
Triamcinolone trade name

Common Questions and Answers about Triamcinolone trade name


Avatar f tn Having the name of a king isn't bad there are worse things...
Avatar n tn Hi, i have a dry red area on the head of my penis. I'm not circumcised. It has been like this for maybe 4mths and was probably caused by not using a condom. In the past i treated it with Canestan cream and it stopped it drying out but was occasionally itchy. It never quit so i saw a doctor who put me on some tablets (sorry don't have name) and i had to apply triamcinolone acetonide lotion twice a day after showering.
Avatar m tn It works by reducing the action of chemicals produced by the body that cause the inflammation, redness and swelling, and is sold under various trade names such as Aricin, Cinalog, Aureocort and Kenalog. Its generic name, though, is Triamcinolone Acetonide. *********************** As the cream is an corticosteriod cream, and it has not helped you at all, then this is not the cream for your condition. The creams I suggested - Canesten, Canesten HC are used to treat fungal yeast infections.
611067 tn?1458591483 Well, I probably shoudn't start his thread - but here goes! What do you think of Cap & Trade - it passed the house today! I COMPLETELY DISAGREE! It will cost all of us a lot of money and it will send big corporations to other countries and that is NOT going to fix the economy! We've already become a consumer nation rather than an industrial nation and that's one reason we've lost so many jobs - they've all gone to other countries.
Avatar m tn Visual diagnosis 3 years ago as plaque psoriasis in the genital area and prescribed Triamcinolone cream 1%. When I felt itchy, I began using the cream immediately. Within a week to 2 weeks of using a small amount of the cream daily my skin healed. Unfortunately it would recur within about a month. Visited derm dr. recently and he diagnosed as herpes. I have not used the cream and have had a lot of pain and outbreak in the same 2 sites.
Avatar f tn Sofosbuvir-velpatasvir is the generic name also known as the International non-proprietary name (INN) or common name
Avatar m tn ) But how serious is an allergic reaction to triamcinolone? Or is it the combination of lidocaine and triamcinolone that caused the mess?
Avatar m tn Decadron® (dexamethasone) 4 mg is not the therapeutic equivalent of Kenalog® (triamcinolone acetonide) 80 mg. Using the Lexi-Calc corticosteroid conversion formula, the ratio of the 2 would be close to 5:1. So it would take Decadron® (dexamethasone) 16 mg to be approximately the equivalent of Kenalog® (triamcinolone acetonide) 80 mg.
Avatar f tn I'm 19 years old. I've had 3 ringworm outbreaks in less than a year, but I'm still not sure if it's ringworm. It always starts out with 1, 2, or 3 small red bumps. All the bumps have a white head and can be ruptured. If i scratch it or rupture the bumps by applying cream, it spreads. It is itchy, but only sometimes. But it never forms a circle. The bumps itself is in a circular form, but it is just a cluster of small raised bumps, not a ring with a clear center.
Avatar n tn prescribed Fluocinonide cream usp 0.05 by TARO, I also have on hand Triamcinolone Acetonide cream usp 0.1. Are they interchangeable The rash is getting larger and itches as it grows.
Avatar m tn If I used triamcinolone acetonide cream(its suppost to reduce the immune systems responce, I was told) can it take more than 3 months for my results to be conclusive? I haven't taken my 12 week test yet. I've only taken a 5 week test and a 9 week test(both negative) Please help me out, im freaking out!
Avatar n tn Iam so tired of a rash that keeps coming up, it will clear up then a few days later come back.. My dr has put me on triamcinolone 1% cream. Iam a very clean person and this rash keeps showing up under my armpit and right below.. any suggestion. While i use the cream it will clear up then come back if i stop.. Iam so discourage from this. Any advice might help...
Avatar m tn I have been on cetirizine for several years for itchy hands and feet, the dermatographism seemed to be connected to the intake of cetirizine and lessened in severity when I changed my allergy pill or stopped all together. I was given rounds of Prednisone, shots, Triamcinolone Acetonide 1% cream which causes periorbital dermatitis. That lead to having to take four weeks of minocycline. I now will have spontaneous eruptions of a red itchy rash with small raised bumps mostly on my torso or arms.
Avatar n tn There is currently no known cure for keratosis pilaris, however, there are effective treatments available which make its symptoms less apparent. Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication. Exfoliation, intensive moisturizing creams, creams and lotions containing alpha hydroxy acids and urea may be used to temporarily improve the appearance and texture of affected skin. I hope that helps.
Avatar n tn Keratosis pilaris occurs when the human body produces excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin. Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication. Exfoliation, intensive moisturizing creams, creams and lotions containing alpha hydroxy acids and urea may be used to temporarily improve the appearance and texture of affected skin.
Avatar n tn I have some itch, is Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP 0.1% a good cream for this? Are there any side effects to this cream?
Avatar f tn I’ve had what appears to be balanitis for 8 months now. I’m uncircumcised. I’ve tried ketoconaznole, triamcinolone, hydrocortisone, nystatin& triamcinolone. Also used basic lotions etc. basically nothing has worked. The most recent dermatologist I saw said that I have balanitis that turned into dermal hyper sensitivity/ a sensitized skin. He prescribed desonide ointment that didn’t work and also prednisone. Gave me some epiceram cream as well.
Avatar f tn Exactly 2 weeks two days ago I had sex with a woman I Received oral and vaginal sex but had a condom on the entire time. I immediately got in the shower after sex and throughly cleaned my genital area with soap for about 5 minutes. Exactly 2 days after I noticed a pain in the lymph nodes in my groin. Two days after that I had a burning sensation in the tip of my penis no pain when voiding or ejaculating. The lymph nodes began to burn as well.
Avatar n tn Tegretol s the trade name for the drug, Carbamazepine. This drug is mainly used in the treatmen for seizure disorders, trigeminal neuralgia (pain). Dosage is 100-200 mg once or twice daily until unless changed ny a competent physician.