
Using percocet for migraines

Common Questions and Answers about Using percocet for migraines


Avatar f tn 'cets are evil. If they help your migraines, accept that you might use them for the rest of your life. There's no cure for migraines and science doesn't know what causes them. If they're getting you a buzz, and you take them for a buzz, then watch out. Also, drink a glass of prune juice every day or take stoll softeners. Percs *will* cause constipation. Just tellin' you like it is.
Avatar f tn I'm only about 5 weeks pregnant. I get severe migraines from an accident (nerve damage) and am allergic to most migraine medications (was hospitalized for nearly having a stroke). After years of trying random meds, the only one that worked is Percocet. Now, I don't take it often--once or twice a month at most--so I am not addicted (I am extremely careful). Online it says Percocet can cause birth defects, but only talks about it in regards to constant everyday use and addicts.
Avatar f tn Thanks for your help. I go see my dr tomorrow ill ask him then.
Avatar m tn m not sure what you can take over there for the migraines but for the tension ones, just make sure that your fluid intake is up as the headaches can sometimes be caused by dehydration
Avatar m tn As of this posting, I am taking Percocet 10/325 5 times a day and Xanax 2mg twice a day for chronic migraines. I have been on everything made for migraines with no relief. The percocets are starting to wear off sooner than they should. What would be the next step up from Percocet. I want to be able to ask my doctor about taking something a bit stronger to see if it helps. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Avatar f tn ve been on Tylenol 4 for migraines while pregnant. Now on Percocet for them but I try not to take them. Best thing I have found is put your feet in warm to hot water and a cold compress on your neck. It redirects blood flow from your head and relieves pressure. You never want to put heat on or around your head when feeling a headache coming on.
Avatar f tn Hi there, I am looking for any advice you may have. I injured my tailbone this past Jan 2020. I went to the Urgent Care the following day and the xray showed no injury. I later had another xray and MRI done at a hospital this past June, and the MRI showed a healed fracture. The orthopedic dr said there was nothing he could do for me and was unwilling to prescribe pain meds. They did a steroid injection which did not help.
Avatar f tn Yeah thats quite a bit of Percocet...sorry I misunderstood. Well hopefully you can figure out a good tapering schedule that fits your needs. And like I wrote above...if you have someone to help and distribute your meds according to the does help a lot.
Avatar f tn I have been suffering from chronic headaches and migraines for about 14 years with no true relief. I have been to at least 5 neurologists in my area as well as other doctors and other wellness professionals. Since the onset of my symptoms as a young teenager through today, I have tried nearly every headache/migraine medication with no success including over-the-counter relief aids.
Avatar m tn I was clean ffom heroin and cocain for 2 years..... been using for the past month... cant afford rehab Any ideas?
Avatar f tn I am almost 16 weeks pregnant but I have been prescibed percocet for almost 8 years now if I take them now how will it effect my baby if I stop a couple months before I deliver??
1302779 tn?1287405029 I have just been perscribed antidepressants for my migraines as well. Not a fan of them myself. Have taken some in past and it made me depressed. I am going to give them a try though cause at this point I just want the migraines and other symptoms to stop or at least slow down. Let me know how they work for you. I will do the same I am on day two for them and so far nothing. they say it will take a week or so. we will see.
Avatar f tn But right before i found out i was pregnant i had a.root canal done and was prescribed percocet. I took about 6 pills in total for the pain. A week later i found out i was 5 weeks pregnant. I wanted to kick myself. Im now 8 weeks and baby seems to be doing okay. If you think you can hold off from taking it, then go ahead. But if youre in extreme pain for whatever reason then you should take it. When youre in alot of pain, it can lower your breathing making your respirations very shallow.
Avatar m tn it is the same as percocet. ob gave it to me after delivery.
1565432 tn?1295252598 Percocet seems really strong to use just for cramping, especially at just 7 weeks. You should try to avoid any medicines in the first trimester, just to be on the safe side. This is because babies major developments happen in the first trimester and medicines can cause unwanted effects. I doubt you've done much damage if any, but unless you're in utter agony (which would in itself represent something more serious) you probably wouldn't need them.
Avatar f tn I have had migraines for at least the past 10 years, as often as every other day. I was put on 100 mg of Topamax daily in September 2008, which helped immensely. I would still get migraines approximately twice a month, however. My migraines are triggered by bright sunlight (I live in Arizona!), orange juice, citrus, chocolate, processed foods, alcohol, some smells, pms, etc.
Avatar f tn I am 23 and have been suffering from intense migraines for about 12 years. Seizuresfor about 3 years, but this isn't about the seizures.
Avatar f tn Thanks for using the forum. I am happy to address your questions, and my answer will be based on the information you provided here. Please make sure you recognize that this forum is for educational purposes only, and it does not substitute for a formal office visit with a doctor. Without the ability to examine and obtain a history, I can not tell you what the exact cause of the symptoms is. However I will try to provide you with some useful information.
Avatar f tn For the last couple of years my sister has been suffering with a variety of ailments. She began with episodes of a general feeling of illness. These can last from minutes to a couple of days (several people in the family have something similar), and can be extreme. She then developed Hashimotos and most recently was diagnosed with Celiac. To try and find food intolerances she cut gluten, wheat, dairy, citrus, soy and eggs from her diet.
202665 tn?1248806733 I take Topamax at night when I go to sleep and my neurologist prescribed it for my migraines, but what most people don't know is that it also acts as antidepressant also. It's just not approved by FDA as antidepressant. I've taken it for several years, I don't experience migraines as much as I use to but I do believe that it helps. I feel like it works very well with the rest of my medications and have never experienced a kidney stone.
Avatar f tn Does anyone have experience with using Topomax for Migraines. I have had migraines for the last 3 years and have been rx Topomax. I tried it for a week and felt fatigued, more and worse migraines, spacey so I discontinued it. Tried again and after a few days landed in ER with vertigo. Dr. believes we should try again that it will be helpful after titering upwards. Wondering who has experience with side effects, what they were and if they waited it out did they get better or worse.
620048 tn?1358018235 Opiates generally do not help migraines. Some people are triggered by caffeine, for some people it dialates blood vessels and helps. Some people get rebound headaches. My triggers are opiates, baclofen, Xanex, most sinus medication ( benadryl, claratin, allegra, etc.), extreme cold or hot weather, neck tightness from MS. I take Immitrex, have tried Topamax and lots of other drugs. They mentioned Botax injections to me last week.
Avatar f tn When I would get migraines I would take a lot more, that is not the way you are supposed to be taking these for migraines, in fact I think by taking the Hydrocodone it has made my migrines more frequent, rebound headaches. So now I have decided to go off and it has been, not too bad. I thought it might be bad because I had been taking them this way for over 10 years. Yesterday I only took a 1/4 tab and today I'm hoping not to take any!
Avatar f tn I have previously been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a fractured spine, curvature reversal, buldging disks, pinched nerves, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, migraines, and high uric acid. They originally prescribed me percocet 7.5mg limit 6 a day, nuerontin 600mg tid, and esgic plus 50-500-40mg however my insurance stopped covering the percocet 7.5mg and so they had to prescribe me the 5/325!
Avatar m tn But sometimes being on pain meds can actually make the pain worse. After taking the oxycontin/percocet for long so long you become addicted and it is hard to stop taking it. Are you taking it only when you have pain? Do you find yourself taking a scheduled dose even if you are not in pain? Both meds are very addictive and once we start taking such painkillers we find it very difficult to stop taking them. Are you interested in getting off the meds?