
Topamax and excedrin

Common Questions and Answers about Topamax and excedrin


Avatar f tn Hi and welcome to the forum. I used excedrin migrain n it worked for me. Congrats on wanting to get clean. There is support here, but we also stress aftercare. It is essential to longterm recoverty. Good luck n keep posting!
1034911 tn?1389546066 After starting to come off of the Excedrin on Tuesday, on Friday I had a killer Migraine and started the 3 day course of Decadron and have been doing really well. I have also tried to lower my Diet Coke intake, and will continue working on that! If you have went through this, how long did it take for you to get through this? I am worried since I took the only Decadron I have, that when I go to work tomorrow that a killer Migraine will appear again. Any input??? Thank you!
489786 tn?1255692879 I have had migraine headaches for most of my life and have taken everything at one time or another. What works best for me is 50mg of topamax daily. Even taking the topamax I get "break through" headaches. I've taken many of the triptans and had good luck with all except Imitrex (got terrible rebound headaches!!!). Excedrin migraine, if I take it right away, works OK now that I take the topamax daily. I hope you get some relief soon.
Avatar m tn Hey guys. I've got a problem slightly different from the ones I've been sorting through looking for an answer, so I decided to post here. I have chronic migraines, and my doctors think it's related to stress and anxiety. They put me on Vicodin for the pain while waiting for a drug called "Topamax" to kick in, which takes a few months, and when it did it only dulled them and lowered the frequency.
Avatar n tn I am on Duragesic pain patch, Ultram, Lortab 10 mg, and Lyrica 200mg. I noticed weight gain and swelling in my legs and feet with Lyrica and wanted to know if Topamax could replace Lyrica.
Avatar m tn I've had chronic migraines for 39 years. I've tried every medication out there. All triptans, Aimovig, Emgality, Ajovy, Trokendi, Topamax, Ubrelvy, Nurtec, Advil doesn't work, icing my head doesn't work, a hot shower doesn't work. You name it, I've done it. Pressure points don't work. I've been taking Fioricet daily for probably 6 months. Started innocently of course. I understand the Fioricet is causing my daily migraines and I need to taper off.
1448748 tn?1312956208 Oro, but my headaches are so bad, i have tried a couple of things like immitrex and I forgot the other prescription, but it is a muscle relaxer that also has a muscle relaxer, aspirin and caffeine, I am currently on percocet, have tried Excedrin Migraine, and man other over the counter pain relievers. My last headache was 26 days straight. I have a headache that is dull most the time or what I would describe as pressure, kind of pushing on my ears if feels or behind my eyes.
Avatar n tn In Jan my "gall bladder" symptoms really flared. Unable to eat, nausea, abd pain. Ultrasound revealed polyp in gallbladder (same as 4 yrs ago). of course surgeon said it needs to come out. that is what they said 4 yrs ago. at that time I tried to reduce fats, take protonix daily (also have to take Excedrin almost daily for Migraines- another story) but symptoms now waking me up at night. abd pain rad to back too, Hida scan ef 22%.
Avatar f tn I was going through, oh I dunno, 6 excedrin migraine pills a day, I was immune to Tylenol because I had taken so much of it as a kid, and nothing else worked. Sooo, finally my neurologist had me try Topamax and it worked out rather lovey. I've been on it for about 3-4 months now and I think I've had maybe 3 headaches since then. The first day I didn't have one I thought something was wrong with me:p Getting through all of the side effects was a bit weird, but worth it for me.
Avatar f tn t go away it eases up to a dull ache but it comes back with a major pain and it gets to the point where It just see black dots, and I am dizzy alot,and throw up. I have been to my family doctor yesterday, he prescribed me topamax, and gave me a hot of something. I have taken one yesterday and one today can't tell that they are working just makes me feel weird and have a headache almost like a hangover. Do you think I should try to see a Neurologist or just take this med.
7131686 tn?1390054441 ve suffered from migraines for years and was put on topamax to help them. When I became pregnant I had to get off of it. To help with my headaches now, I take one benadryl before bed. (It is perfectly safe during pregnancy) In the morning, I take one more and try not to get up too fast. Drink a full glass of water and about two hours later, I take Tylenol. If I do this, I'm good all day. If it does get too bad, I carry a bag of frozen peas and put it on top of my head.
3837157 tn?1348286069 I took a .5mg Xanex for anxiety about 12 hours ago, but now have a killer headache and want to take an Excedrin for it. Will there be any complications or has the Xanex worked it's way out of my system yet? 21 year old male, about 290lb, don't drink, haven't smoked in a year, no recreational drug use.
Avatar n tn These include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) or aspirin to help relieve mild migraines and combinations of acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine specifically meant for moderate migraine attacks (Excedrin Migraine). The drugs of choice however are triptans such as Sumatriptan, rizatriptan, naratriptan, zolmitriptan, almotriptan, frovatriptan and eletriptan. You may need to try which of these medications works best for you, in consultation with your doctor.
