermatologist who prescribed hydroxyzine capsules. The meds help somewhat....but also make me tired so I can only take at night!!! I have been suffering for FIVE weeks. Any idea when I can expect this reaction to end?? Or at least some tips on method of relief? PLEASE!!
Avatar f tn I've been couging up this nasty green phlegm, when I spit it out it makes me gag and sometimes vomite. My doctor said sudafed was okay but my mom said not to take it. What can I do to make this go away or has anyone or is anyone having the same problem? Is sudafed okay? HELP!
Avatar f tn My doctor says Sudafed and Sudafed PE are both safe but neither should be used over 10 days in a row. Personally i feel if you're still having symptoms that long you should be going the doc anyhow to get antibiotics.
Avatar m tn s wrong when your throat feels as if its closing up, and when you put pressure on the lower part of your throat or jaws, it feels as if some of the pressure is off, also when you are chewing, some pieces of food or sometimes liquid, gets caught in your nose, and now my ears are feeling stopped up, my dr.