Ways to reduce stress and anxiety

Common Questions and Answers about Ways to reduce stress and anxiety


Avatar m tn By no means do I mean to reduce the severity of what you are feeling when you have these side effects - however - have you given thought to these symptoms maybe being related to anxiety about the medications themselves? i.e. sensations that appear because you are anticipating side effects? That is a possibility...
Avatar f tn The warm up should be done for other reasons namely to get your tendons/muscles used to the stress to come - and I mean "stress" in the physical sense and not related to an Adrenaline rush.
4152590 tn?1350772856 I had a bad night last night. First, I had to sit through a 5 hour meeting yesterday and developed what i think is sciatic nerve pain down my left buttock and leg. I've had this kind of pain before and don't think it's MS related. Then, last night, I was working on an important document on my computer and lost it. Needless to say, I was very upset. It was late, so I just called it a night.
10707428 tn?1415569790 Please help my fever is only 101.3 but its driving me crazy for the 5th day already and it doesnt go down at all, what are some natural ways to reduce fever? I've tried showers and tea and drinking lots of fluid but its not helping. I have pneumonia and started taking antibiotics yesterday but they havent started working yet. What can i do to reduce fever until antibiotics start working??
Avatar n tn I know anxiety is hard thing to deal with especially when stressed so I recommend that you try to go see a therapist. It really helps. I had a bad case of anxiety/ panic order about 8 weeks ago, I started seeing a therapist soon after and I tell you I feel so much better and I am not on med and I am so thnkful for that and depends on what you belief in , I also pray a lot way more than I ever did and I am not stopping. Because it is part of my healing process.
Avatar m tn I know it is very hard to reduce stress if the stressor is still present but ways to help with the stress include taking a good multi vitamin and listen to calming music or watching medication videos etc. I did neither at the time. smh.
Avatar m tn If you need anymore information on natural ways and or traditional ways to treat your anxiety you can send me a PM and i will be pleased to respond to you and giving you all advices i have in my bag of tricks.
168348 tn?1379357075 org/posts/show/498231 The CL of Anxiety, JSGeare will be with us on the above posted thread to help us find ways to reduce our stress/anxiety! Pls. go welcome him and stop by the thread! SURPRISE!
Avatar m tn All of the above are methods used in CBT and when done everyday can reduce anxiety to a piont that you will be able to live a normal life.
Avatar n tn I have discovered that taking Vitamin B Complex capsules have helped reduce my stress and anxiety levels. Also, I still love taking Flinstone vitamins, on top of the vit B complex. I feel great when I don't miss out in taking one a day. I think I would rather deal with my symptoms than the side effects of meds too. I used to take Zoloft and Prozac and Klonopin. Seperate time periods, but I didn't like the unreal feeling they made me feel like and the stomach cramps from them.
Avatar f tn do it for sure cuz there can be alot of ways to overcome anxiety without taking a pill...addictive or not. discuss it with him/her and state what your concerns are and see what you can come up with. This will totally pass.... A few days ago you were feelin so good and were full of energy ..... It can't be like that everyday ....not for any of us.
Avatar f tn Can exercise and healthy eating help reduce stress and anxiety and hence associated allergy symptoms?
Avatar f tn Oh...I do know how you feel. It is terrible to be waiting for surgery. For me, I was nervous up until I I was knocked out with the anesthesia. But, some activities were helpful the day before. I recommend keeping your mind busy with movies, reading, time with family and friends...etc. Don't allow yourself to play the "what if" game. Tell yourself you will be ok and believe it.
1348086 tn?1370783185 I used to have chronic irritability which was caused from stress and negative thinking but I found ways to reduce the stress, like exercising, eating a better diet and engaging in hobbies I enjoy. From what you wrote it sounds like stress might be the root cause. You should figure out ways to reduce stress.
Avatar f tn Based on surfin the web. Stress can cause white hairy tongue. so i believe that thing to reduce my HIV anxiety. and also hiv cases in japan is relatively low that the chance is non existent. but it doesnt mean i dont need to test. my doctor tested me on gonorrhea and chlamydia and it came negative.
Avatar m tn A therapist can determine if yours has a root cause, discover what that is....and help you to deal with it and ease your anxiety. You will learn many coping techniques and how to think in a more positive way when you feel your anxiety rising. I hope this helps!
Avatar n tn Then I talk to my therapist of my anxiety and try to find ways to cope with it. Yes there are medicines like Klonapin, Zanax, paxil, vitacan and among other things but they are temporary helpers not permanent. You have to try to find triggers of ur anxiety and find ways to cope with it. Sometimes by taking these antianxiety medicine you become addicted and can be defficult to wean urself off of it. Sometimes I ask myself, "Are my fears rational?
1342745 tn?1276187960 stress and ibs is there a connection most will say yes but then stress seems to be connected to almost everything except a warm smile i too would have ibs a long time now and like u in a way would have some days up and others down and be on the same diet etc ....and u start thinking what the i ate that the other day and i was fine and now i have diarreha/constipation etc whats up ...
Avatar m tn what you experienced is same with me. every time im stress i always went to the comfort and doesn't like to eat. i really hate stress and anxiety it makes me felt bad with my physical health.
Avatar f tn i was diagnosed with them 8 yrs ago and i dont want the same to happen to you!!! the palpatations cause anxiety and anxiety causes palpatations its a vicious circle, everytime you get them say to yourself THEY ARE NOT DANGEROUS AND THEY WONT kILL YOU.
Avatar f tn Now I am highly stressed and trying SO hard to reduce my stress levels but because my pressure keeps fluctuating it is becoming almost impossible to not worry. As soon as I SEE a bp machine I almost go into a panic! My doctor put me back on Metroplol (was on it back in 2007) to reduce my heart rate which we hoped would reduce my blood pressure. Well it did but I'm still 150/92, 140/94, 130/90.
Avatar f tn Over the past 7 years I have been on Effexor-XR as I became depressed when my only child went overseas and is still there (I have accepted this now), however over that time I have had 4 elderly family members become heavily dependent on me, all with varying degrees of dementia and the stress attached to this affects me every day.