
What is cetirizine used for

Common Questions and Answers about What is cetirizine used for


Avatar n tn Overdoses of ANY medication can be fatal, no matter what it is. The dosage amount is based on your body composition, height, weight, etc., so 1800mg (while it is an exceedingly high dosage) could possibly be a normal dosage size for someone large in stature. I was under the idea that it was common knowledge that overdosing on any drug can be fatal, but I guess you didn't know.
Avatar n tn i started taking cetirizine about one year ago for allergy, mind irrretation and etc. i took it almost every day and felt much. now m feeling that m addicted to this. i want to stop taking this but i con't . when i sotp to take cetirizine again the problems arises like allergy,itching , irrrtation . i went to so many doctors but no useeeee. plz plz save me from this. now m feeling that i can not live without cetirizine.....
Avatar m tn I sneeze when I wash my face in cold water or when my face sweat. Is it called alergy? what is the remedy?
Avatar f tn Babywanted556, I couldnt take it anymore - I called my Ob and he prescribed the same as what you are taking Cetirizine. I just took one pill this pm and the itching has stopped so far. I didnt get a chance to ask my Ob if this can be taken till delivery but I will ask him the next time i see him. From what you said I dread to think if I skipped a day's dosage. Horrors!
Avatar f tn My allergist from Cleveland clinic here in Coral Spring FL prescribe me CETIRIZINE 10MG 3 tablets a day for a month and then bring it down to 2 a day. I began with the treatment on March 2021 as today July 27/2021 I can tell you that I'm feeling 85% better before was every single day going to hell, today I'm not completely free, but feel much much better. Try it. CETIRIZINE is the same as ZYRTEC, but less expensive if a Dr. prescribed it . Good luck.
Avatar f tn pls share with me what you did/took/is taking to stop this, am three weeks pregnant and has intching, my doc prescribed CETIRIZINE, but am scared to take this, can anyone confirm if its safe as am in first semister, pls help am worried.
Avatar n tn Based on the information available, loratadine or cetirizine may be considered the second generation antihistamines of choice. Pseudoephedrine is a nasal decongestant which can be used for allergic rhinitis. Glucorticoids when used locally is also safe in pregnancy. You need to consult gynecologist before starting above drugs. Take care and regards.
Avatar f tn this is known as off labeling...where a drug is intended for one purpose but used for this case insomnia......
Avatar n tn I began having a severe problem with hives recently. Am currently taking Cetirizine, Benadryl, Hydroxylene and am doing a tapering (18 day) prednisone treatment. I am wondering what is causing the dark circles under my eyes. I am getting enough sleep. Is it the allergy or one of the meds?
Avatar m tn Hi You have not mentioned whether you have any itching over the bumps. There is a common skin condition called hives or urticaria, which causes red and sometimes itchy bumps on your skin. Hives can occur anywhere on the body such as the trunk, arms, and legs. Hives are usually allergic (food, medication and insect stings) but may also be due to infections and stress. Many a times no specific cause for them is ever found.
Avatar n tn ABVD (Doxorubicin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, Dacarbazine) regimen is a common combination used for Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This is given every 2 weeks for about 12 sessions or 6 cycles (1 cycle = 2 sessions), depending on your response to treatment. If you are highly considering having a child someday, I suggest you tell this to your doctor since one of the side effects of chemotherapy is infertility. Other side effects include hair loss, body weakness, nausea and vomiting, and allergic reaction.
Avatar f tn I Filled Up The Bath Tub And Had Her Soak In It For Awhile And She Didnt Itch When Covered In Water. What Is Her Condition Called, Sould She Go To The Doctor, And What Is A Treatment?
Avatar n tn I used the bathroom while I was out there and now my groin is itchy and is slightly reddish. the skin on the left side of my scrotum has becom wrinkled and feels thick. Under my left eye it is slightly red and puffy with itching. I dont have any blisters or anything like that but I believe it may be just a mild reaction from the leaf. Am looking for advice on what this could be.
Avatar f tn I get hives and I take something that is similar to zyrtec for it. Cetirizine 10mg given to me by my VA (veteran affairs) doctor. It's safe. Get well soon. I know the feeling and it *****.
Avatar f tn I notice there is a white head on the tip as well. really dont know what is it.. I have been taking antibiotics (a week) and cetirizine (one month) and isotrotinoin (few months time) for a while. That is strange as I assume cetirizine should help anti-allergy as doctor prescribed to me when I had other allergy on my skin - it occurs when my skin have pressure on it and it goes red and itchy, when you scatch it, it swells a big piece.
Avatar m tn I need help, what can I do to ease the rash, is there anything I can buy at the drugstore without a prescription? Anything please to stop this itching and bring the rash to a stop.
Avatar n tn Sedating antihistamines such as Chlorphenamine(Benadryl) is used at night to get urticaria control. Short courses of oral cortisone or steroids are taken for short periods (one to three days) to settle more severe symptoms.You may take Vitamin C and apply calamine lotion on the rashes. If the hives don’t go after 6 wks of treatment also, then it can be a case of chronic urticaria which needs further evaluation as it may be due to auto antibodies. Hope it helps.