
Triamcinolone scalp solution

Common Questions and Answers about Triamcinolone scalp solution


Avatar m tn They started on my hand and have now worked their way on my arms, legs, face, and scalp. I was told by a dermatologist that they were flat warts, but on a whim I just had one of the biopsied last week. The biopsy says the following: Dilated hair follicle with cystic change and features of epidermal inclusion cyst. Surrounding chronic inflammation is present. Atypia or features of malignancy are not identified.
Avatar n tn I have been diagnosed as having psoriasis on my scalp. For years I was so embarrassed. A friend gave me some triamcinolone acetone 10 percent and it cleared it right up. However if I stop using it it comes right back, but it works great for me. Also I was prescribed selenium sulfide 2.5 and it also clears it right up. I hope this helps like it helped me. I wish there was a cure though.
Avatar m tn My body in general will get red spots from just touching it because of how sensitive it is and my head which is the worst right now will flake and give a almost dry burning sensation even when I wash with cold water and my scalp which I believe to be a dry scalp and not dandruff will itch horrible and hurt.
Avatar m tn My dermatologist prescribed clobetesol solution for the scalp itching and rash and also oral hydroxyzine 50 mg. every 6 hours for itching and rash. They worked very well. Both are prescription medications.
Avatar f tn I am sure you are aware of Keloid treatment. If not, then Triamcinolone 10–20 mg per ml intralesional; cryotherapy; silicone gel sheet; compression dressing; superficial orthovoltage, radiation therapy; surgical excision with postoperative interferon or imiquimod will help. Keep me informed if you have any queries. Bye.
Avatar f tn I want to use the scalp solution for the dandruff.Please write the trade name of the solution which I can purchase in India.I am suffering from dandruff for almost 15 years and i have tried some will advertised shampoo and other prodicts which are not effective.Somebody has advesed urine therapy.I may use it if possible for me.
Avatar f tn Then follow up with another light misting of the scalp and hair with the solution and allow hair to air dry. The vinegar smell will be gone once the hair completely dries. The solution acts as a clarifying agent, removing build from the a scalp and hair while promoting ph levels. It also has anti microbial benefits which kills door causing bacteria. Let me know if it helps.
Avatar f tn If I skipped shampooing for one day the itching became unbearable and then the scratching made it worse, causing more of an eruption. Once the scalp developed bumps or flaking then I would use a fluocinonide solution on my scalp - probably any steroid solution would do, but the important part is getting it in solution rather than a cream or ointment – either of those would make a real mess applied where hair is present!
Avatar f tn Patches of scaliness that itch and burn badly turn up quickly on my scalp. They usually turn into hard bumps that hurt. They take a long time to heal. A week ago, I had 2=3 of them. Presently, I have about 24. The dermatologist helped me the last time by prescribing Kenalog spray. Is ther anything I can do for relief, until I can get an appointment?
Avatar m tn Now my doctor has advised using Triamcinolone Acetonide cream on the rash twice a day, but after 5 days still no success. Has anyone had a similar problem and found what the solution to curing it was??? Thanks for your help!
Avatar f tn Your doctor can also prescribe a topical steroid for this. These meds are available in a solution that is non-greasy for use on the scalp. The one I've used (and found very helpful) is fluocinonide solution. I also didn't do well with strong menthol shampoos or conditioners - they really irritated my skin even more.
Avatar m tn A complete physical examination is needed to rule out an underlying scalp disease.Hair loss may be associated with scalp disease such as a fungal infection and seborrheic dermatitis. A microscopic evaluation of scalp scrapings or skin scrapings may help determine the presence of a fungal infection.Treating the underlying problem will help resolve hair loss.
Avatar m tn i dyed my hair with a henna permanant hair on sunday and after 2 hours my neck started ichting the next few hrs it had blisspread on my ears an scalp blistered and now is weeping i have been the doctors and been giving fexofenadine hydrochloride 180mg one a day but my scalp is still weeping and am not sure what to wash my hair with can u please help.
Avatar f tn Does anyone who has treated know what is good for scalp itch? It is really bugging me. Going to the doc on Tuesday but meanwhile...I am trying not to touch it but it is real uncomfortable. Thanks!
Avatar m tn Honestly i do not know when it started but i am always using my finger to rub on my scalp looking for something to scratch off , i have a serious problem with dandruff it comes and goes and sometimes grow over night. When i have it bad i notice i have red spots or bumps on my scalp and i need help because i am very scared this might be some sort of disease ... can someone tell me what are these small red spots that appear ?
Avatar f tn they feel like they are almost underneath the skin of my scalp and Although they are always present on my scalp,the only time they show up is when I scratch them. Along with these symptoms,I have been struggling with mild diffuse hairloss that seems to occur when these symptoms arise. I am prone to excema but it usually disappears by now. I have tried nearly everything to get this under control but it like my scalp seems to get used to it and gets worse again.
Avatar m tn hey did you ever find a solution to your problem? I too have IBS and itchy scalp with flakes....
687194 tn?1244811182 There are some prescription remedies for the scalp as well such as Nizoral shampoo (indicated for the reduction of scaling due to dandruff) and Temovate scalp solution (a steroid for short term use to treat inflammatory and itchy manifestations of the scalp). Please make an appointment with your physician for an exam and labs.
Avatar m tn In OCT examination there was small cystic spaces and I was advised 20mg Triamcolone DPST Initially there was relief and I consulted again I was advised to use Acular (Ketorolac Tromethamine ophthalmic solution) . . Now I met the same problem. Which ophthalmic solution is best for relief?
Avatar f tn I am facing scalp itching problem. Whenever I scratch my scalp during itching hair gets falling with small white beads. I went to dermatologist. She gave medicines Keraglo Eva and Dazit. And also given me a liquid solution Mintop for scalp.but still itching and hair falling going on. Wherever small hairs are growing that place getting itchness and small growing hairs also falling.. Because of this I feel very sad. Can you please help me?
1948511 tn?1324389675 After the consult, he prescribed me topical solution after solution and shampoos. He did give me Aldactone to help my hair grow back and, of course the hair is very fine that is coming in. Just like a previous person stated, dr said that haircolor is not what is affecting my condition, which was diagnosed scalp Psoriasis. Know one in my family has ever had any of these problems. I only have 1/2 my thyroid and it is testing within normal range.
Avatar f tn I recently noticed I had a small razor-burn like bump on my bikini area, and some red bumps on the rear, though they weren't like my usual razor-burns. Everything was on outer areas only. I found out my boyfriend cheated on me with multiple people, got tested for STDs, and came back negative for everything. It's been about a month and the bumps did not spread, hurt, blister, etc. They look like pimples but with nothing inside them- just raised skin.
Avatar n tn Diprolen gel (14 days) and a cutane solution of adrenal hormones (interval treatment 6 weeks; according to pharmacist this solution was the strongest available (prescription). 10 days of terbinafine cream (rubbed into scalp) - Pills: Broad spectrum antibiotics (3 months; folliculitis suspected, later ruled out), nizoral pills (3 weeks), fluconazole (50mg/day for 5 weeks), itraconazole (200mg/day for 9 weeks) -probably forgot something...
Avatar n tn Wash them and massage the scalp with olive oil leave it for the night and then wash then next day morning and then if you see any changes after a week .... then thats what it is ....