
What is the drug ondansetron used for

Common Questions and Answers about What is the drug ondansetron used for


747988 tn?1396536878 The research is on using Zofran for fatigue in patients who have Hep C and chronic liver disease. They are not talking about fatigue following treatment with Interferon, although they do mention the fatigue seen during treatment.
Avatar f tn ve known women that have been prescribed promethazine during pregnancy and not had issues. I do want you to be educated though, here is what the FDA says about it and pregnancy. I pulled this from the drugs .com website. "FDA pregnancy category C. It is not known whether promethazine is harmful to an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during treatment. It is not known whether promethazine passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby.
374652 tn?1494811435 m a bit paranoid these days, and I hope your answer was sincere. I do think the praying helps because the only thing I can do is take the meds, what happens after that is out of my control.
Avatar f tn Just as anyone should when considering using ANY drug, OTC or otherwise. For example, Immodium is popular for detox for the inevitable bathroom issues. However, it should be used very cautiously with people who have a history of liver disease, those who have diarrhea caused by antibiotics, and those who are taking certain anti-virals. Another example is the use of herbal supplements. They are contraindicated with countless prescripition medicines.
Avatar f tn HI, Zoloft (sertraline) is used to treat depression, panic disorders and anxiety. Nausea is one the side effects of the drug. If Ondansetron is not helping there are other drugs like antacids and proton pump inhibitors that can give relief. You can ask your Doctor for a change of prescription. Also dietary modification like eating a bland non-spicy food, avoiding alcohol and smoking will help. The answer is based on information provided.
Avatar n tn Hi there, Ondansetron is used for treating vomiting. Constipation, dizziness and headache are the most commonly reported side effects associated with its use. These symptoms will ware off once you have stopped using the medication. This is merely an advice and not a substitute for clinical examination. I hope it helps. Best wishes and regards!
585414 tn?1288941302 s get some safer treatments out there as an option. Is this the very first possible adjunct for schizophrenia? What type of medicine is it?
Avatar f tn Ondansetron is Zofran hun. Its just the generic name for zofran. Even though theres a lawsuit, id say its more of a money maker. I took it both pregnancies and my babies came out fine. Youve got to look at whether the benefits outweigh the risk with ANY medication. If youre miserable and need to eat for baby, take it. My advice is try to only take it when u really need it, not on a regular basis. Stop as soon as symptoms ease up. Lots of water too.
Avatar f tn this is known as off labeling...where a drug is intended for one purpose but used for this case insomnia......
Avatar f tn Ondansetron is the generic for Zofran. Why would you refuse it? It's safe to take or your Dr wouldn't prescribe it to you. There's other meds out there if you don't want to take it. My Dr gave me Diclegis. It helped take the edge off the nausea.
Avatar f tn also that is the generic name for Zofran forgot to add that have a happy healthy 9mths.
Avatar f tn No abnormalities were noted in the offspring of these two women. Ondansetron is only recommended for use during pregnancy when benefit outweighs risk.
Avatar f tn Zofran (Ondansetron ) is the med of choice for cancer patients and people with advanced liver disease also. It is used to prevent both nausea and vomiting. So it won't harm your liver should that be an issue. Cheers!
Avatar f tn So they have me phenigran(fenigran) and it works wonders. The only down side to that is out makes you pretty sleepy. Luckily for me my morning sickness was mostly at night so that worked out for me!
Avatar f tn All I know is they do not prescribe it to one indivodual in large quantities and that bc it can affect and stay in your blood for so long they have to monitor how much an individual gets. Like if youve used it the last 6 months, ondansetron is one of two or three prescribed pills that eliminate you as a donor for plasma, blood, or other things.
1201433 tn?1328997637 Its effects are thought to be on both peripheral and central nerves. Ondansetron reduces the activity of the vagus nerve, which deactivates the vomiting center in the medulla oblongata, and also blocks serotonin receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone.
3093770 tn?1389739126 I suppose your Doctor is thinking since you only took 2 doese, that you havent built up a tolerance to the med yet, and he is figuring that your body may be better able to handle the Incivek, once it is used to the Interferon. I did read a study that said people who have a 4 week lead in with the Inf and the Riba, and then introduce the Incivek, did slightly better statistically, at clearling the virus.
Avatar f tn Palonosetron (Aloxi®) this is fairly new and only available IV, but it is the ONLY long-acting drug on the market—good for up to 5 days after administration.
2147300 tn?1369689688 Ondansetron is also available without a brand name, ie as the generic medicine.) Ondansetron is used to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting that can be caused by chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment for cancer, or by surgery. Vomiting is controlled by an area of the brain called the vomiting centre. The vomiting centre is responsible for causing feelings of sickness (nausea) and for the vomiting reflex.
Avatar m tn My Ontario drug benefit card only covers this medication for Cameo therapy patients. This medication is effective, but not affordable. Is there cheaper, as effective alternatives? If I use this medication for the duration of my Cannabis withdrawals ,will my nausea return after I stop taking the medication? Does the medication in a sense prolong my body's natural progress of becoming less Nauseous.
Avatar m tn Whether ChemoEmbolization, Ethanol injection into a liver tumor, injecting a cylinder of gold into my tumor or my upcoming radiation cancer treatments, I count and will count on these meds to help me deal with the common side effects post surgery. Of course the IV version is preferable after surgery. Within 3 seconds you can go from the edge of vomiting to no nausea...wala! A true wonder drug for us with cancer and having treatments almost monthly.
Avatar f tn B6 and unisom is the make up of the prescription drug diclegis - FDA category A. I used this combination when my diclegis samples ran out and doctor ok'd it. Works for me.