
Warfarin mg

Common Questions and Answers about Warfarin mg


Avatar m tn However, when I visited the Cardiologist for the first time last Wednesday he informed me that neither he nor any of the other Cardiologists wanted me to continue taking Warfarin, and that they wanted me to switch over to one 81 mg baby aspirin a day. Does this make any sense, and if so, what is their reasoning? This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Heart-Rhythm/How-long-to-stay-on-Tykosin-/show/514573">How long to stay on Tykosin </a>.
Avatar f tn I have on many occassions stopped my warfarin for medical procedure reasons. I take only 5 mg a day. So, in my exlperience on can stop "cold turkey" without any problems other than an increased chance of blood clots and storke. I have several risk factors, oncluding permenant AFib, so I have no choice. I do not have many side effects from Warfarin, but I am on less than half the dose you are taking. Do discuss with your doctor at your earliest, surely within a week or two.
Avatar f tn I am always in the 2-3 range, and guess Warfarin would hold be at 2.5 + if I took 7.5 mg a day. I am not suggesting a dose change, just sharing experience. I eat green vegetables/salads often and it doesn't seem to make any big change. I also take a mulch-vitamin that includes "K", and I wonder if that level addition each day helps stabilize my "K" level against my "K" input due to diet. The supplement I take is a fractional "K" as I recall.
Avatar f tn Check out this web site for information....
Avatar f tn Seven months ago I had a pulmonary embolism and I am told this may have been the second one.I am taking 7 mg of warfarin a day and my INR is 2.5.I had a liver transplant 10 months ago,and was told my vascular system was not great.Given my overall situation I am concerned about heart attacks and strokes.Do you think I should be taking 75mg of aspirin a day as well as the warfarin?Thanks.
612551 tn?1450022175 My cardiologist has never expressed any concern about long term use of any AFib drugs, I'm on - and I have asked. I take 5 mg Warfarin and 100 mg (or more) of Metoprolol SR every day.
1569985 tn?1328247482 I take my warfarin before bed, so my time off warfarin is more like 1.5 days than two days. I go back on warfarin right after the exam, may take 7.5 mg instead of the usual 5 mg to get back on INR faster. I believe being off of warfarin increases my risk of a clot, but the risk is still low. Anyway, I split the difference toward the side of limiting clot risk while slightly increasing the risk of bleeding due to (minor) surgery.
Avatar m tn t have that property, that effect, is Zebinix 800 mg or 1200 mg (find it on Google). Zebinix is sold in tablets and is being considered internationally as a success drug for the treatment of epilepsy, particularly, but not only, for people who can not take other drugs because they take daily those anticoagulants or blood thinners..
Avatar f tn I am 16 weeks pregnant and have had an Mitral Valve replacement around 20 yrs back - I am on Lovenox and now due to my heart condition my doc recommended I switch to Warfarin - I wanted to know if there is anyone out there who ahs taken warfarin in the second trimester and what are the outcomes? Please I will really apreciate it. I am so apprehensive but I know it will help my heart since i had 2 mini strokes recently. Please anyone out there?????
Avatar f tn I started 5 mg of warfarin on is sunday and i am seriously considering not taking my dose today at 10am. I started my schedule for taking it at 10am daily. When i took my first dose friday at 10am later that day right around 3 or 4 i started experiencing intense upset stomach.
882102 tn?1240622411 I am now taking 8mg of Atacand a day for blood pressure, Sotocor 80mg, a baby aspirin and magnesium aspartate dihydrate (1 pill of 550 mg - 37.4 mg of Mg ). The magnesium seems to help heart stability but taken in combination with calcium heart stability decreased significantly. I have been fit all my life and still am relatively fit certainly well above average for my age. I have run for about 40 years and still jog a little walk about 5 -10 kilometers a day and swim, kayak, etc.
Avatar m tn 9 Months ago I had a DVT, Which broke off and became a PE. The DVT was in my Left Knee, and after 3 months of using Warfarin and several Ultrasounds and VQ Scans Later I was diagnosed as Fine and no more need for the Warfarin.
612551 tn?1450022175 8, my cardiologist tells me to take an extra 1/2 warfarin does for one or even two nights. My regular is 5 mg at bedtime. Then, given my history of being stable they do not ask me for a followup check until my regular every 4 weeks. I still go to the hospital for blood tests. Now for me I can also say when I am over, say 3.2, I don't have any bleeding problems that I can detect, thus my fear of going over 3.0 is minimal. I believe people with a mechanical valve are normally in the 3.
Avatar f tn My mom is taking Warfarin for blood clots. She was taking 3 mg and INR tested at 2.4 - doc said that was perfect. Then she got bronchitus and UTI and was in the hospital/rehab for 2 1/2 weeks. After she got out, Dr put her back on 3 mg, but she tested 1. So doc upped it to 4 1/2 mg for 2 weeks - she is still at 1.1. He's not happy about upping dosage to 6, but wants to get her INR back to 2.5.
Avatar n tn I am not sure why the OP is concerned about increasing the warfarin dosage, as 2.5 mg is a small dose.
Avatar m tn All occurred with activity and were relieved by rest and sublingual nitro. Her daily medications include Digoxin 0.125 mg, Furosemide 40 mg, Warfarin 5 mg, Lovastatin 20 mg at HS. Captopril 12.5 mg. KCL 20 mEq BID, and the nitroglycerine described above. We are to describe the pharmacological treatments present in this persons treatment plan.
Avatar n tn Follow up, reading back on your mothers valve replacement. Replacement to me means she may have a mechanical valve, if so I understand that requires the use of a blood anticoagulant. If she had a biological valve an anticoagulant may not be needed. So, please add this observation to my comment about no relationship between the valve work and a clot.
Avatar m tn I have suffered with taking diltiazem(180 mg ER) AND metoprolol (50 mg ER) for atril fibrillation for the past two and a half years. The side effects have been debilitating.. Both drugs have the same side effects and together and one or the other or both create what I can only describe as chaotic turbulence in my chest and pain in my left arm when the second drug kicks in.. My cardiolgist now wants me to add a blood thinner (xarelto) to my meds menu.
Avatar n tn Thanks for the input. And you are right, passing it by the doctor is smart!
Avatar n tn m on Warfarin and i do take various supplements to help with the blood thinning so as not to be on larger mg. of Warfarin. You have to do your own investigation with caution on what works!! Please don't ask me what supplements I take or the list of various supplements that can thin your blood because just like with prescription drugs every person doesn't take the same Rx. Unless you know what you're doing and even then it's not a100% guarantee.
Avatar n tn - why a clot should form in my heart when the muscles were damaged six years back and considering that I am on aspirin+clopidogrel which too have anti clotting function. - warfarin may be slightly better as compared to aspirin+ clopidogrel, but in my case with no AF, does it makes sense getting into this risky business of conatantly monitoring of INR and fear of bleeding. - I have seen on net some other drugs in market which are equally good as warfarin with lower risk of bleeding.