Valtrex and abreva

Common Questions and Answers about Valtrex and abreva


Avatar f tn I also put abreva on my nipple just in case. I just finished my last dose of valtrex because I was getting the beginning of a cold sore on my lip. Is there a chance it will appear on my nipple although I already have the virus, there were no open sores/cuts/wounds, and I washed my nipple as soon as it happened? I already have herpetic whitlow so, I know how easily transmittable this disease is :( Please, someone ease my mind. I'm really worried.
Avatar m tn Is this going to be an ongoing issue for me? Will I always need to apply abreva or blistex? And do I need to avoid the sun going forward? Can the virus constantly exist on the surface of my lip as it feels like this isn't going away. Even today, when I run my tongue under my top lip, I can feel the scar bother me. Any insight?
362971 tn?1201987034 Early in tx I got a really bad one (started as a series of little ones that decided to go into business together) and my PCP gave me Valtrex. Cleared it right up. If you ask for it, get a couple of doses (I think its 2 pills taken 2 times) cause it has a pretty high co-pay (no generic). My doc gave me 3 doses, says next time start the Valtrex at the first twinge.
Avatar m tn I recently suspected a herpes infection coming on, even though I am not diagnosed (waiting for blood tests to come back). I felt tingling on my lips and also had redness down below. My doctor prescribed me valtrex just in case and I started taking it because I was worried and she said it isn't harmful even if my tests turn out to be negative. Anyhow, I am taking 500mg twice a day for the possible gentile herpes, but can it also work for the possible oral herpes?
Avatar n tn ve had cold sores for many years, never researched HSV1 prior to now and treated those cold sores with abreva. In July 2008 i was feeling discomfort in the anal area, i went to my gyn and she said it was herpes, took samples of the sores and a week later she called me to tell me that yes i have genital herpes. i was in a 5 year relationship STD free, changed partners in December of 07 and have only been with him since then, he hasn't had sex with anyone else since we're a couple either.
Avatar f tn I immediately took Valtrex. On day 7 of my course of Valtrex, the sore was still there, and still, clearly active and I began to feel tingling on the side of my mouth, around my mouth, inside it. I have not felt this tingling sensation before but I hear it indicates that more cold sores are going to erupt. My doctor gave me another course of Valtrex. So now I am on day 8 of Valtrex and applying Abreeva to my mouth and I worry that I am going to break out again, but on the mouth.
Avatar m tn But I put Abreva on it once a day but idk if it was due to me taking Valtrex on the first day of the bumps and using Abreva is that a reason why the sores are clearer and it's only two left or they probably misdiagnosed me
Avatar m tn The last time I got a cold sore (about February) I used Abreva for the first time and after it healed that spot was tender and hurt pretty bad. Now I have another cold sore and it has scab over but there seems to be pus oozing from it in the morning for the past two days. This has never happened before and I am wondering if it is more common or if I have an infection?
Avatar f tn Can I self inoculate? I am worried about transferring especially it to my eyes or genitals since I don't have symptoms down there yet. I have been having hot sensations in the same spots on my arm, shoulder, ankle, buttock for a while. Is this a symptom of herpes? I also have a cluster of pimples (not blisters) that popped up on my shoulder sometime today ... I have been getting pimples in the same area but assumed it was acne. Is this a symptom. Would the valtrex trigger an outbreak?
Avatar m tn I picked at the sores and the tips came off and oozed white cream pus. They dried up and now are dark and raised. Without realizing it, shortly after touching the bumps I rubbed my right eye. Starting yesterday (12/25) my eye was red and it hurt. Today I woke up and my eye was completely crusted over and much more red.
Avatar f tn Ask your doctor about a rx called valtrex. You can take it daily to prevent cold sores and also just when they break out as well. Safe to use while pregnancy, per my doc. It's safer to be cold sore free than to pass the virus to your baby.
Avatar f tn I am the type of person to freak out when I think I may have a cold sore so i constantly was messing with it. I took double doses of my Valtrex and used Abreva. It never got bigger than a smaller dot on my lip and was gone within 4 days. Is it possible to have an outbreak such as this without a pustule formation?
