
Topamax and verapamil

Common Questions and Answers about Topamax and verapamil


324184 tn?1308076203 Monday I was rushed to the hospital bc I had terrible chest pains and shortness of breath, the Dr.
324184 tn?1308076203 I have been on verapamil for several months now. I started with 180 and was moved to 240. After no relief from Topamax and several other medications I was switched to Verapamil. Being on the 240 has worked wonders. I went from 1-4 migraines a week to MAYBE one a month now. Everyone has different triggers and tolerance as well. The medication also takes several weeks before you start seeing results. Good luck to you!
Avatar f tn Are you still seening the Neuro doc, and has he run any test for any kinds of seizures, topamax and verapamil are used for siezures caused migraines
1225279 tn?1295545587 progressively stop medications, especially lamictal and topamax, verapamil and vicodin.
Avatar f tn Can you tell me my Verapamil would cause my neck pain to end? I don't have high blood pressure, but my Neurologist prescribed it for my migraines. I am taking a super low dose of Topamax twice a day, but as soon as I added this, the neck pain suddenly ended. That's awesome, but I don't understand why. Could you explain? Thanks!
526022 tn?1231148784 So now i cannot take hardly any medications i have tried nsaid, tordal shots, verapamil, lortab and nothing seems to work, the verapamil and the topamax made them worse. So now my family doctor wants me to see a pain management doctor to control my pain, the only thing is I have to wait another 3-4 months to get in and in the meanwhile I am not taking nothing and suffering in the meantime with 3-4 migraines a week. Please help and any suggestions would be geatly appreciated....
Avatar n tn I have and c5/6 disk fusion over 10 years ago and have continual pinched neck nerve pain that I deal with all the time. MRI shows continually bad but surgery not recommended (good). Question - since I can feel when the nerve pinches, it is on right side of neck - any pressure and it gets worse and triggers bad migraines but also swells up the back of neck. I use ice and fiornal to control pain. sleep with ice packs on my neck. can this raise my blood pressure?
739070 tn?1338603402 Every several - several months I start to feel one coming on and if I take a verapamil and excedrin migraine it goes away. I consider it a miracle drug that gave me my life back and would highly recommend giving it a try. I have never had any noticable side effects, but I have always been on a low dose.
Avatar f tn Dear Dr.... Hello again...I've been doing some more reasearch..I've been trying like crazy to come to some conclusion as to why I have been suffering with the chronic muscle pain in my neck and at the base of my skull and upper back. I've had joint swelling and stiffness.
Avatar f tn and left arm left leg left side of face go numb and cant speak well and lose balance and throw up. and have had these weird episodes where i get high pitched sound in ears and then im awake but im not really there but i look completely normal. then my right arm feels off and weird ...i have no memory of what someone said to me or what happened. and i feel zoned out( not diagnosed.) i am always tired!-on verapamil topamax nortripilyne effexor baby aspirin. not on high doses of anything!!!!
Avatar n tn I am a 38 year old female with SVT and migraine. I was started on verapamil 120 mg then advised to increase the dose to 240 mg. At 240 mg, I experienced severe palpitations which woke me up at night, caused shortness of breath, and fullness in my neck. When I decreased the dose to 120 mg, the palpitations resolved.
Avatar n tn can i take 2 verapamil 120 er/myl twice daily, if i am out of the verapamil 240 er/myl twice daily
Avatar f tn When my migraines became a daily issue I did go on Topamax and it helped some but not well enough... Mine mimic MS and can be dangerous in certain situations if not kept under control... The side effects were so bad I searched for other options - I hate medication to begin with. I found a supplement therapy that has been researched a great deal over seas and am now off of all medications and only have one migraine a month triggered by those lovely hormones...
Avatar f tn I was taking verapamil for my tachycardia, I'm not sure about those side effects but you can definitely google verapamil and it should explain all side effects... I had an allergic reaction to it so I had to stop it... Now I'm on something I can't pronounce or spell, so I would look it up or even talk to your doctor about it and see if there is something else that you can take maybe a calcium channeller vs the beta blocker...
