
Triamcinolone shot

Common Questions and Answers about Triamcinolone shot


Avatar m tn My past doctor in another state had me on Kenalog shot 80 mg, every 3.5 months. I have since moved to another state bringing along my past medical records for my new doctor. He said his program does not provide him with Kenalog and so he gave me a shot of Decadron 4 mg every three months. It has been a week since my shot and my allergies are starting to return. What is the difference between the two, and which one is better?
Avatar m tn I have really gross hives all over my body, but I'm trying to figure out why. I go to this weird Korean skin care place for my bacne. A few months ago, they injected triamcinolone+lidocaine into a few specific acne spots. I started itching like crazy, breathing was difficult, and they let me go home after injecting me with an antihistamine (I imagine). Rash went away after my 3 hour nap.
Avatar m tn I am 68 and last year developed Lichen Simplex Cronicus on my buttocks. I used Triamcinolone,.5% and after a week it went away. This year it came back in May. The dermatologist gave me a shot and by early July it went away but in about 10 days came back. I was using Lidex, 2 times a day since and now today,the Doctor gave me a shot of Kenalog. I read where there is long term effects of both Lidex and kenalog. Is there some other choice? Is this condition food related by any chance?
Avatar f tn Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question. You don't describe your exposure, so I cannot judge your risk from that standpoint. Your dermatologist is correct: your local corticosteroid injections cannot have any effect on HIV testing. Potent, high dose immunosuppressive drugs, including ora high dose corticosteroids, in theory can delay conversion of HIV antibody tests to positive. (I stress "in theory".
Avatar f tn cuts on some stretch marks that I have, is this normal? I got a shot of kenalog 40 and have been using triamcinolone acetone .5 for a different problem. Is this a side effect or something else?
Avatar m tn It is small and on the left side. He prescribed Nystatin and Triamcinolone. I also have inflammed prostate treated with Cipro 500mg. I had unprotected oral sex one month ago. I took 4 pills and a shot on two different occassions. All the std exams, all negative. The urologist says what I have is not sex related. So where would I get a fungus? I can think of no other explanation then the sex.
Avatar m tn Visual diagnosis 3 years ago as plaque psoriasis in the genital area and prescribed Triamcinolone cream 1%. When I felt itchy, I began using the cream immediately. Within a week to 2 weeks of using a small amount of the cream daily my skin healed. Unfortunately it would recur within about a month. Visited derm dr. recently and he diagnosed as herpes. I have not used the cream and have had a lot of pain and outbreak in the same 2 sites.
Avatar f tn It finally cleared up a week and a half after shot. My brother only used Triamcinolone cream and it cleared in a few days. Is something airborne...maybe from chem trails. None of our doctors ever saw anything like it. Mine looked like mosquito bites that enlarged and turned to welts. Ones on feet were small red dots that looked like ant bites with no ous.
Avatar m tn After seeing a Dermatologist and given prednisone and a shot, it went away only to be replaced by what appeared to be an extremely itchy form of Dermatographism which later changed into a spontaneously occurring papular dermatitis which I've had for 6 months.I have been on cetirizine for several years for itchy hands and feet, the dermatographism seemed to be connected to the intake of cetirizine and lessened in severity when I changed my allergy pill or stopped all together.
Avatar f tn I'm 19 years old. I've had 3 ringworm outbreaks in less than a year, but I'm still not sure if it's ringworm. It always starts out with 1, 2, or 3 small red bumps. All the bumps have a white head and can be ruptured. If i scratch it or rupture the bumps by applying cream, it spreads. It is itchy, but only sometimes. But it never forms a circle. The bumps itself is in a circular form, but it is just a cluster of small raised bumps, not a ring with a clear center.
Avatar n tn prescribed Fluocinonide cream usp 0.05 by TARO, I also have on hand Triamcinolone Acetonide cream usp 0.1. Are they interchangeable The rash is getting larger and itches as it grows.
Avatar n tn Hi, i have a dry red area on the head of my penis. I'm not circumcised. It has been like this for maybe 4mths and was probably caused by not using a condom. In the past i treated it with Canestan cream and it stopped it drying out but was occasionally itchy. It never quit so i saw a doctor who put me on some tablets (sorry don't have name) and i had to apply triamcinolone acetonide lotion twice a day after showering.
Avatar f tn Three days later felt pain in lower abdomen and trouble urinating(no burning, slow flow) went to ER, they put me on cipro and the stuff that makes your pee yellow, during the course of cipro my glans looks red and cracked, tender at times, went to ER 4 days later with a feeling of numbness all over the body Fast forward to now, diagnosed with pelvic floor dysfunction (not prostatitis) treated for the red glans with kenalog shot and triamcinolone acetonide .
Avatar n tn He brought in another dermatologist and they scrutinized my multiple rashes. My doctor decided to treat me with a Kenalog shot in the rear, Triamcinolone Acetonide cream applied to all affected areas twice daily. He also took a punch biopsy above my right breast, making sure that no sinister thing was going on. He mentioned that he was concerned that perhaps it could be a very early appearance of CTCL. Didn't tell me what that was. I looked it up.
Avatar n tn Does anyone have any idea? Thanks for your time. Oh yea I have this cream called Triamcinolone Acetonide But not sure if its safe for Me to use it.
Avatar n tn I have some itch, is Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP 0.1% a good cream for this? Are there any side effects to this cream?
Avatar f tn I’ve had what appears to be balanitis for 8 months now. I’m uncircumcised. I’ve tried ketoconaznole, triamcinolone, hydrocortisone, nystatin& triamcinolone. Also used basic lotions etc. basically nothing has worked. The most recent dermatologist I saw said that I have balanitis that turned into dermal hyper sensitivity/ a sensitized skin. He prescribed desonide ointment that didn’t work and also prednisone. Gave me some epiceram cream as well.
Avatar m tn My dermatologist will only give me 2 steriod triamcinolone shots a year. I am well aware of what the side effects are but I dont care. Do any of you doctors out there give more than 2 a year? The shot seems to only work for about 3 months than I have to wait and suffer since cream and oitments dont work anymore and have horrible cosmetic side effects. I am a healthy 21 year old mal and have had this for 5 years on my face. Never had it as a child and no one in my family history.
Avatar f tn Don't use Triamcinolone anymore if you can help it as overuse can cause real problems. We read about it here all the time because it can thin the skin. I would try Psoriaflora cream or clear 100% aloe vera.
Avatar f tn What does skin atrophy look like? I used a steroid cream Triamcinolone on my face months back. I used it periodically over the course of 3 to 4 months. Now my facial skin looks almost scarred. I can't quite tell if it is permanent scarring or atrophy. Can a steroid cream produce scarring? Is this reversible? How long does it usually take to reverse?
Avatar n tn If the eczema is especially severe, a doctor may prescribe prednisone or administer a shot of cortisone or triamcinolone If the eczema is mild, over-the-counter hydrocortisone can be purchased at the local drugstore. If complications include infections (often of Staphylococcus aureus), antibiotics may be employed. The immunosuppressant Tacrolimus or pimecrolimus can be used as a topical preparation in the treatment of severe atopic dermatitis instead of traditional steroid creams.
Avatar m tn I used some gloves (Nitrile Exam Gloves) and i had a bad irritation because of that. I stoped used the gloves anymore and I went to the doctor. He gaved me NYSTATIN and TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE OINTMENT USP. It worked for a couple of days but then the ointment was gone , and i had no more refill. After only one day, the irritation started again. I went to the doctor again and he gaved me TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE CREAM USP, 0.1%.