
Trigeminal neuralgia headache

Common Questions and Answers about Trigeminal neuralgia headache


Avatar n tn Hi, The common causes of shooting pains on right side of head are trigeminal neuralgia, temporal arteritis, tension headaches etc.In trigeminal neuralgia there are successive bouts of face pain. This pain occurs when a blood vessel compresses the trigeminal nerve as it leaves the brain stem. Temporal arteritis is caused due to inflammation of medium and large sized arteries bringing blood to the head.
Avatar n tn In all probability, you are suffering from trigeminal neuralgia. For medical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia several types of drugs are tried either singly or in combination. These are anti-epilepsy drugs such as valproate, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, phenytoin, gabapentin, and pregabalin; muscle relaxants such as clonazepam and baclofen; tricyclic antidepressants such as carbamazepine, amitriptyline, and nortriptyline.
Avatar n tn Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) rarely occurs with sinusitis but it has been described. The persistent congestion and your severe headache suggest that, despite the "clear" sinus x-rays you may have sinusitis or an infection of the sinus that has extended beyond the sinus walls. That you are still ill suggests a possible infectious complication. You would do well to consult with an ENT specialist and have a CT scan of your sinuses and the adjacent areas. Good luck.
Avatar n tn He talked with me about the possibility of needing a root canal on front tooth under bridge or the possibility of trieminal neuralgia. I woke up today with a headache on the right side of my head around my temple and numbness in my nose on the right side. I have shooting pains that last a few minutes and are along my upper jaw as well as lower jaw. There is a sensitivity to touch under my right eye. My question is about what to do next.
Avatar n tn Cellulitis would not cause headache and speech problems, whereas trigeminal neuralgia would not cause visible redness and swelling. I can't think of a connection between these symptoms and her back operations or your MS. I think primary consultation should be with a neurologist. Sorry I can't be more definitive. Dr.
Avatar f tn I have been going to the doctor for several years for sinusitis, then I began to have facial pain. After several different doctors, I was told that I had trigeminal neuralgia as well as a deviated septum. I eventually had laser surgery for the trigeminal neuralgia, but the a facial pain continues. The nerve pain has subsided, but I continue to have facial pain on my left side. The pain seems to get worse if I lean my head to that side.
Avatar f tn has suggested a diagnosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia. I am on a wide host of medications but not getting relief. I have had MRI, CT scan, etc... What do you suppose I do next. Does this sound like a likely diagnosis?
Avatar f tn Cluster headache - Longer-lasting pain; orbital or supraorbital; may cause patient to wake from sleep; autonomic symptoms Dental pain (e.g.
Avatar n tn Headache and tingling and pain in left side of face could be due to trigeminal neuralgia, temporal arteritis, inner ear problem or TMJ. In TMJ there is pain on clenching the teeth. In Trigeminal neuralgia the point in front of the ear is usually painful on pressing. It could also be due to cold and sinusitis. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Do discuss this with your doctor and get yourself examined Hope this helps.
Avatar f tn According to what I've read Trigeminal Neuralgia can be caused by a blood vessel or vein pressing on the Trigeminal nerve, by MS, by tumors, or by damage to the Trigeminal nerve during a surgical procedure. I'm not really sure about a bump on the head. There are different types of "neuralgia" -- you may want to post your question on the Neurology community or do a search on this website -- if you are asking your question about "neuralgia" in general.
Avatar n tn She went back to the ER, this time drs said it is not an infection but trigeminal neuralgia. When I looked on the internet, the description of this condition did not seem to match her symptoms. They prescribed neurontin, but she tried to take this before, for a back problem (she has had 3 back surgeries==failed fusions) She has allows been very sensitive to pain meds, etc. The neurontin knocks her out and she can't function.
Avatar m tn ive never heard of caffiene causing this, it almost sounds like a nerve irritation. there are certian nerves that innervate your face such as the trigeminal nerve and the facial nerve. I'm not a physician but this sounds slightly similar to trigeminal neuralgia, which is inflammation of the trigeminal nerve causing facial pain and pain around an eye. the fact that it radiates and you feel heat and numbness sounds like nerve pain to me.
Avatar f tn Chronic fatigue syndrome, ophthalmic migraine, refractive errors of the eye, sleep disturbances (despite your feeling sleepy), hypothyroidism, temporal arteritis, pinched trigeminal nerve (trigeminal neuralgia) are a few possibilities. Since I cannot examine you and know other related conditions you may be having, nor is a detailed history possible on net, I have listed the various possibilities that should be looked into.
Avatar n tn Has anyone seen a relationship between trigeminal neuralgia and chronic migraines?
Avatar f tn Thanks for responding Alex. I have experienced trigeminal neuralgia, but it didn't involve the tooth pain or roof of my mouth. I will give the doc a call tomorrow if this persists. Have a good evening.
Avatar m tn Differentials will be a migraine headache, trigeminal neuralgia, occipital neuralgia, carotidynia and tension headaches. Trigeminal neuralgia is associated with a severe pain over the temples, the cheeks ,and over the jaw.The pain may be debilitating and may be aggravated by light touch , brushing the teeth or combing your hair. Carotidynia may be pain over the neck and temples. There are a few types and they may be due to an underlying viral infection.
Avatar n tn hi again....I looked this up on MAYOCLINIC.COM its referred to as TRIGEMINAL follows the branches of the trigeminal nerve...look at the site for more info.
Avatar f tn If there is no dental patholgy identified, based on your presentations , the differential diagnosis includes, but not limited to, trigeminal autonimic cephalgia, neurovascular orofacial pain,pretrigeminal neuralgia or trigeminal neuralgia.Seeing an orofacial pain specialist is advised.
Avatar m tn In 1974 similar pain started on the left side of face the surgeon diognised as trigeminal neuralgia in the 2nd branch. since than I am on tegretol and gabapentin, both this medicine do control attack, with the help of remmissions i have managed to avoid surgery, as this would lead to my entire face being numb for ever. The pain has returned just last week, after 2 years remission. I started on tegretol 200mg 3 times a day and neurontin 300mg twice a day.
Avatar f tn She said from the pains I was describing (shooting pain around my right eye and into my head, as well as pressure on the sides of my head), that it sounded like trigeminal neuralgia (which is caused by a virus, such as a cold sore). I had an MRI and an MRA, which came back clear, thank god, but that also discredits the trigeminal neuralgia (apparently something would have shown up on the MRA from that). I went for a follow up and told her that I am still feeling really tired.
Avatar f tn I‘ve been having very recent neurological symptoms and no diagnosis has been given yet despite several tests and dr appointments. Trigeminal neuralgia is a diagnosis being considered by my doctor but my head pain is mild and not excruciating like it's typically described. I also have slight limb weakness on my left side that began shortly after the temporal and head pain which from what I understand wouldn't be due to trigeminal neuralgia.