1868815 tn?1412541757 Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Flexril, and then some. The triptans meds I was given was Topamax, Firocet, Verapamil, Venaflixin, Proprandol, another pain medication Imtrex and Butorphanol (both nasal sprays), Amitripyline is another triptan meds. The concurrent medications that I am currently taking now is Proprandol for anixety now, Amitripyline for my triptans (Day 7 still the same painful migraines), and Ambien for insomina. The nasal sprays I stop taking because of blood pressure was being low.
Avatar m tn I have been on topamax now for the their time for both chronic migraines and seizures, I started taking it at bed time but be sure you can get 8hours of sleep at night at first, after your body gets use to it you won't be so tired. I am a mother of 4 kids too and 2 are autistic and I take 50 mg at night and 50mg in the morning as well, as far as hair falling out my graves disease does that for
Avatar m tn I'm an ophthalmologist and I don't treat migraine with Topamax or verapamil. Treatment is family MD, internist or neurologist. Migraines generally get better as we get older and usually stop completely in 50s or 60s. We do have prospective studies planned. You would need to have your treating physician read the material and decide whether to try the beta blocker drops or not.
Avatar f tn Well u may not b in that much pain then to come off it it it helped. I have major body issues. And I used to work out hard and diet a lot and had a nice in shape body. Then got in two car accidents, neck problems now chronic daily migrianes. Iv had migrianes since 12 anyways. But the neck problems just added on to them! I'm 23 yrs old and literally bedridden almost everyday now. Propranolol made me gain 10-12 pounds a WEEK! So no! I don't want that! I can't handle that extra stress.
Avatar n tn It is up to the doctor. I'm not sure why you would take both verapamil and diltiazem since they are both CCB's. I'm going to assume the doctor is prescribing this and you're not just going to find the med and add it yourself. Ask the doctor about how the medications work and why you need both.
Avatar m tn Hi.... I am a 30 y/o female who was dx with psvt in july 2010. My svt was seen on a 48 hr event monitor and I had rates of 188 from simple activity such as climbing my steps. My EP/Cardio attempted an ablation on 7/15/10. They weren't able to sustain the svt long enough to ablate and discovered that my accesorry pathway is up against my SA node so I run the risk of needing a pacemaker if the svt is ablated.
Avatar f tn I have been on short term disability from my job since March and I am desperate for answers from someone who has battled this same problem to get back on my feet and get my life back. I am currently taking Topamax 25mg (2x daily) and Indomethacin up to 3 times daily. It helped for about a week, but my headaches came back 3 days ago. I am scheduled to go back and see my Neurologist in about a week.
1125820 tn?1265284446 I tried Topamax, myself, and it seemed to do an okay job at a low dose. I didn't have a chance to increase the dosage because my neurologist felt the side-effects were outweighing the benefits for me (particularly "feeling stupid", not being able to think of the right word or thought to finish my sentences, memory loss)--even at such a low dosage.
Avatar f tn hi. i have been on verapamil and prednisone for over a week(for migraines). the past few days i have been experiencing neck pain, facial swelling and tingling in cheeks. as a kid if you have ever stood on your head and then got up real quick...the blood rushing to your head type of feeling is what i am experiencing in my cheeks. if that makes sense. i went to my nuro today he said stop the verapamil it could be the cause. should i go to the ER?
Avatar n tn t advise you on stopping medications, you should talk to your doctors about that one but niacin and verapamil can increase liver enzymes and are worth asking your doctor about. I hope this helps.
Avatar m tn in 2018 i wanted to get off verapamil because it caused my colon to slow down making me sick from CIC, so i saw a new electro heart doc and he ordered me off the meds and a week later had a stress test and 48h holter. Doc called with the results and he was fine with everything and i could stay off the meds. Everything was fine for the last two years, I would go days without feeling a skip and when i did, it would cause anxiety and eventually go away.
Avatar m tn If you are prone to constipation, many of us are, verapamil may make it much worse. It did for me and the doctor told me my body would get used to it in a couple of did NOT and I had to stop taking it plus it did nothing for my tachycardia.