
Trigeminal neuralgia patient information

Common Questions and Answers about Trigeminal neuralgia patient information


Avatar f tn Hello, In your case, I think that it can be trigeminal neuralgia. Trigeminal neuralgia is very painful swelling (inflammation) of the nerve (trigeminal nerve) that delivers feeling to the face and "surface" of the eye. Trigeminal neuralgia causes severe, short-lasting (only a few seconds) facial pain on the side of the affected nerve even by slight touch. Mostly affects elderly females. May be caused in multiple sclerosis also.
Avatar m tn Would someone who has Trigeminal Neuralgia please help me out with the progression of this condition. For about a week now - I have numbness above my left eye that seems to have gotten worse everyday - first my eyebrow, then my forehead and now my skull. I have a low grade headache at times and when I lift my eyebrow, pain shoots up my forehead and skull, although not intense pain. I went to see my PCP and he thinks it is Trigeminal Neuralgia and wants to do an MRI.
Avatar f tn Hello unnerved, Trigeminal nerve which is responsible for sensations of the face. The cause trigeminal neuralgia is probably a blood vessel pressing on the trigeminal nerve. Tumors and multiple sclerosis can also cause it, but in some cases the cause is unknown. The pain is sudden, severe, electric shock-like, stabbing that is typically felt on one side of the jaw or cheek.
624326 tn?1223829190 There is a fabulous site of the Facial Pain Association that deals with the various types of facial pain and is dedicated to the treatment of them. For MS (my forum) this is Trigeminal Neuralgia and Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. I hope this also has good info for you.
Avatar n tn By ATN -- do you mean Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia? If so, there are 5 different types of surgery. There are also medications -- mostly anti-seizure medications normally used for epilepsy -- that are used to control the pain. Problem with the drugs is, they can cause other problems (kidney/liver) and regular blood tests are necessary. A facial pain specialist is the best doctor to seek out or a neurologist.
Avatar f tn Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia is usually caused by multiple sclerosis or by tumours arising near the trigeminal nerve root. Differential diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia: Cluster headache - Longer-lasting pain; orbital or supraorbital; may cause patient to wake from sleep; autonomic symptoms Dental pain (e.g.
Avatar m tn I have had TN (Trigeminal Neuralgia) now for about 17 years. Sharp stabbing pain at times right side of face, usually centered around upper right teeth/top of lip/bottom of nose area. Have had two Gamma Knife procedures done 10/05 and then 10/08 after pain had returned early '08. Pain has returned this spring and continues. Recent MRI shows no changes from before.
Avatar n tn If I had to guess, I would say you have trigeminal neuralgia or 5th nerve palsy. I found this - *not to say this is what you have, but just that it covers a possibilty* "The pre-operative MRIs of 68 patients without the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis who were operated for typical TN between 1998 and 2003 were retrospectively reviewed Four of these showed hyperintense lesions in the pons on T2 MRI sequences. No patient had prior surgery.
Avatar f tn Hi, I had stayed away from cell phones for a good few years because of ear pain and head pressing and overall weird feelings in my head. Now, very recently I re-started using the cell phone only for written messages and voice out loud. I have been getting trigeminal neuralgia pain since then. This is my first search about this.
Avatar f tn My symptoms are not similar to everyone elses, but could it be trigeminal neuralgia? My pain in not actually in eye, just right on corner between eye and nose?
Avatar m tn In 1974 similar pain started on the left side of face the surgeon diognised as trigeminal neuralgia in the 2nd branch. since than I am on tegretol and gabapentin, both this medicine do control attack, with the help of remmissions i have managed to avoid surgery, as this would lead to my entire face being numb for ever. The pain has returned just last week, after 2 years remission. I started on tegretol 200mg 3 times a day and neurontin 300mg twice a day.
Avatar n tn The answer I provided concerned the information that was asked. The facial pain is definitely associated with Trigeminal Neuralgia. I think we have answered both symptom and term.
Avatar f tn i believe that i have trigeminal neuralgia but i do not know what tests are done to confrim this . can you tell me what tests have to be done so i can ask my physician to ruin these tests or demand they run them ? i have been so sick for so long . i literally have been to 25 -30 doctors to find out what is wrong with me . and every test comes back negative except that a test came back positve for fungal aspergillosis .but they do not say anything about treating it .
Avatar n tn I have a recent dx of Trigeminal Neuralgia from Primary Care and have been referred to Neurology for further evaluation. The pain distribution is unilateral and follows the sensory distribution of cranial nerve V at the maxillary area. History of previous trauma (neuroplasia) dates to 1997, though asymptomatic to current presentation. There is no prior history of TMJ, aneurysms, tumors or other common precipitants. I am 61 years old, consistent with typical onset.
Avatar n tn If your pain is not electrical in nature, it may not by trigeminal neuralgia. I would suggest seeing a neurologist or pain specialist to get a reevaluation.
1451522 tn?1285592140 hi I have those symptoms and I have trigeminal neuralgia. It affects the 3 nerves in your face and shoots unbearable pain into ur face, ear, throat and scalp. I take Carbamazepine also known as Tegretol and it really helps. Anything from brushing your hair to brushing ur teeth can trigger the nerves to flare up. Just google Trigeminal neuralgia its also known as the suicide disease. GOD luck and God bless to you and your mom.
Avatar n tn Hello, From your symptoms the possibilities of trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis need to be ruled out. Trigeminal neuralgia is painful swelling (inflammation) of the nerve (trigeminal nerve) that delivers feeling to the face and "surface" of the eye. Trigeminal neuralgia causes severe, short-lasting (only a few seconds) facial pain on the side of the affected nerve even by slight touch. Mostly affects elderly females. May be caused in multiple sclerosis also.
Avatar n tn my son developed trigeminal neuralgia after a dental procedure. he is presently on medication for it. he is 28 years old and what is research showing for future care.
335728 tn?1331414412 I have MS and Trigeminal Neuralgia and I recently took a long trip on an airplane (8 hours). When the plane was descending every time (5 landings) I had an excrutiating pain in my right side of my cheek which subsided once the plane had landed. I am wondering if this could be a sinus problem or if it could be trigeminal neuralgia? I have no other symptoms of sinus problems...i.e. feeling congested, runny nose. I have CÖPD and Asthma as well but they are under control with medication.
Avatar f tn I‘ve been having very recent neurological symptoms and no diagnosis has been given yet despite several tests and dr appointments. Trigeminal neuralgia is a diagnosis being considered by my doctor but my head pain is mild and not excruciating like it's typically described. I also have slight limb weakness on my left side that began shortly after the temporal and head pain which from what I understand wouldn't be due to trigeminal neuralgia.
Avatar f tn Did you ever get a reply? Sounds like Trigeminal Neuralgia Type 1 or Atypical. There is help for this! Same needs used for seizures help condition and pain attacks. Tegretol is one but many more. Thank you Neurologist treats TN. Studies happening now.