
Trigeminal neuralgia symptoms dental

Common Questions and Answers about Trigeminal neuralgia symptoms dental


Avatar f tn Thanks for responding Alex. I have experienced trigeminal neuralgia, but it didn't involve the tooth pain or roof of my mouth. I will give the doc a call tomorrow if this persists. Have a good evening.
Avatar n tn I have a recent dx of Trigeminal Neuralgia from Primary Care and have been referred to Neurology for further evaluation. The pain distribution is unilateral and follows the sensory distribution of cranial nerve V at the maxillary area. History of previous trauma (neuroplasia) dates to 1997, though asymptomatic to current presentation. There is no prior history of TMJ, aneurysms, tumors or other common precipitants. I am 61 years old, consistent with typical onset.
Avatar f tn Consult a neurologist if there has been any such recent development in your husband. Dental consult is also warranted to rule out trigeminal nerve involvement or any dental cause of numbness. Take care.
Avatar f tn I have been suffering for 2-1/2 years with oral facial pain. It began on the left and is now bilateral. I get severe, constant pain in the upper gums, teeth, cheeks, temples, jaws, neck. At times there are sharp twinges, but mostly it is a deep, constant ache. I have had close to pain-free moments, but just when i think I'm cured, it flares up. I have had 2 diagnosis. TMJ with osteoarthritis of the jaw joints and cervical spine. The other diagnosis is from a neurologist.
Avatar f tn Trigeminal neuralgia is nearly always unilateral. In rare cases of bilateral trigeminal neuralgia, individual attacks are usually unilateral, with distinct episodes involving each side of the face at separate times. A change in the location, severity, or quality of the pain should be an alert to the possibility of an alternative diagnosis. Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia is usually caused by multiple sclerosis or by tumours arising near the trigeminal nerve root.
Avatar f tn Hi all, small question for you, i had no symptoms for 5 months, which was wonderful, and then i got this urinary infection , and the next thing i knew i had severe face pain, particularly in my nose, where it feels lie i have been bashed in the face with a pan, i have buzzing in my ears, and just a general tightness in my neck and shoulders, i got my eyebrows tattooed also, could this have caused trigeminal neuralgia ? or would it have been the infection, ?
Avatar f tn Did you ever get a reply? Sounds like Trigeminal Neuralgia Type 1 or Atypical. There is help for this! Same needs used for seizures help condition and pain attacks. Tegretol is one but many more. Thank you Neurologist treats TN. Studies happening now.
Avatar f tn Hi, About a year ago, I suddenly developed shooting pains in the front of my face, above my upper front teeth. I went to the dentist, who x-rayed me, and said I had an abscess, above my left upper 1 tooth. He did root canal treatment, but could not find anything, the pain did not go away, and after several root canals, he referred me to a consultant for an apicectomy. When the operation was done, as he drilled through the bone, he said there was lots of pus to drain away.
Avatar f tn Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia after dental visit. Sensitive to many of the treatments. Tolerate Gabapentin but makes me very drowsy. I would like to hear about natural elements I can explore. I have also developed multiple allergies to many foods and animals I did not have an issue with previously.
Avatar f tn Hello. For a few months my trigeminal nerve has been irritated. It's the first and second branch. I experience the electrical shock (more like a tickle) that I've experienced with Trigeminal Neuralgia but there's no pain. It seems to happen often when my head is tilted forward/down and that makes me wonder if it could be an issue with my cervical spine. I really don't have any unusual discomfort in my neck. I don't have headaches or sinus pressure or anything.
Avatar n tn She has every symptom of it and all the drs want to pass it off as dental pain. I know it is transgeminal neuralgia but I do not know how to prove it. Can you help?
467070 tn?1224625377 It IS very common for trigeminal neuralgia to come about after dental work. I think the question, or argument/discussion ongoing in response to your post, is whether or not it would have come about regardless of the dental work, or if the dental work may have expedited the process? Who knows really, and from my experience, you just can't question it or it will make you crazy.
Avatar f tn If there is no dental patholgy identified, based on your presentations , the differential diagnosis includes, but not limited to, trigeminal autonimic cephalgia, neurovascular orofacial pain,pretrigeminal neuralgia or trigeminal neuralgia.Seeing an orofacial pain specialist is advised.
404715 tn?1233829631 Not having any doctors here to help me I went out of town to an emergency where they then put me on tegretol and told me I most likley have trigeminal neuralgia and set up an appointment with a neurologist.I was on tegretol for two weeks and waiting to go to my neurologist appointment but the pain was still unbearable so I went to the emergency in my city where they changed my meds and put me on neurotin which took a week to work and most of the pain is gone.
Avatar f tn Ok Listen I have TMJ, I got it after some dental work was done on my teeth last year, The nerves in my face are killing me. my mouth burns on the inside as well on the outside my lips burn and sometimes I get stabbing pain in my cheekbones, I will have burning even on my nose.This so miserable. Has anyone had this. The doctor tells me my bite if off that's causing this.
Avatar n tn Hello there, I am 26 years old and I had a maxillofacial surgery almost exactly 3 years ago during which metal plates and screws were drilled into my jawbones and cheek areas. I checked online and my surgeon has retired since so I have no idea how to contact him. I have never had a headache in my life. Then, out of the nowhere, for the past 10 days I have had non stop burning, agonizing headaches, numbness and burning in my face and around the back of my neck.
Avatar n tn Already she had two pain blocks, neither worked at all and now they want to do a Radio Frequency abrasion - I am concerned about her diagnosis, atypical trigeminal neuralgia -- being treated like the regular Trigeminal Neuralgia, the pain symptoms do not match -- did yours start this was and progress into the trigeminal neuralgia They have all her dental recorrds, even an MRI plus another ct from emergency room earlier this year, and all the records from the pain clinics -- yet pain symtoms
1475492 tn?1332884167 An interesting aspect is that this form affects both men and women equally and can occur at any age, unlike typical trigeminal neuralgia, which is seen most commonly in women. Though TN and ATN most often present in the fifth decade, cases have been documented as early as infancy. http://en.wikipedia.
Avatar n tn You should ask your PCP for a referral to a neurologist or a facial pain specialist. There is pre-Trigeminal neuralgia which manifests as a toothache. Many people have unnecessary dental work done thinking the pain is caused by their teeth, when in reality it's the nerve. Hot or cold compresses can give temporary relief. I've also used Oragel rubbed on the teeth and gums to numb the pain temporarily. Let us know how you're doing.
Avatar n tn Then large lumps under arm began, antibiotics did not work and had allergic reaction. Regular doc referred me to a neurologist who diagnosed trigeminal neuralgia and prescribed anti-seizure and anti-depressant. Had MRI and EEG. Tests showed nothing. So now I am not sure what to do, I am 23 and can't live the rest of my life like this. The pain wakes me up at night and I have very bad head aches. What is the next step to take? Any similar stories?
Avatar f tn Hello, I would like to know if any one out there has TMJ like symptoms along the jaw area, along with their neuralgia. I have been told it is not trigeminal neuralgia, but the symptoms seem to be more like atypical trigeminal instead.. It is consistent, and very painful and the pain medications are making me so sick, I can't function.