
Triamcinolone treatment

Common Questions and Answers about Triamcinolone treatment


Avatar f tn My son, at 8 months, was given the aformentioned med for treatment of excema. The warning my doctor gave was to ensure it doesn't get in his face.My husband and I deployed leaving my mother in law to care for our son. She mistakenly put the med on his face and the area around his mouth is now discolored. He's a brown skinned baby with a huge white patch around his mouth. She applied this med over a year ago and we have been told by other doc that the color would come back in a year.
1722607 tn?1335747858 I wanted to know the names of different medications that might be prescribed during treatment. Names of rescue drugs, anti nausea drugs, or any others that may be given during treatment. I want to look them up thru my insurance to see how much they will cost me if needed. Just trying to budget how much treatment could end up costing.
Avatar m tn ) But how serious is an allergic reaction to triamcinolone? Or is it the combination of lidocaine and triamcinolone that caused the mess?
Avatar n tn There is currently no known cure for keratosis pilaris, however, there are effective treatments available which make its symptoms less apparent. Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication. Exfoliation, intensive moisturizing creams, creams and lotions containing alpha hydroxy acids and urea may be used to temporarily improve the appearance and texture of affected skin.
Avatar n tn Hi, i have a dry red area on the head of my penis. I'm not circumcised. It has been like this for maybe 4mths and was probably caused by not using a condom. In the past i treated it with Canestan cream and it stopped it drying out but was occasionally itchy. It never quit so i saw a doctor who put me on some tablets (sorry don't have name) and i had to apply triamcinolone acetonide lotion twice a day after showering.
Avatar m tn I had a reoccurring fungal infection on the tip of my penis that I believe has been cured through oral fluconazole. Part of the treatment was Nystatin/Triamcinolone. For a time I also used Ciplopirox but it made the skin very waxy looking so I stopped that treatment. Now the underside of the Penis is pink in color and sex/rubbing in my underwear aggravates the condition, causing it to burn for a short period and get more red in color.
Avatar f tn Sweat dermatitis usually responds to such treatment along with oral antihistamines (OTC ones). For fungal infection many treatment options are there like Clotrimazole 1%, Miconazole nitrate 2%, Tolnaftate 1% and Butenafine hydrochloride 1%. Many OTC products containing these salts are available, your pharmacist can help. Try a combination of two and apply until the itch disappears. If the symptoms persist then get an examination done by a dermatologist and get eczema ruled out.
Avatar n tn Iam so tired of a rash that keeps coming up, it will clear up then a few days later come back.. My dr has put me on triamcinolone 1% cream. Iam a very clean person and this rash keeps showing up under my armpit and right below.. any suggestion. While i use the cream it will clear up then come back if i stop.. Iam so discourage from this. Any advice might help...
Avatar f tn I am sure you are aware of Keloid treatment. If not, then Triamcinolone 10–20 mg per ml intralesional; cryotherapy; silicone gel sheet; compression dressing; superficial orthovoltage, radiation therapy; surgical excision with postoperative interferon or imiquimod will help. Keep me informed if you have any queries. Bye.
Avatar m tn Visual diagnosis 3 years ago as plaque psoriasis in the genital area and prescribed Triamcinolone cream 1%. When I felt itchy, I began using the cream immediately. Within a week to 2 weeks of using a small amount of the cream daily my skin healed. Unfortunately it would recur within about a month. Visited derm dr. recently and he diagnosed as herpes. I have not used the cream and have had a lot of pain and outbreak in the same 2 sites.
Avatar m tn Hi. I m 30 year/man, currently use a cream triamcinolone acetonide cream recommended by my dermatologist for my dry skin of my penis and psoriasis. I've been using it long but not all day, but I really have not seen improvement in my skin from the penis. Also recently discovered that the cream has steroids, which I do not want to use it more. There any cream that you recommend and save for the penis?? Please help! I have a uncomfortable pain and I do not know what to do anymore.
Avatar m tn 5%w/v, Triamcinolone Acetonide 0.1%w/v, Chlorhexidine HCl 0.5%w/v. The Muco-Aid is a bottle of liquid lotion, which weigh around 8g. I actually used few times in the window period of 12 weeks. Probably few days before testing too, even a day before testing. I cannot remember the exactly when did I put the lotion in my mouth for ulcers. I have read somewhere that steroid might delay antibodies production of HIV making the test result not accurate. In this case is Triamcinolone Acetonide.
