
White bumps on lips skin

Common Questions and Answers about White bumps on lips skin


Avatar n tn Hi, This could be a part of Cheilitis, which is a medical condition involving inflammation of the lip. Or a bad case of Chapped lips , a condition whereby the lips become dry and possibly cracked. It may be caused by the evaporation of moisture. Lip balm can often provide temporary relief, though it should not be used extensively. One should avoid licking their lips as saliva contains the enzyme amylase, which can damage the already compromised lip tissue.
Avatar f tn They are are under the skin and recently seem to have spread just a bit but no more arround my lip is regular acne i do believe,but i have never broken out in my entire life this bad,tho it is not severe,it is more than i am used to,mainly the forehead,and arround my lips,basically black heads,except thes white bumps under my lips skin,if anyone has an idea please let me know
Avatar m tn Dr. Rockoff, Sometime in June I had oral sex with this guy. About a month later I started getting theses white bumps on the bottom of my lip. The bumps are very obvious. I don't know if it's an STD, but I have doubts about that because the bumps don't hurt nor are they inflammed or anything like that. When I do try to pierce te bumps, there is no pus or liquid, and they just come bacl. I just want these things to go away, but first I need to know what they are.
Avatar n tn When I stretch my lips the bumps turn white. They are only on the lips, do not go in the mouth or on the skin around the mouth. There's no itching or swelling or any other symptoms. Any ideas what's gonig on?
Avatar m tn He was pretty sure the white bumps on my lips were from the HSV-1. He put me on acyclovir.The antibiotics gave me thrush bad in my mouth and a bad rash around my anus and up my butt crack (I assume and hope the itching and redness there is just from the antibiotics). Here is my concern... 1) I have a had one or two 1 mm red bumps on my penis head for 3-4 weeks. It itched initially at first but not really anymore. They havent really changed appearence.
Avatar m tn I also noticed more white dots (these more noticeably dots, and more noticeably white) on the corners of my lips, and going up the lips a good ways. I've been putting denavir cream on for quite a while now, but the spots do not seem to be going away. My biggest concern is that they are contagious. The last thing I want to do is spread something to my girlfriend, since she has a much weaker immune system than me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Avatar n tn I have some very small white bumps on my face next to my mouth. they dont itch at all and they do not hurt. would not had known they were there if i didnt see them. What can these be? i shave that area alot. but i also touch my face alot with my hands.
Avatar f tn I am so confused, so first off a couple of months ago I woke up with tiny white bumps all along the lining of my bumps, the bumps looked like hair follicles that turned white! Well I freaked out and tried popping the bumps on one side and left the other side alone, well then I kept looking up my condition and figured that bacteria had gotten in my hair follicles near my lip because these bumps were not on my lip it was on the outside where the tiny hair is.
Avatar n tn The next day I began noticing small painless white bumps around the corners of my mouth. At first they only seemed noticeable after I put the blistex on them. Now yesterday I can see them even clearer. They don't burn, and the only sensation is a dryness of my lips. There has also been a discoloration of my upper lip that started about 2 days ago. It is also painless.
Avatar f tn The next day immediately that red patch went away and I was left with irritated skin like bumps all over still after the shower these white bumps would be more prone and would wipe away. Never once did it ooze scab etc. now days later everything went away. I just notice now a faint dry looking pink rash like on my lip. It comes up when I eat or put chapstick on and will not go away. Does not burn tingle ooze etc but when I do get out of the shower it appears to have white bumps then wipes away.
Avatar f tn Also, I looked inside of my mouth because I had been feeling bumpy things but I just thought it was from my braces. There are these little white bumps in the inside of my bottom lip. Also, at the top of my top lip there is something that looks like skin is coming off of the inside of my lip. It's completely white and when I went to pull on my lip, it came off. My top and bottom left side of my lips are also very puffy. Usually, if it was from braces it'd be gone by now.
Avatar f tn I got a cold sore last Saturday on my bottom lip and now it has been bleeding and forming a yellow crust on the area. Sometimes it drips down on my lip and I have to peel it off, which sometimes makes it bleed. I think I got two cuts on my lips too so I have been trying to keep them covered from my cold sore with vaseline. I apply abrevia and vaseline to the sore multiple times every day. When I woke up this morning, I noticed little bumps on my bottom lip.
Avatar f tn i had white bumps on my lips and it was itchy my lip got swollen and the i went to the hospital they gave me this pill called clindamycin and i couldnt eat anything cause if i did i would throw it up and then 1-2 weeks it was gone no more swelling or bumps or puss just me and my normal self i havent had it in over a year so i have to say try clindamycin i hope it works for you good luck
Avatar m tn It came back today (August) it itched I didn’t put Vaseline on it I do remember having dry lips and peeling skin off before it appeared but now it’s just dry there’s no scab no color change just a dry area.
Avatar m tn I didn't put chapstick on my lips for most of the day and the white spot became VERY white, so do you think it's chapped lips or something??
Avatar f tn I was shaving and noticed white bumps on the inside of my Vaginal lips. I am a 16 year old virgin who has only had one boyfriend and we barely kissed (though he is the exact opposite of a virgin). I am really scared as to what these bumps may be. I don't itch or have painful urination, but lately I have had more discharge than usual. Are these bumps normal? I am so embarrassed and don't want to talk to my mom. But I am scared to even go to a clinic by myself behind her back.
Avatar n tn i thought it was herpes but no sores developed before, and the bumps did not occur on the lips, only on the skin covered area. what could this be?
Avatar f tn At the same dermatology appt., I asked about some bumps I get on my nose. They look like white heads, sort of, except they're raised, they're very hard and transparent. They are more prominent when my body temp increases and regress when I cool down. He immediately diagnosed it as Rosacea and prescribed Finacea. I don't have evidence of what I know of Rosacea anywhere else on my face. I don't have red flushing or break-outs of any kind on my face.
Avatar f tn Hi I recently have noticed very tiny skin colored bumps mostly on the boarder of the lips and a little on the lips with the underlying skin being reddish. They don't itch and are rough. My lips also are chapped and dry. I had been wearing chap stick but it was old so I threw it out just in case and am using a new one I apply with clean fingers and wash my hands after. I have started on new meds Flexeril at night, lymbrel 500 twice a day, and Avosoy (non-prescription).
Avatar f tn Lately I have had a ripping pain like right above my pee hole I guess you could say where the skin meets in front of it and sometimes when I'd pee and the pee hit it it would hurt for a second... Also one day I noticed I was having pain in the back of my inner lips I think it's called the urethra and I noticed a white head looking bump there and right below it was a red ulcer looking bump...
Avatar m tn I have had a few small bumps for a long time now on my lips, that are whitish like very tiny pimples, that you could really only see if you stretched the skin. About 5 days ago, I noticed a quite few more start coming in but they're under the skin and lip -skin colored, and appear to be a little more raised up than before but still under the skin. They are hard to notice unless you're really looking for them in the mirror. Immediately I feared the worst - like herpes.
1044846 tn?1253522908 Just what it sounds like, but here's the kicker; I don't smoke, I don't share drinks, food, utensils, makeup, or lip balm, and I haven't kissed anyone outside of my family in 6+ months or had Sexual contact in almost a year (it's been a busy, boring, funeral-filled year. D: ). they're tiny, in a very small group, and on my bottom lip. They almost feel like dry-skin bumps, but I've never HAD bumps on my lips before. One of them may look like it has a blackhead. Is it.
Avatar n tn hi I'm having little white bumps on both sides of my lips. they are little clusters near the ends of my lips and they are identical. is this normal? is this herpes? i had a recent test for chlamydia and ghonorrea and they both came back normal. I hope that i am just freaking out. the bumps are in the same spot but on opposite sides of lips. any idea of what this could be?ive also been under a lot of stress and anxiety lately so i hope I'm to just freaking myself out more and more.
Avatar f tn Have you tried tracking when these bumps appear, what you have eaten and your stress level, what things you have placed on your skin, and where you have been? If Benadryl is working, it sounds like it's an allergic reaction in your body to something- that could even be stress. Try keeping a log of what you are seeing and see if that helps you to connect any dots.
Avatar n tn what are tiny white bumps on upper lip none painful comes and goes? This discussion is related to <a href=''>Recurring White Bumps on Lips</a>.
469423 tn?1207509695 This is so overwhemingly common - yet no doctor will put this puzzle together - at least in my luck. After digging for 5 years - I strongly believe this is a side effect of thyroid medications. I lean towards this bieng an imbalance on PH levels within the body with some individuals. HAve you had any discomfort within the tongue itself? Burning - swolleness of anything you can describe? Do you notice dry throat and thirst? Did you undergo RAI treatment after the TT?