
Thalidomide victims association of canada

Common Questions and Answers about Thalidomide victims association of canada


1770925 tn?1365618522 Peripheral neuropathy has been seen in association with the following antibiotics metronidazole, nitrofurantoin, thalidomide and isoniazid. What are your neurological symptoms and has a physician correctly attributed them to sulfa drugs? There is no known peripheral neuropathy with the use of cephalexim, particularly short-term use. You can also check with the pharmacist.
119341 tn?1232563757 The study compared the effectiveness and safety of the combination of thalidomide and topotecan, a chemotherapy often used for ovarian cancer, versus topotecan alone for treatment of recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer in patients who had received prior treatment. Epithelial ovarian cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form in the tissue that covers the ovary.
167426 tn?1254086235 ” The study compared the effectiveness and safety of the combination of thalidomide and topotecan, a chemotherapy often used for ovarian cancer, versus topotecan alone for treatment of recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer in patients who had received prior treatment. Epithelial ovarian cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form in the tissue that covers the ovary.
377493 tn?1356502149 the brain drain from Canada to the U.S. appears to be a thing of the past. In the 1990s when things were rosy in the U.S., Canada wrung its hands about losing their best and brightest to jobs south of the border. [ More Brew: Only in Canada: Curler slapped with two-year ban for drugs ] A report released last year, however, suggested America's economic woes had slowed that trend. In 2011, Ottawa approved 34,185 visas for U.S.
Avatar n tn Is there a website listing support groups for stoke victims? Does anyone know if there is a support group for stroke victims in the Owatonna or Faribault, Minnesota area? Thank you!
296076 tn?1371334474 it is sickening the worst part is the judge did his part. he sentenced him to 60 years and within a year of him being in prison the "parole board" cut his sentence in half making him eligible for parole after 15 years.
105530 tn?1279585282 hard-boiled eggs
1205402 tn?1268220272 Hello again, I didn't realize you were in Canada. I am not sure if the NFA has a provider search for Canada- I think it's only for US residents. I apologize for the confusion. I would do what you can to try to begin the Cymbalta as well. It is an approved treatment for FMS here in the states, so chances are that your doctor already has it in his/her mind that you may have FMS.
233488 tn?1310693103 Because retinal detachment is serious and may result in permanent vision loss, it was essential to duplicate the Canadian findings—particularly given the widespread prescribing of quinolones. To my knowledge, the first attempt to confirm this association appears in this issue of JAMA.3 Using data from Danish national registries, Pasternak and colleagues3 performed a cohort study of nearly 750 000 episodes of oral fluoroquinolone use and more than 5.
Avatar m tn no question i thouhgt this might be of interest anyone any one in canada whom has chronic fatique syndrome can no longer donate blood a mysterious viris called xmrv wich is in same family as aids viris is thought to be the culprit
651074 tn?1248822567 Also there is a blog on the internet from a woman who has lived with it for 20 years and actually had a tv show made of her story so you may want to find it and read it. She has lived a very productive life.
Avatar m tn I have read in the internet about prevention of heart attach by the following method! My question to the dear readers is that is it really helpful? Or is it a hoax? Please help. Thanks in advance! "The "attacked" victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
1154074 tn?1322847314 Hs anyone else here (preferably in Canada) Gone with a midwife after having Weight Loss Surgery?
Avatar f tn then my son sudden insert of fever ..joint pain..rash..after 22 days antibiotic not work..Dr send us to rhumetologist...rhumy diagnosis him a SOJIA..juvenile arthritis...since then I m in constant worrying after remission 2 time for one year he have return arthritis. since 3.5 years he is on prednisone..methotrexet..thalidomide. and other dmrd..but not helpful . pain is coming since last one year with fever...rhumy want to start biologics inj.actimera..before start drs.need some test like TB..
1530342 tn?1405016490 I know there is a lot of dynamics involved, but, victims of abuse just keep allowing it to happen, again and again. I know it's not easy, but they COULD make better (or different) decisions. Especially when there are children involved. At that point, there must be protection for the child, and it's time for action. People ALLOW themselves to become and remain victims. I also do not condone domestic violencer, and I do understand they have very messed up thought processes...
428506 tn?1296557399 Significant evidence, clinical experience, and expert opinion were presented to the specially appointed IDSA panel to demonstrate that carefully administered long-term antibiotic treatment was beneficial in providing significant relief to many victims of tick-borne disease. The panel erred in turning its back on these impressive submissions in favor of continued reliance on studies and conclusions that have been soundly criticized for their own shortcomings and biases.
Avatar f tn I started topotecan July 28th with a ca125 of 142. After 1st round, 3 infusions, ca124 dropped to 42. Had a week rest them had 2nd round and ca125 is now 59. Is this normal to happen? Did anyone ever go through this?
Avatar m tn I was prescribed Thyroxine 200 microgram per day. After 6 weeks of this therapy with this dose I got my blood tested again from the same lab with the same normal reference ranges. TSH was 0.19. FT3 was 2.54 and FT4 was 2.05................Doctor told me to come to 900 micro gram per week from previous 1400 micro gram per week................after 6 weeks TSH came to 2.14......................I went higher to 1050 microgram per week of thyroxin and now got the following results: TSH 0.
Avatar m tn My question being how come we hear of so many rape victims getting HIV after 1 rape encounter. Is this due to the fact that most rapes are forceful and there would be some wounds in the female (or male) victim? Or is the fact many of the girls are virgins so there is open wounds? I know this seems like a morbid question but I would just like to know after hearing of some transmissions in Libya.
1386048 tn?1281012333 her pain has never been under control and she has struggled with meds tremendously. is there any kind of chiari association in toronto or anywhere in canada that can help her? homecare? i live out of town and don't drive and have two small kids so can't be of much use to her, especially since her waking hours are usually my sleeping ones. she is such a tremendous, wonderful woman, and this disease has changed her entirely. any recommendations or advice greatly appreciated!
Avatar f tn s likely no direct association, but there might be an indirect association. If you have back issues--numb areas or areas of altered sensation--then the same issues which may be affecting your gallbladder may also be affecting nerves running down your legs. (Near as I can tell, this is only applicable in cases of biliary dyskinesia.
Avatar f tn My brother who is 36yrs old w/no prior medical problems fell down with a massive stroke paralizing his right side according to drs brain swelling covered left side and they advised us to pull the plug**we didnt** drs stated he will never reconize us open his eyes move** he is able to do all these things w/in a week time of stroke**now drs are advising us to put a trachea in**we are very confused and dont know what we should do what is going to be the best decision for my brother>>
3109932 tn?1347067940 Victims? Lol sorry that have me a good laugh. Gotta love our phones huh? Were all victims of forgetfulness from time to time tho, don't worry too much . Just take them when you do remember and you and baby will be fine.
Avatar n tn Yes, it can, I am a victim of a Dr. Negligence at RCH, Canada. A Dr. provided Morphine for pain when my heart stopped instanlty and rushed for trauma room for hours. For the past 10 months, I had three episodes of TIA strokes, depression, blood clots. left my work and my life style changed for ever. I am diabetic with high cholesterol.
475555 tn?1469304339 How I got the Hep C virus is still unclear to me,it could have been through the health care system when I was a kid in the 70s getting shots twice a week for a year at a local clinic near where I lived in Montreal or later in my 20's through a fault of my own.I did a treatment in 2012 was declared SVR in early 2013.One month after I was declared SVR I got a severe pneumonia,I spent 2 weeks in the ICU and another 6 weeks at the same hospital.