Avatar n tn Doctor, In the beginning of January, I had my first cold sore on my upper lip. I tried Abreva and it eventually went away after a week or so. About 7 weeks ago, I got a second cold sore at a different location. Since that date, and for every week following, I'd have a new sore appear as the old one was healing/gone....every 4-5 days almost like clockwork with no breaks in between. They rarely overlap in time frame (I think once?).
Avatar m tn I had an outbreak for a cold sore on my mouth about a week ago, and since then ive been applying abreva and another lip medication to stop the cold sore. this was one of my worst cold sores ever, but it eventually started to go away, just leaving scabs that are slowly healing (because the blisters got big, i accidently kept ripping them in my sleep). From my understanding, is it true that once the cold sore begins to heal, that the virus has left your body?
Avatar m tn My doctor prescribed me 4 1 mg tablets of valtrex and advised me to take 2 in the evening and 2 in the morning, but from everything I have read it seems that this drug usually taken throughout the episode. Is this a possible script error? or is this a common amount for an initial breakout? 2. should I pursue further testing (blood testing) to make certain that this is herpes, and to find out what strain of the disease I have? how much will that information help me in the long run 3.
Avatar n tn My daughter started to develop "pimple-like" sores above her upper lip over six weeks ago. We tried Abreva (for approx. 10 days) and it didn't help. We went to doctor and they prescribed Valtrex, which she took for 5 days. In addition, she was prescribed a anti-biotic ointment. No luck. We went back to the doctor and she is now on an oral and topical antibiotic. Doctor can't tell if it's cold sores, impetigo, staph, etc. Nothing seems to be working.
Avatar f tn I started the Valtrex only yesterday (Sat), , I noticed the outbreak on my fingers 2 days ago (Fri), and I had the sexual encounter 8 days ago. When can I expect enough relief that I can return to work? 3) If I continue all therapies, will I return to normal by 10 days? (important event) Thanks in advance.
Avatar m tn My wife has HSV-1 and is prone to cold sores a couple times a year. She uses abreva and they go right away. When I have outbreaks I kiss her all the time and NOTHING ever shows up for her. Is this normal? Is it possible I am not having herpes outbreaks but something else? thanks.
Avatar f tn I woke up on Saturday the 22 of March with a cold sore on the corner of my lip and immediately applied the abreva cream I carry around. I used it for the first 2 days and then left it alone. I saw the guy I have been talking to for the last year that same night and avoided and kissing or any contact due to my cold sore. I even pointed out to him that I had one. I believe by the next weekend the cold sore had scabbed over and eventually it fell off.
Avatar f tn I took two valtrex, three lysine and applied abreva. and it still looks like an gross outbreak on my face. I refused to leave my room and I am upset for having this disgusting disease. I have been suffering from the humiliation of these out breaks for over 20 years and i want to see it end. and it is very difficult dating someone since everyone wants a disease free partner.
Avatar m tn I've been taking lysine & vitamin c pills every day. I am also avoiding arginine foods, the sun, stress... I basically lock myself in my house for the past 2 months. I've tried manuka honey (did nothing), abreva works sometimes, and I've been using lemon balm salve to moisturize my lips (works well). Carmex chapstick spread my cold sores so I stopped using Carmex and switched to lemon balm.
7166590 tn?1408351416 Im 5w 3days and I think I may be getting a cold sore on my lip.... ive never had one and neither has my partner so I'm not sure how I may have got it. Is it a symptom of presgnancy, and how can I stop it before it gets worse. It taste silvery and kinda tingles. My mum gets them but I havent been in contact with her for a while.
Avatar n tn Hi, I was just wondering if drinking a cup of coffee the morning of the blood draw would affect the results? (IGG Herpselect) I forgot and had a cup. The results were negative (over a year past exposure), but I've had suspicious symptoms that my doctor later diagnosed as Psoriasis (and a cream has helped). I had a blister like symptom on the penis 3 years ago, but nothing similar since. My dermetologist said Psoriasis can present itself in a variety of different ways.