
Topamax for vertigo

Common Questions and Answers about Topamax for vertigo


Avatar f tn I'm so sorry for your condition. What kind of Brain tumor do you have? Is it GMB or something else? If it is GBM there is a clinical trial that they don't have to remove the tumor for by Tocagen. They have the trials at UCLA, UCSF, and UCSD and maybe other places and it sounds promising. If you don't have GBM I thought I would try. I have vertigo but not due to a shunt. It is due to my migraines and they use Topamax to control it.
620923 tn?1452915648 hello all, well I went to see the neourlogist yesterday and she got my report from Cleveland Clinic and the Dr did say I have Chiari Malformation, but wanted other treatment to see and ENT for vertigo. I am curanlty in theraphy for vertigo, it has helped with the balance problem and the dizzyness, but I am still having headaches. So the neourligst is put me on the drug called Neurontin 100 mg three times a day, to see if that helps for the headaches.
Avatar f tn Did you take the Topamax for vertigo? What is Chiari malformation? Thanks for the info on short term side effects. Which side effects did you have? What dose were you on? So did you take Topamax for 3.5 years or how long? I read that pins and needles are common and that you don't sweat with this drug and can get over heated. I guess it sounds like if you don't get acidosis you don't get the kidney stones or Osteoporosis. Did you have a lot of weight loss too?
Avatar f tn I have been on topamax for over a month and am going off of it, it has many weird side effects. I just logged on here at 3 am to see if anyone else had these symptoms with this drug. my legs and arms are numb and like needles and pins, I have diahrrea and nausa every day and food dosen't tast good at all. I itch all over which is keeping me awake. I am going to stop taking it. can't call the doc till monday, but can't stand this either. good luck to you.
Avatar f tn But since you had surgery maybe your body maybe reacting to it? I sure wouldnt let that go. As for the vertigo the topamax seemed to help it some but it didnt help the balance. Now im on 125mg of zonigran. its like topamax but its not working either I could take the name brand topamax but when it went to a non name brand I had bad reactions to it like bad mood swings. I hope you get some answers on whats going on best of luck to you.
Avatar n tn Hi I would also like to comment as well.... I am taking topamax and I take it for migrane prevention.. and not for seizures....Should we still be wearing a medical alert even tho we do not have seizures>?
Avatar m tn t notice any change within 3 months, or any reduction of side-effects, you may want to try another medication. But, I was on Topamax for about 2 years, and for me the side-effects went away in the first year but did persist longer than 3 months... so although 3 months should be a good indicator, it is not always the case either. Still, if you find the side-effects to be disruptive, disabling, or you cannot tolerate them, then you may want to try explaining that to your doctor again.
1702882 tn?1307498836 It is possible u r in a flare, I had vertigo last for well over 2 weeks straight....and it was awful.....I did not know to try this at the time, but since others have mentioned using non drowsy Dramamine to help...but it has to be the non drowsy formula. I had to turn to my right to keep the nausea at I know what u r going thru it is not fun. There r many drs that do not know or understand how chiari affects us, u need a true chiari specialist.
Avatar n tn I started Midrin tonight, am still taking Valium for the Vertigo spells as needed, and Klonopin at night for the leg pain. I am completely confused why I had a seizure tonight after going a whole week seizure-free. Is there something we're missing here? MRI, MRA, CT, EEG and bloodwork all came out beautifully. I appear to be a perfectly healthy 30 year old woman. I don't drink, smoke or use drungs.
489786 tn?1255692879 I have had migraine headaches for most of my life and have taken everything at one time or another. What works best for me is 50mg of topamax daily. Even taking the topamax I get "break through" headaches. I've taken many of the triptans and had good luck with all except Imitrex (got terrible rebound headaches!!!). Excedrin migraine, if I take it right away, works OK now that I take the topamax daily. I hope you get some relief soon.
Avatar f tn Hi, I took Topamax for one day. It was awful for me. My NS started me out at 50 mg. and within a half an hour of taking the first pill I felt spacey, dizzy, stupid and had a dull headache. Soon after I noticed that my pupils were very dilated and fixed. They remained like this for over 24 hours. I was unable to drink soda and most things tasted bad. I chose not to continue taking this drug, since, although my brain hurts, at least I can think with it.
Avatar m tn I have severe vertigo that I got last year for the first time and it is related to my migraines. I am now on Topamax to keep the vertigo away. It seems to be working so far. yours does sound like the inner ear. I think a visit to a good ENT that your FP doc recommends would be a good idea to start with.
Avatar m tn I have been misdiagnosed for years with vertigo and migraines. My symptoms include headaches, dizziness, neck pain, ringing in the ears, and blurred vision. After much research it seems my only options are do nothing or surgery. My Neurologist has had me try topamax in the past but the side effects were horrifying. She now wants me to try Diamox. Any relief with this drug?? I am so afraid of taking any other drugs after the topamax. Side effects or any info would be much appreciated.
Avatar f tn It could be those that had a hair loss issue also had a thyroid issue and assumed it was the topamax......????
Avatar f tn I developed vertigo on Christmas night. I was on topamax for 7 days which stopped the Auras and migraines but not the vertigo. I was having too many side effects and had to stop the med. what started as wanting answers for migraines quickly developed into a desperate need to stop the vertigo. I lead an active life with two children in sports. I've minimized my driving but frankly am going crazy with having others drive me around. Does Ménière's cause these type of head tinglings?
1702882 tn?1307498836 He finally gave me something for the vertigo and also gave me some fast acting medication to stop the headache before they turn in to a three day marathon. Thanks everyone for your support. It's so nice to chat with people who get me. If I can be of any assistance to anyone please let me know.
Avatar n tn I also take Imitrex for the bad headaches and Ibupropin for the lesser ones. Migraines can be for days. My neighbor has them every day and finally found that there were certain triggers for hers. I can't eat MSG, red wine, sulfites and sulfur dioxide (preservative in dried fruit), and flashing lights or certain types of light will trigger mine too. Let me know how it goes ok?
Avatar f tn I originally went to my neurologist for migraines and was put on Topamax for vertigo. It has worked At the same time I am perimenopausal and have become hypothyroid. My TSH was taken by my family practise doctor and the values have doubled every couple of months and are now at 8.25mcIU/mL reference range 0.358-3.800. He doesn't believe in doing the T3 and T4 and said that they are combined in the TSH value or something like that. In any case he doesn't like to run them.
Avatar m tn I would ask for an alternative medicine. Topamax causes hair loss which I have experienced first hand. I found out that that is one of the main side effects and wish I hadn't taken it. I would look on the internet for medications that treat migraines and look at all of the side effects. I have found I have to be proactive and do my research and ask the doctor about a specific medication.
Avatar n tn I had this pretty steadily for 4 weeks, then tapered for a week, then it was gone for a week. I was so relieved. Then I had a migraine and the feeling returned 24 hours later. I do have a history of migraines, and sometimes this feels like I am on the verge of a migraine with this condition. I have tried Mazalt and Relpax and neither really help this current condition. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am a 36 yo female.
Avatar f tn Hi, well I never had a sore throat or sinus infection on topiramate. I have been on it for a year. I am on 75 mg and was on 100mg. It does cause dry mouth. My side effects are also poor short term memory, hard to concentrate. Off balance sometimes. Fatigue some days. I actually lost a few pounds so that is good. You are on such a low dose that I doubt it had that kind of reaction. It may just be the weather is lowering your immune system or you are getting sick being around people (if your are?
Avatar f tn It has stopped the vertigo and most migraines. Topamax is bad for memory though. But instead of falling a breaking a bone I'll take the poor short term recall. So, I hope they find out what the cause of the diarrhea is from.. I don't think the migraines are causing the diarrhea. Make sure you keep hydrated since you have so much water loss. You might want to drink a sports drink and eat bananas to keep your potassium up. Please do keep me posted as to what you find out.
Avatar f tn I had periorbital migraines and was placed on Topamax, technically an anti-seizure but also great for migraine/headache control and mood stabilization in bipolar disorder. That for a while was the only thing that worked for me. It can have a sedative and appetite suppressant effect. I was also shortly on a low dose of Elavil for migraines. Carefull with that one, take only the amount prescribed.
Avatar f tn Lots of strange this happen like saw jaw, vertigo and the urge to go to the toliet. its stops for months and then comes back why does it do that? Im taking propanalol at the moment and do have topamax but as i say sometimes there is no headache just the other stuff so i tend not to take it as it makes me feel sick and i cant work if i take it. I really cant carry on like this.