
What is aciphex used for

Common Questions and Answers about What is aciphex used for


Avatar f tn Huh. This is an interesting dilemma, because Amoxicillin and Aciphex are sometimes used together to treat certain types of recurrent stomach ulcers associated with the H. pylori bacteria in the digestive tract. The irony is, if you have ulcers and take Aciphex alone, the Aciphex could make the symptoms worse. Clearly something changed after taking the antibiotics, and now your ally in heartburn control has become your enemy.
Avatar m tn I connect a straight line between the taking of aciphex and the development of GERD. Is this a reasonable conclusion? or is there some other more likely explanation?
Avatar n tn i have almost that same problem. i was diagnosed with gerd three months ago i was taking nexium for it and it seemed to have cleared it all up.... then all at once it came back but now i get the shakey, lightheaded, feeling, pain under my left rib cage, fullness in the middle of my chest, lump feeling in my throat, and sometimes that acidy taste when i burp in my throat and mouth, along with the heavy chest feeling and racing heart. i take zantac 150 now maybe itll work. idk...
Avatar f tn PPI's (proton pump inhibitors) are a group of medications used to treat GERD like Prilosec, Prevacid, Protonix, Aciphex, Nexium, and Dexilant.
Avatar n tn (1) Is the above true? (2) Are the side effects the same, and (3) What's the difference between the two. Thanks for your time.
Avatar n tn Make sure to check with your doctor that it is safe for you to discuntinue use of the Aciphex before you go off of it though. I might also consider getting tested for the H-Polory again because I think its not uncommim for it to show a false-negative, and it can also come back again. Just a thought if your still feeling bad. Also Benadryl works great for nausea, ya have to give it about an hour to kick in though.
Avatar f tn this is known as off labeling...where a drug is intended for one purpose but used for this case insomnia......
Avatar m tn I wish gastroenterologist Physicians Assistant had told me what the inflammation was, reason for Aciphex. Nothing I can do now - - I should have ASKED if o.k. to discontinue. Can you give me facts about what I have done with discontinuing. I am truly scared. appointment for endoscopy Aug. 6th, consult on July 23rd. thank you.
Avatar f tn Hi. I take Prevacid, which is a little pricey, even with insurance. However, there is another one, Aciphex, which was about 30 dollars cheaper. I am back on the Prevacid as the Aciphex didn't work as well ( for me...I was on Prevacid for years and only switched because of the cost...65 dollars). You may want to ask about that. Also, I was told my pharmacist that otc prilosic works well too.
Avatar n tn I'm taking omeprazole for acid reflux's. Is there a similar medicine that does not carry the dizziness label. My acid reflux's is low.
Avatar n tn I was on it 2 times a day for 2 months. It didn't do anything for me, either. But then again, I'm not having much luck with any of them. I've now been on Aciphex for 1 month and it hasn't solved the problem yet. It does make you burp more.
Avatar n tn There is a condition related to acid reflux called water brash. I'm not sure if that's what you're describing but it might be described as 'hypersalivation.' As far as your stopping the Aciphex, just because you're now negative for H. pylori doesn't mean your acid reflux is gone. You may need to continue with some medication and diet change for quite awhile to try to make sure that you're actually okay, and just not 'not feeling heartburn.
711902 tn?1229431139 My dermatologist thinks that is is due to prolonged use of Nexium. So if I can no longer take Nexium for acid reflux what can I take? Thanks.
Avatar n tn My husband is taking Aciphex for reflux, yet he continues to have stomach pain, not hearburn. He has recently had an upper GI and nothing was found. Nothing he takes orally helps the pain. What should he do if the specialist can't find his problem.
Avatar n tn Now on zoloft and aciphex for Gerd. It has helped alot (the aciphex) but I still get those pains and when I do it just sends me over the edge. Dr says my lungs are clear.
Avatar f tn Wow that is awesome! My nephew has had this burping problem for sometime now along with chronic acid refux so I am going to tell him to try this out. Thanks!!
Avatar f tn I read your profile and if you have neurological issues, they are likely related to inadequate B12 as gastric acid is needed for its production (for your purposes the Methylocobalmin form is of specific interest since it is the neurological form of B12) and please don't rely on any blood tests which only test for general levels of Cobalamin and not Methylocobalamin and the lab ranges are far too low.
Avatar f tn You can ask the doctor if he (or the one who diagnosed you with GERD), knows, what is actual reason for your GERD - is it an anatomical change in your stomach/esophagus, or is it due to increased acid secretion (or both). Anatomical changes may be treated with surgery. Acid hypersecretion is treated with H2 blockers (Ranital..) or with antacids (Tums).