Avatar f tn Yeah, it was kind of a wake up call about Heath, because I was taking Vics, Percs, Xanax, Flexeril, Topamax, ummm.....fioricet as needed and just the fact that we mix and they can be deadly combos even if they aren't extremely high doses! It was shortly after his death I freaked out and quit ct. Sucked. But it sucks less today, 15 days later. On another note, just went to the pharmecy today to pick up my TOpamax for migraines and it was $208.00 for 1 month's supply! WTF?
Avatar f tn The fact the headaches are severe and respond to Excedrin and not the others is some suggestion it could be migraines, but mild ones as you don't report blurry vision or nausea and migraines are really bad headaches.
Avatar m tn ve been on every type of migraine pill out there, topamax, Zoimg immitrex, amitriptyline, you name it. Over the counter drugs like Tylenol, Aleve and Excedrin don't do anything for me. The only thing that really seems to help me is Vicodin. But, because of my age it's unlikely a doctor would prescribe it to me. Does anyone have any experience with these type of headaches, do these really seem like migraines or tension headaches?
268911 tn?1213744781 I am wondering what, if any, stomach problems some of you may have had due to pain pill usage. In a VERY WEAK effort to try and taper myself off of norcos I started using Excedrin as a pain supplement and I'm thinking those pills are behind my current situation. These Excedrin contain more acetominephen than the Norco's I'm taking. I've been taking the Excedrin, 4 pills a day, for 6 months and now I have lower abdominal pain that wont go away.
Avatar n tn Yes, Excedrin is Acetaminophen 250mg., Aspirin 250mg., and caffeine 65mg. Excedrin Migraine is the same formula (from what I have seen). I'm not sure why they put another label on it that says "migraine" when it is the same thing as regular Excedrin. Don't get me wrong, I think Excedrin is the best OTC pain reliever but for actual migraines....they don't touch them. At least for me.
Avatar f tn I am glad you are at least getting the support of a Celebrate Recovery group, but am sorry you are not able to get "formal therapy" right now. It's really great though that you are taking the initiative to go to that group though. That's a big step in itself that you are doing it for yourself you know? Do you have insurance by chance? I know that's a bit of a personal question but insurance does usually help with therapy and such.
9584843 tn?1404686658 I have self medicated over 10 years to get some type of relief. Especially since I was still in high school and I couldn't seem to concentrated when I had my attacks. I would take Advil, Excedrin, ibuprofen, anything to help with the pain. Eventually I had to keep upping the dose until I was taking 10 to 15 pills a day to even get a slight reaction from the meds. This year I was finally dxed with this condition. I finally got to see a true Chiari spoecialiat yesterday.
Avatar n tn I've had migraines for 18yrs & have tried everything under the sun in that time... including occipital nerve blocks & Botox. I was placed on Topamax 100mg almost 10yrs ago with good results. I would still get 1-3 migraines a month but they didn't last as long or as intense. About 7yrs ago my neurologist told me to take 250mg of Magnesium as well. But 2yrs ago my migraines began to get worse.
Avatar f tn I took it because my leg is getting worse (it goes through spurts where it will be bearable and then not) and the Aspirin/Tylenol combo in the Excedrin sometimes helps more because I usually go straight to Motrin, and rarely take Excedrin so my body isn't as used to that one. But along with the much needed energy, today it like made me oddly happy, too.
Avatar f tn I am on topamax now and some side effects are hard to deal with. my dr is decreasing my dosage. my side effects are that my arms and legs are numb and tingling like pins and needles and I am very tired I have diahreea alot. you have to stay in contact with your doc while on the medication.
5857909 tn?1375628784 I have reduced quite all my medication and I feel like slowly back to being the person i used to be I am currently taking only 50mg of Topamax and I can say that the pain disappeared almost completely and the goal is to be free of this medicine at year end. Also I have feelings of anger, because I think I've been taking Topamax for over 10 years without any sense. I think I have found what was the source of all my chronic pain and Topamax was not helping me at all.
975514 tn?1324997938 I've been taking Topamax for about 2.5 months and since then noticed some issues with my left eye. Within a month of being on Topamax my left eye seemed very dry, so I thought I was suffering from allergies (which I do have). I purchased some over the counter allergy eye drops, which caused my left eye to dilate, which scared me. Being cautious, I went to see a optician for a basic check up because I know about the possible Glaucoma complication with Topamax as well.
Avatar f tn Has anyone ever responded to the original questions posted in 2010? I am curious. I have been taking 300 mg Wellbutrin and 200 mg Topamax since May 2016 and have lost approx 30lbs. I wasn't aware of the side affects and my doctor said as long as I feel fine there is no reason to run tests. I just want to make sure others are having this same significant weight loss.