
Varenicline smoking

Common Questions and Answers about Varenicline smoking


Avatar f tn E cigarettes and legal smoking blends are quite potent and handy in quitting smoking. These have same effects but are safe.
Avatar f tn Hello, Chantix (varenicline) and Zyban (bupropion) are the only two non-nicotine medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for smoking cessation; both are available in pill form and only by prescription. Chantix received FDA approval in 2006; Zyban was approved in 1997. These drugs can be effective tools, but users need to be aware of some potentially serious side effects. You can try that and they are very cheap in some pharmacy's.
Avatar f tn I realy want to quit smoking and it is hard for me to say no and put them down anyone have any advise on how to stop smoking.
286124 tn?1214938528 I also smoke and have gotten a perscription for Chantix. It is supposed to help me stop smoking. It releases dopamine slowly in your body to help you fight your cravings. My question is this: can Chantix also help with coming off of these pills? any advice will be very appreciated. I will post again to tell my story. I'm at work and wanted to ask real quick! thanks again!
Avatar n tn I would seek his Doctors help on this. Yes there is no smoke with harmful particles using electric cigarettes, but you still receive Nicotine. This chemical hits the Brain in less than 10 seconds and starts all kinds of chemical reactions. Heart rates increases, blood pressure increases, sugars are released into the blood to name but a few. I think his Doctor would need to help with the addiction. There are 2 types of addiction.
444932 tn?1273980797 I've been taking chantix to quit smoking but I started that over one week ago so I would think that would have started before now, don't you? Nothing else new. Guess I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it. Thanks for writing back.
Avatar f tn I hate smoking and I am an athlete and none of my friends smoke. I have been smoke free for 2 weeks and have no cravings but dream are out of control, I get very sleepy during the day, bloated lilke when I was pregnant. I don't want to give in and just accepting that this is what I have to do in order to stop. Also, I have been so irritated I feel like I could kill someone......have to pray and keep things in control.
Avatar f tn 10 weeks to go and I could not stop smoking cigarettes sometimes im trying to cut down to 2 or 3 per day but couldn't quit will my coming babyl be effected :(
Avatar f tn I wouldnt be as concerned being on a low mg patch for a week or two to have a better chance of succseeding as i would be smoking , its the way alot of midwives ect recommend initially to stop smoking . Agree long term is'nt recommended . to have a monitered and organised plan with midwife , nurse is important and more succsessful. Women shouldnt be put off from short term from patch or gum ect if it stops them smoking. Its far better for baby and mother than smoking .
7933716 tn?1396130374 do any moms smoke cigetettes with there pregnancy because I was smoking before I was pregnant and now im trying really hard not to any more but it is sooooooo hard not especially when im in stressful situations
Avatar n tn What are your thoughts about smoking 3 cigarettes a day while pregnant ...
Avatar f tn The first trimester is the most important because is when everything is developing if you love your baby it shouldnt be that hard.. I dont mean to be rude but you are harming your baby by still smoking knowing you are pregnant. really i hope you start putting your baby before cigarretes and maybe this is not what you want to hear but its the truth.. NO CIGARRETES = HEALTHY HAPPY BABY GOOD MOMMY.... KEEP SMOKING = UNHEALTHY BABY THANKS TO BAD MOMMY... GOOD LUCK..
Avatar f tn s ok to smoke during pregnancy but i feel like more people will give you hate comments to try and scare you but i smoked 4-5 maybe a day with my first and he is perfectly normal I am pregnant with my second and I have stopped smoking all together but if you can try to cut back even more try or try a vapor with no nicotine in it
Avatar n tn I am ten weeks and two days. First let me start by saying constructive criticism is welcome but put downs and rude self righteous comments are not. Ok, I have been smoking since I was 15 I'm 25 now. With my first child I lost the desire to smoke n quit immediately, with this one it is much harder I slowed down a lot then stopped for like two weeks until I got the urge and just took a couple of puffs. Now I have atleast one or two puffs a day and I know that's not a lot but I feel awful!
Avatar f tn Im almost 21weeks now and still smoking average of 5cigs a day. I dont know how to quit anymore, feels like i've tried everything...I do want to stop smoking but it just feels impossible. Any tips ladies, how did you stop smoking?
Avatar f tn They do tell you it's best not to quit if you have been smoking for awhile and smoke multiple cigarettes a day because you do have withdraws that they say harm your baby. But if she really wanted to quit while she was pregnant she could have I know many women who have smoked for years a pack a day and yet they stayed away from cigarettes while pregnant.
Avatar f tn I was actually just reading the SIDS guidelines which now recommend you avoid smoking or exposing baby to cigarette smoke while pregnant and for the first year! I quit cold turkey 5yrs before starting my family but still thought that was interesting. Good luck for your quitting too!
Avatar f tn We have been wanting another baby, but wow it happened. Our oldest will be 2 in Feb. My question is, just this year I started smoking so my last pregnancy I didn't have to worry about it. I want the best for my little seed growing in me, but everytime I tell myself this is the last one all j can think about is another cigarette. I don't want meds bit cold turkey isn't working either.
Avatar f tn Hi. I'm just curious in people's opinions of something. I am an ex smoker. No longer have the habit. My child's daycare have been taught that smoking kills people etc.. so move away from people if they're smoking. A lot of parents from the daycare have come in abusing the child care Centre as they're smokers and there young children keep telling them they're going to die.
Avatar f tn Hi. I'm just curious in people's opinions of something. I am an ex smoker. No longer have the habit. My child's daycare have been taught that smoking kills people etc.. so move away from people if they're smoking. A lot of parents from the daycare have come in abusing the child care Centre as they're smokers and there young children keep telling them they're going to die.
Avatar f tn I smoked in 3 pregnancies, cut down but never quit. This time however I absolutely made up my mind that I wouldn't. And I succeeded!! You really need to make a firm division. If you have doubt in your mind like I did previously...thinking "but I like smoking" and such, you will fail. But if you are truly ready you will overcome!! Good luck!