
Varenicline and weight

Common Questions and Answers about Varenicline and weight


Avatar f tn You are talking about Chantix (Varenicline tartrate) that should be available worldwide. If not, ask your doctor for other suggestion for quitting smoking.
Avatar f tn Hello, Chantix (varenicline) and Zyban (bupropion) are the only two non-nicotine medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for smoking cessation; both are available in pill form and only by prescription. Chantix received FDA approval in 2006; Zyban was approved in 1997. These drugs can be effective tools, but users need to be aware of some potentially serious side effects. You can try that and they are very cheap in some pharmacy's.
286124 tn?1214938528 Hello everyone: I have a question. I am taking Loratabs and I want off. I also smoke and have gotten a perscription for Chantix. It is supposed to help me stop smoking. It releases dopamine slowly in your body to help you fight your cravings. My question is this: can Chantix also help with coming off of these pills? any advice will be very appreciated. I will post again to tell my story. I'm at work and wanted to ask real quick! thanks again!
Avatar f tn Every doc wants me to take something different. Saw my Phychiatrist today & she took me off Trazadone & Topamax and told me to stick with Neurontin and Doxepin. I am just so confused and frustrated. After testing at the Pelvic Pain Clinic the Neurologist came up with Bladder Dysfunction, Small Fiber Neuropathy, and Autonomic Neuropathy. I found this out from my PCP. I was at the Pain Clinic on Jan 25th and was never told anything or to come back.
Avatar f tn He should do this with your strong encouragement, with the help of his doctor and prescription of nicotine replacement therapy along with at least one other smoking cessation medicine such as Wellbutrin® (buproprion) or Chantix® (varenicline), counseling and group support, both at home and in his workplace. This is a critical moment for your father.
Avatar f tn No im 25 wks I and I lost 12lbs and recently gained bk one pound bk the said its impossible to starve ur baby unless u have an eating disorder so I say ushould be fine
Avatar f tn How much weight have u ladies gained and ho far along are you ?
Avatar n tn If you are wanting to loose weight rather than build more muslce I would drop down on the weight you are lifting for your strength training and do more repetitions that way you are still working your muscle but not bulking up so much. Cardio helps maintain your weight so I would recommend more strenth training than cardio but if you are worried about running building up your leg muscles you could do your cardio on an elliptical machine or a stationary bike. Good luck!
Avatar f tn My baby weighs 4 pounds and I'm 28 weeks and the app says she should weigh 2.2 pounds. Is this correct or not?
Avatar f tn s say chips just junk food you and baby are going to gain weight and the more you gain weight harder it will get when baby comes out so just watch what you eat..
Avatar f tn Iam in my 7 th month now and baby weight is 1.2 KGS and heart beat is 135 BPM. So could anyone suggest if the weight is OK and Lil excited to know if its a boi or a girl through heartbeat can anyone tell.
Avatar n tn My husband is a very big 66 year old man, but very overweight, and NOTHING he does makes him loose weight. He is diabetic as well. He consumes less food than I do a day, and I am not overweight. I believe this could be metabolism somehow, but, doctors have checked thyroid. ANY suggestions would be greatly appreciated. No one can seem to be able to help him.
393685 tn?1425812522 In my teens and twenties I was anorexia and bulimiac. I was obsessed to no end to improve my looks and weight. I damaged myself ............and through research --- I found that because of my radical behavior I probably brought this disease on. I am now 42 and could be looking at cancer from a nodule and needing surgery. Was that weight loss so important now?? First diagnoised I was Hyperthyroid. I was losing weight and was at a proud weight of my 102 pounds at 5'6".
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with ms when I was 14 and since then my weight just fluctuates either I am too fat due to the meds or I am grossly under weight. At this point in my life I am grossly under. I am 32 years old and 95lbs and 5'2. Dose anyone have any suggestions.?
Avatar m tn I have stopped taking it a about 3 weeks ago, maybe longer and noticed that I have a hard time gaining weight now. I have had bad anxiety and depression as well recently which may have caused my appetite to go down drastically but when it comes back I start to eat a lot and it doesn't seem like I can gain weight like I used too.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with Graves. My doctor strongly suggests RAI. I am very concerned about the potential weight gain afterwards since I am currently overweight. I haven't dropped any weight since experiencing symptoms (starting about 5 years ago) and from everything I've read that normally happens. How much weight is usually gained after going hypothyroid? How easy is it to get off and maintain?
Avatar m tn My weight varies from between 175lbs and 180lbs and I am 6'. If you look at me you would say aw he is skinny but their is a small fat around abdominal area that I would like to get rid of, would you advise me trying to get to 170lbs or to do more crunches and tone up?
179856 tn?1333547362 About 3 years before I started tx my cholesterol was getting a little high and my weight and blood sugar. So I made a lifestyle change and dropped 40 lbs. My blood work dropped dramatically in the 1st 6 months. It was radical. My triglycerides went down 94 points! After feeling confident in my routine and healthier I ventured into treatment. 7 months later I've gained 8-10 pounds. I think it is from the lack of exercise. Figures I would gain weigh sigh..... My regular M.D.
Avatar n tn Hi everyone , I just took Cruz two get his first shots and they weight him and check his height. I feel like he is alittle fat for his age 13 pounds and 23 1/2 inchs at 8 weeks . What does everyone else's baby measure and how old are they . I am just trying to get a gage.
Avatar m tn Hello my name is Babbal I am new to the forum. Ok so here is my issue I weigh 230 lbs absolutley unintentional I cannot lose weight no matter what I consume only about a thousand calories a day not because i starve myself because frankly that is my capacity when a growing male my age needs about 2500. Next I have a very very slow digestive system I have GERD take prevacid 30mg twice a day..
Avatar m tn I exercise daily, I eat very little and yet I cannot lose weight. Some days when I work out I get cold sweats and it feels like my dose is wearing out, then I take a break and calm down and everything is fine. Last time I was on methadone I put on 45 lbs and was completely inactive, I want to avoid those issues this time. Vitamins? Food diet? Does anything prevent the constipation and weight gain?