
Xopenex for cough

Common Questions and Answers about Xopenex for cough


Avatar n tn s run a low grade temp for 13 days running, has taken codituss cough med (with codiend), breathing treatments with Xopenex, and has finished a round of Z-pack. Coughing is horrible at bedtime and through the night. Since she has a low grade temp I had disregarded an allergy. 13 days into this, I'm re-thinking everything. I'm looking for help. Is this a virus or allergy or what? She can sit in a room 6 ft from the guinea pigs and not cough at all.
Avatar f tn I have been getting treatment for asthma for over three years now....neublizer w/xopenex...flomax, advair, asthmanex, to name a few...I am still coughing like crazy. I had allergy tests and have been on Allegra and a nasal relief. It appears that all of a sudden my throat is dry and has a "catch" in it and I start coughing and then water pours out of my eyes and tons of mucous pours out of my mouth.
Avatar f tn I am going to ask for a sample of Xopenex to try for odor exposures again.
Avatar f tn Without coughing, the lungs would fill up with mucous and that is more dangerous as it blocks the airways and sets up the lungs for secondary infections. For most asthmatics night time is when it tends to flare up more. That is why he is coughing more at night. It will take a few days for the steroid to kick in. Just keep up with his treatments and keep an eye on his symptoms. Especially for sever shortness of breath.
Avatar n tn My daughter has viral induced asthma and is 5. She got diagnosed at age 4. She takes q-var daily and xopenex when a virus starts and the oral steriod if need be which seems like quite often! Recently she was sick and coughing uncontrollably and we did xopenex and the 20 minute rescue treatment because she was still coughing after the first dose of xopenex. We ended up going to the ER. The Er Dr. said she had a bad sinus infection (as x rays were taken of her sinuses).
Avatar n tn I was prescribed azithromycin and told to continue with my xopenex and prednisone. I also took cough syrup, sudafed and motrin. Saturday I was significantly worse and over the weekend it esciladed. My temperature would go from 96.2 to 100.5 and back down over a 30min period. Monday I went back to the doctor and she heard "crackling" and a lack of air movement in my lower left lung. She diagnosed me with community acquired pneumonia.
Avatar n tn Hi, I have a 6 year old son with autism and asthma who has currently started on the Xopenex for the asthma control. He has become extremely hyperactive and somewhat aggressive with the Xopenex, and I am wondering if there are any other meds that wouldn't have this side effect.
Avatar f tn At birth he had pulmonary hypertension unknown etiology and was placed on ECMO for 3 days. We nearly lost him. Long story short, his lungs have been perfectly healthy up until about 2 months ago. He had an acute onset of wheezing, retractions, dry hacking cough. X-ray showed a slight inflitrate. He was treated with antibiotics and was started on pulmacort and xoponex. 3 wks later, he had another episode. Symptoms all the same but this time x-ray showed bronchitis with no infiltrate.
212161 tn?1599427282 i have had broncuites lots with colds so was thinking thats what it was but dr said asthma, never had before and am 49 years old. now the cold/cough part is mostly gone yes i still have a cough now and than and my nose runs at times than stops up, is the asthma ...
Avatar f tn Update: I went in for a second opinion. I do have bronchiectasis and that is the reason for the continued green phelgm after the pneumonia has cleared. The doctor is having me use a vest airway clearance system and nebulizer to help me loosen and rid myself of the mucus.
Avatar f tn She has some test at cardiologist and then they were going to monitor her heart for 30 days at which time the heart pounding subsided for about 2 years She is now going through an aweful ordeal When the drs take her pulse ox it is at 98 or 100 percent and yet she feels as though she can't breath .
Avatar f tn She has some test at cardiologist and then they were going to monitor her heart for 30 days at which time the heart pounding subsided for about 2 years She is now going through an aweful ordeal When the drs take her pulse ox it is at 98 or 100 percent and yet she feels as though she can't breath .
Avatar f tn I am 51. female, very physically fit. I have never smoked. For a year now I have had episodes which start with a cough, usually in the evening. Then I get short-of-breath, have wheezing esp. on expiration. I had allergy testing done and have some allergies and chronic sinusiits. Finally ENT sent me to pulmonolgist. Pulmonary function tests were normal but she thinks I have asthma. I am on Xopenex inhaler and Quvar inhaler.
