
Varenicline other uses

Common Questions and Answers about Varenicline other uses


Avatar f tn You are talking about Chantix (Varenicline tartrate) that should be available worldwide. If not, ask your doctor for other suggestion for quitting smoking.
Avatar f tn Hello, Chantix (varenicline) and Zyban (bupropion) are the only two non-nicotine medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for smoking cessation; both are available in pill form and only by prescription. Chantix received FDA approval in 2006; Zyban was approved in 1997. These drugs can be effective tools, but users need to be aware of some potentially serious side effects. You can try that and they are very cheap in some pharmacy's.
Avatar n tn Could you be thinking of Topamax, which can have the side effect of weight loss when used for other indications, so is sometimes used for that purpose?
Avatar n tn But seek his Doctors help, there are usually counselling groups where people in the same position go and chat to each other.
Avatar n tn All she cares about is sex. The other day my boyfriends 15 year old sister stopped by and my mom gets on the computer looking at very graphic sexual pictures. She made no attempt to hide it either and now his sister is scared to come over anymore. Also a few days before, his other little sister was here watching a movie with me and my mom had a guy come over and went upstairs and was having really loud sex and she knew I had company. she didnt even bother to shut her door.
Avatar f tn He should do this with your strong encouragement, with the help of his doctor and prescription of nicotine replacement therapy along with at least one other smoking cessation medicine such as Wellbutrin® (buproprion) or Chantix® (varenicline), counseling and group support, both at home and in his workplace. This is a critical moment for your father.
612551 tn?1450022175 But, the weight loss which may be do to the Ginseng affect on the digestion of carbohydrates and other sources of sugar production may be a benefit in my case. Okay, shared for whatever value on this forum... but another, I decided to cut back to 1 gram a day to see what happens to my weight. I gradually gained back about 5 pounds, suggesting Ginseng does in fact help me control weight, I love carbohydrates. But, I also notices a worse feeling of fatigue...
Avatar n tn Have you heard of alternate uses for Armidex? I have endometriosis stage 4, I had 2 surgeries in 2006, and my surgeon is putting me on Armidex to try to control the pain. Is this a common use for this medicine?
Avatar f tn I have been reading that they help with people who suffer from hypo. I was wondering if anyone uses one and what are your opinions of the treatment.
Avatar f tn no one wanted to foster the male i had so i had to give him a new home. the female on the other hand my friend is fostering her for me. but its a 30 minute drive and its just to far for me. every since they left i am having really bad depression, anxiety, and been just feeling at my all time low. i cannot even go outside because i start to cry and shake and feel like I'm going to pass out. i don't feel calm without them around.
612551 tn?1450022175 You can picture this as one-dimensional ultrasound where the images are continuously placed after each other, sort of like a flip book. Afterwards, the heart as a whole is examined in 2-d from different angles, and finally your valve function and blood streams are examined with doppler. The cardiologist will also possibly examine your aorta and carotid arteries to rule out plaque buildups or dilations.
Avatar f tn both of you have low positives and will need to confirm them with further testing to see if they are false positives or not. We recommend getting a herpes WB blood test for you both. If your provider uses quest labs, it's test #34534. It's a send out from all quest labs so if your local lab seems stumped, let them know that it gets sent to the U of washington.
Avatar f tn Clean stainless steel appliances! Use one side if dry rag to clean it, other side to wipe dry!
237053 tn?1258828426 I was told on another forum that I should be tested for some other infections/viruses such as enteroviruses, Herpes viruses (including HHV-6, EBV, CMV, HHV-7) and Chlamydia pneumonia (Cpn). I guess some of these can act like lyme symptom wise and also some go hand in hand with lyme. I don't believe I've been tested for any of these except for the EBV which was Positive. My LLMD didn't mention any of these other things, but I'm wondering if I should have the labs done?
Avatar n tn My orthopedic surgeon uses one of the Stryker acetabular components that were recalled this year. There have been numerous issues with Stryker, all factual info readily found by internet searches, including three FDA warning letters (search, the latest one in May 2008: I've done my best to become informed on hip replacements, e.g.
Avatar n tn As for your aunt, for starters, despite the fact that she uses injection drugs, statistically the chances are that she is not infected with HIV. Even if, as a worst case scenario, she does have HIV, acquisition of HIV through oral exposures, including oral sex is virtually non-existent and there are NO instances in which HIV has been transmitted on an inanimate object such as a toothbrush. The virus is just not very tough and does not live long in the environment.
Avatar f tn I have a pretty scare on the front of my neck. I have found a good dermatoligist that uses a procedure that works real good with a silacone gel as well. Kelo-cote, the newer the scare the better the results.
Avatar f tn Does anyone use a bed alarm devise to warn other family members not sleeping in same room that you are having a seizure? If so, please let me know where you bought it and whether or not it works and is worth buying.
1530342 tn?1405016490 Investigators believe that he used additional aliases to contact other women on the popular website and police hope that if there are additional victims they will recognize Banks. Banks lives in Del Mar, Calif., and is currently unemployed but previously "travelled frequently around various spots in the U.S." for work, widening the search for potential victims from Southern California to across the country, said La Mesa Police spokesman Lt. Matt Nicholass.
Avatar f tn who uses LOZO for coupons? Is it a safe page & do all stores accept it?
Avatar f tn anyone on here uses the Nursery brand water for formula?? Have yall had any issues with it?
444932 tn?1273980797 uuggh, i never had itching. it does sound like some kind of allergy with the other symptoms you mentioned...hope it ends soon for you, whatever it is.
1327604 tn?1281866607 Everyone on here has struggled with and most continue to struggle with it and the ones who succeed are the ones who have decided that not only do they have to quit, but they want it just as badly. It's not going to work any other way. The more you know about your addiction, the better your chances are. Most of us smoke(d) because of stress and anxieties. The physical addiction is over in 72 hours but it's the emotional one that needs to be addressed. Try reading the articles at whyquit.