
What does a cpap device look like

Common Questions and Answers about What does a cpap device look like


Avatar n tn Anyone aware of a device that a dentist can make and install that extends the jaw forward to help relieve sleep apnea?
1555684 tn?1294434646 It is the size of an Ipod. I guess they insert a device in the neck and the device sends an electric impulse to the tongue to prevent obstruction of the airway. sounds great hope it works.
Avatar f tn hazyworld, some are able to effectively treat their apnea with a dental device, but not everyone. Have an honest talk with a reputable provider about your chances of it working for you. They are designed to pull the lower jaw forward, and some complain of pain or have TMJ trouble. But some are willing to do anything to avoid using CPAP. I didn't like CPAP at first either. Are you on oxygen because you aren't using CPAP or with a CPAP?
Avatar f tn Hi you can try a snoring mouth guard as an alternative to CPAP. This is what my husband and I are both using for our sleep apnea (throat airway obstruction)
679466 tn?1247006054 can you tolerate sleeping with a device in your mouth, and does it help you sleep better? If yes to both, then you can justify getting fitted for a more customized, adjustable and sophisticated dental device. There are many dentists that deal with this particular condition. First of all, how well can you breathe through your nose? If it's not to good, I would address this first, whether medically or surgically. Secondly, what's your favorite sleep position?
Avatar m tn t found a device that does all 3. It would be nice to have a device that would catch arrhythmia just in case that's an issue). I don't know what other questions to ask. Help!
Avatar n tn The most common treatment and arguably the most consistently effective treatment for sleep apnea is the use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. In addition to CPAP, a dentist specializing in sleep disorders can prescribe Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT). So please contact your doctor if you have not done it before so that treatment can be started. Regards and God bless.
Avatar n tn I suffer from anxiety/depression. I use a C-PAP device, but still must have window open (if in winter) to sleep. I sleep best with moving air. When the air is completely still at night, I feel panicky. What can I do? My psychiatrist only prescribes medications.
Avatar m tn It is the most frightening thing I have EVER experienced and it takes an almost sleepless night to finally fall asleep. I will use a Pure Sleep oral device in conjunction with my CPAP to finally fall, and/or fall back asleep...without it I feel my throat close over. I mentioned this to my new doctor's office and was given a chin strap. Upon returning, he convinced me that it was due to my manibular position and anxiety, and that I was probably not wearing my chin strap every night.
Avatar n tn I have just got a CPAP machine and have had 3 nights with it. I've had sleep apnea for many many years and finally did something about it. My questions are for those who've been through the "getting used to it" process.
Avatar n tn I finally convinced my primary care physician to write a prescription for cpap. You need a prescription for a cpap machine since it is a medical device - it is illegal to sell it without one. As someone with undiagnosed UARS, I will tell you that the dental device (TAP, Somnodent) is much better first-line treatment. It took me 3 months to adjust the dental devices to reach the optimum lower jaw advancement setting. I have tried both the cpap and TAP and Somnodent dental devices.
Avatar m tn Hello, I'm 255 pounds/30 years old. I recently had a sleep study and I won't bore you with whole report but can you tell me how severe this sounds and would you consider CPAP mandatory? My main SYMPTOMS have been waking from my sleep with sinus tachycardia and shortness of breath, as well as depersonalization and sleepiness during the day. Does the follow explain this?
Avatar m tn They tried the full mask and then the one that only covers your nose. I felt like I could not draw a deep breath and panicked. The main reason is that it always seems like one side of my nose is stuffed up (for the past 6 months or so). This makes it harder to breath with the machine and, once it gets in my head, I just cannot go to sleep. Any suggestions or ideas? I heard about the mouth guards that help snoring/apnea, do these really work?
541196 tn?1293552936 All these are wired up to a box which sits on a bedside table. They also clip an oxygen measuring device to your finger and put two belts around your chest, a microphone near your throat, and a small measuring device right in front of your nostrils. It is hard to sleep ( I have done this four times and it doesn't get better) However, they can still get data even if you don't sleep very well.
Avatar m tn Sleep apnea, appropriately treated using any modality, can normalize your heart risk factors. This is why it's important to undergo a sleep test with your device in place to make sure that your numbers are within normal limits.
Avatar n tn Hello, I'm 27 years old and have been diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnea. I am not overweight and I cannot stand the CPAP. My ENT said I'm a good candidate for UPPP, but from all the horror stories I read online, I opted to just have a tonsillectomy. After a couple weeks after the surgery, my sleep apnea symptoms returned. My symptoms are that I wake up gasping for air in the middle of the night. I am now seriously considering UPPP.
1679858 tn?1346765181 My doctor THEN informed me that I had mild sleep apnea (a year after the diagnosis!) I now have a cpap machine which is helping (amazingly) with morning neck and head pain. It took 7 years to get this help! Cervical mri in a week. Just wanted to share this sequence of events. Hope this helps someone get the right help (sooner than I did!
514349 tn?1272801633 I have other sleep problems, but I have not yet had to go to a CPAP. I understand if I wish to go to a CPAP my doctor requires I do another overnight in hospital (or other sleep study center) CPAP test to determine the best "settings" for me. So far I am CPAP free.
Avatar f tn Cpap machines are a scam. Horrible contraptions that ruin health and break relationships. Big money is made selling these monstrous, ugly, humiliating machines. All of the companies want you to think that they are wonderful and your spouse will love it and it's great look. You will have a personal, intimate relationship with this machine that will become more important than your spouse. Your spouse will feel left out, betrayed and alone. Do not fall for the scam. Demand another option.
568603 tn?1240404035 Other treatment options include Automatic Titrating (Auto)-CPAP Pressure Device,oral appliances and surgery like uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and maxillomandibular advancement.I feel that you need to consult an ENT or sleep specialist and discuss these options with them. Pls let us know if you have any more doubts. Take care and God bless.
Avatar n tn HI, I have been having some problems with being out of breath, and I was recently diagnosed with Sleep apnea. I was sent to a pulmonologist who has done a whole bunch of tests. I had a Oximetry overnight test done and it showed I had 306 desaturations that were longer than 20 secs but less than 3 mins. I had 28 desaturations that were longer than 3 mins. My lowest O2 level was 72, and the highest was 97. approx 26% of my sleep was in the 80's, 18% was above 95 and 19.
Avatar f tn Thanks for your comments, Dr. Park. They will certainly help me over the coming months as I decide what to do about alternatives to CPAP. However, your comment about a "vicious cycle" made me have another perspective about the interaction between body and mind, so to speak: it may take a prolonged period of CPAP use to calm my nervous system, even if the breathing problems are being addressed. Thus, I may be on the road to recovery, and yet not feel much benefit.
Avatar f tn You could start by trying them for very short periods and then increase the timing as you get more comfortable. Alternatively, you could try BiPAP, which is a bi level pressure device, which regulates according to inspiration and expiration, and hence is more comfortable. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.