212161 tn?1599427282 thank you so much i have the rescue one xopenex hfa says its levalbuterol. than i have one for night its a powder its asmanex . i have been like this now for 2 months it seems to get better than last night it was not bad but woke me up at 1 could not sleep for coughing and wheezing and scared i was going have a bad attack and die from it , so i need the inhaler just to scared to take it. so are these ok or will the xop cause the heart speed. thank you so much.
Avatar n tn grass and peanut butter are amoung her most potent allergens. She is on allergy shots for grass. I give her organic vitamins with B12, B6, B2, and magnesium, as well as enzymes, probiotics, omega swirl with omega 3, 6, 9 all natural supplements that help to support an allergic and asthmatic system.
Avatar n tn Hi, fast heart rate is due to Xopenex. Initially, use of this drug is associated with this side effect but over a period of time, tolerance usually develops. In case if you have a pre exisiting heart disease, please avoid this drug. Consult you treating doctor to lower the dose or frequency, other alternative is sustained release deriphylline tablets.
Avatar n tn Do you also have a rescue medication? Some for of albuterol - ProAir, Proventil, Maxair, Ventolin, Xopenex and a few others. This is a necessity for when you have the shortness of breath (sob) feeling. Did the hospital tell you what to do about your potassium level? If you do not get that up, you could start having leg cramps. Advair and Symbicort can cause potassium and calcium levels to drop causing cramps. Take care and feel better.
Avatar f tn Last winter she starting having symptoms again which was a usually a cough that led to respiratory infection. If we caught the cough early enough with her inhaler (xopenex) and allergy med (zyrtec) we could avoid the infections. We made it all summer with no problems or use of meds. In August she started again with a cough so we started the Zyrtec and Xopenex again. Her Dr said if we had to use the inhaler more than 3 days/week to bring her in for an appointment.
Avatar f tn Hi Am going to do that with my temperature as i do get lots of unexplained sweats. I have also recently developed a buzzing in my ear constantly, i have got a lot of wax in my ear and have been given some dros to clear it, i hope this solves the problem and i haven't got something more serious like tinnitus. I am due to go back friday and they may syringe my ear if it hasn't cleared.
1580703 tn?1651904887 I'm still wheezing and have chest tightness when I exhale for 10 weeks now. I take Dulera/Singulair/Xopenex and Spiriva and sometimes Combivent. Is there a med like theophylline that can help me? I'm also having bad sleep apnea and am crippled by this and can't work or think because of my lung diseases. Is my sleep apnea caused by asthma or narrowed airway?
Avatar n tn We bought 2 guinea pigs 7 days before our 7 yr old began coughing and running a constant low grade temp. WE're now on day 13, but have taken 5 days of z-pac, xopenex nebulizer and codituss cough med with codiene. Her coughing during the day is much improved but as soon as she lies down for bedtime the coughing begins. She coughed over an hour before falling asleep and then coughed almost non-stop from 1:30-6:30 this am. Still running a low-grade temp.
1315759 tn?1274044788 or the breathing treatments? at the hospital, they give me xopenex, which works ok, not really good for me. the last time i went to the hospital, the therapist gave me atrovent and xopenex, with 4 doses in one. i told them it was making me too jittery, way more than normal and nobody listened. instead of getting better, it was staying the same and making me feel out of control. how can i get my doctor to prescribe me a pulse ox for at home?
454286 tn?1205883067 HI, my son (4 years old) has been coughing for a very long time with no answers from his doctors. His first xray in November of 2007 showed Atalectasis. Docs sent him home saying he had Croup and that atalectasis would clear up. Still coughing all these months, new pediatrician was diagnosed with Asthma in December. His asthma is also exercise induced. Saw pulmonologist and gave him Flow Vent and Albuterol inhalers , along with Decadron when the flare ups occurred and Croup.
312330 tn?1245176752 Flovent, serevent (essentially advair), singulair, zithromax and xopenex ( I am on several others but these are specifically for my asthmatic problems). Some people do very well on Theo...I hope that it works out for you.
Avatar n tn I've had asthma since I was 10 yrs old, I'm now 27. I've played soccer since I was a kid and never had any serious issues. About 2 yrs ago I had a real bad cold/sinus infection and ended up in the ER because of my asthma. Ever since then, I have not been able to get my asthma under control. I've been prescribed almost everything you can think of, steroids, albuterol, xopenex (inhaler and inhalation solution), budesonide, mucinex and that's just for my asthma.