Avatar m tn I was given nystatin and triamcinolone acetonide cream for balanitis. It has been several weeks and it is still hanging around. It seems like it begins to go away, but never fully does. After masturbation my penis looks red and irritated. I have gone about two weeks without masturbating because I was afraid that was not helping but it still remained. I am not circumsized. I'm keeping the area dry and using the cream as directed. My doctor asks that I keep using the cream.
Avatar m tn Decadron® (dexamethasone) 4 mg is not the therapeutic equivalent of Kenalog® (triamcinolone acetonide) 80 mg. Using the Lexi-Calc corticosteroid conversion formula, the ratio of the 2 would be close to 5:1. So it would take Decadron® (dexamethasone) 16 mg to be approximately the equivalent of Kenalog® (triamcinolone acetonide) 80 mg.
Avatar m tn Hello, There is currently no known cure for keratosis pilaris, however, there are effective treatments available which make its symptoms less apparent. Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication. Exfoliation, intensive moisturizing creams, creams and lotions containing alpha hydroxy acids and urea may be used to temporarily improve the appearance and texture of affected skin. I hope it helps. Take care and regards.
Avatar m tn Hello, Geographic tongue is a benign condition that usually resolves itself without causing any problems for the patient so most people do not require treatment. There is no known cure. If there are associated medical conditions, treatment of these may improve the appearance of the tongue. Discomfort may be treated with a mouth gargle or rinse containing antiseptic and anaesthetic agents. Topical corticosteroids may also be helpful for occasional use eg.
Avatar n tn did they prescribe any treatment for your symptoms? how long have these bumps been there? have you seen a dermatologist if the other 2 providers were stumped?
Avatar m tn He is treating it with a topical steroid 2X per day. TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE 0.1 % cream is what he gave me, also said take claritin. I am curious what others think about his diagnosis and treatment. Thanks.
Avatar f tn I'm 19 years old. I've had 3 ringworm outbreaks in less than a year, but I'm still not sure if it's ringworm. It always starts out with 1, 2, or 3 small red bumps. All the bumps have a white head and can be ruptured. If i scratch it or rupture the bumps by applying cream, it spreads. It is itchy, but only sometimes. But it never forms a circle. The bumps itself is in a circular form, but it is just a cluster of small raised bumps, not a ring with a clear center.
Avatar f tn Hello, Keratosis pilaris is also called the chicken skin and occurs when Keratin, accumulates within the hair follicles forming numerous tiny rough bumps on the skin. Some of the treatment options for keratosis pilaris are Creams containing the acid form of vitamin A, Tretinoin, adapelene and triamcinolone. Exfoliation, intensive moisturizing creams, creams and lotions containing alpha hydroxy acids and urea may be used to temporarily improve the appearance and texture of affected skin.
Avatar n tn prescribed Fluocinonide cream usp 0.05 by TARO, I also have on hand Triamcinolone Acetonide cream usp 0.1. Are they interchangeable The rash is getting larger and itches as it grows.
4494421 tn?1355435226 I am at week 8 of my treatment..
1431734 tn?1421011671 I have been doing research and logging everything in prep for when I start treatment with Telaprevir which is said to cause rash on top of riba-rash. Here are a few things I have listed. Rx - Neurontin- shuts down nerve pain & helps you sleep. Oral Steroids Elocon Cream Atarax Eurax Cream Triamcinolone Cream OTC - Coconut Oil in Bath - try not to bath every day (yuck I know) use soaps like Caress to retain moisture.
Avatar m tn There were some fungal issues in my skin, different areas which with usage of some creams like Betamethasone or Triamcinolone they usually disappear and maybe after a time again they appear or happen in other locations, maybe cause of the water, showering a lot or … After a time I found an itchy area bellow the scrotum, when I use a cream the issue seems to be fixed for maybe weeks, in some weeks ago another similar area appeared below the head and also on top of the head.
Avatar m tn I went to see an Infectious disease doctor but he referred me to a Skin Treatment doctor. Whilst there, I was examined on my penis and scrotum. The doctor said it was not Herpes Simplex 2 (Which I originally thought it was) but rather an irritation to something. I said in the last 2 weeks I had had sex once with an ex-gf, with a condom (about 4 days prior to symptoms) and used a hotel skin cream to masturbate while on a business trip. The doctor prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide.