
Temozolomide therapy

Common Questions and Answers about Temozolomide therapy


Avatar n tn I am a 25 year old female. I was diagnosed with a primary brain tumor in June 2008 and underwent surgery to remove it. It was the size of an apple and diagnosed a grade 2 tumor. It grew back in September 2008 and that's when i began rigorous radiation and oral chemotherapy (Temozolomide). My recent MRI has showed the regrowth of the tumor to be "gone." The plan is to take the Temozolomide for 2 years along with Accutane (which helps the oral chemotherapy work better).
Avatar n tn About 5% of patients survive for 5 years or longer. Radiation therapy substantially improves survival. Chemotherapy using temozolomide can be given and continued until disease progression. Good luck and God bless.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had physical therapy and water therapy at the end of their pregnancy tp help with severe back pain?
Avatar f tn t working together properly, either. So in addition to the vestibular therapy, I had therapy for Convergence Insufficiency. When an object was within a certain distance from my face, my eyes wouldn't work together to keep the object in focus. There are other issues related to convergence where the eyes don't work well together. Good luck to you. That's great that you'll have an eye exam with someone experienced with head injuries. Let us know what you learn...
398059 tn?1447945633 Yesterday I went to my evaluation and first physical therapy session. The individual conducting the session and evaluation obviously has worked with many MS clients. She knew all about the drugs I am taking and asked pertinent question about any pain I might be experiencing.
Avatar f tn went to therapy - alot came out about mymom death when I was young. I just wasn't sure about how much I have repressed. MY WHOLE LIFE IS REPRESSED. I journaled this morning and it came to mind with a major cry fit..that as a child, I did everything I could-for 5 long years up to the age of 14 to make it all ok. But then she died. It just hit me this late in life that I couldn't fix that or protect it in anyway. Has anyone ever been in this type of a position?
Avatar f tn How is it that therapy is suppose to help you deal with why you used when all therapy does is make me want to use? I have been able to numb all my emotional feelings through opiates, even though my pills were used and prescribed for all my surgeries, it was my outlet, as sick as this sounds, hearing the words another surgery was like a free pass to opiates. Then of course it lead to my opiate abuse.
3547166 tn?1347814000 I'm not sure when it will start but I am eventually going to have to go to therapy for my Anxiety and Depression. I've never gone to therapy before. What is it like? The thought scares me a little. I would appreciate any input.
676302 tn?1237863491 yes,i have had physical therapy and it help me alot.only one time i felt worst.tell your therapy ,that you are hurting worst.he must be working you to dr.really wanted me to do auqa therapy,but we didn't have any near my home.and i also did therapy at home he gave me a list of things to do.if you haven't yet have your vitamin d checked .mine was low and when it was low i couln't even walk!
Avatar f tn I want to get back into therapy and NOT be on medication again. Just wondering if a Psychologist or Psychiatrist would be better.
Avatar f tn He gave me a prescription for physical therapy and said that they have a great prenatal therapy with a whirlpool. Has anyone ever done therapy for pain during pregnancy?
Avatar f tn It depends on your labs. Please post them with reference ranges from your own lab report. Do you have hypo symptoms?
Avatar f tn I went to physical therapy today for the first timeand I feel so much better! Did anyone else have to do physical therapy or are planning on starting? They have me a list of exercises to do at home and they work wonders.
Avatar f tn I am 74 years old and have been on Hormone Therapy for 24 years. My new doctor had advised me that she will not continue my prescription because she in uncomfortable to prescribe to a woman over 65 years of age. I think that is my decision to make.
Avatar f tn I've been in therapy for a little over a year and things are starting to worsen with my anxiety and depression. My therapist said short-term medication is a possibility as a tool in my recovery. Has anyone used antidepressants while going to therapy?? It would be really helpful to hear some positive feedback. Medication is a kind of scary thought to me.
470168 tn?1237471245 If my son gets a diagnosis of an Auditory Processing Disorder, that seems to suggest that AIT therapy (ie. sound therapy) could be of benefit to him as it helps the brain to receive,de-code,perceive sound as it should be. I just wondered if anyone had tried it either in the UK or USA.
Avatar f tn Could gene therapy (as seen in Good Morning America) used to treat Lebers potentially be used to treat myopic degeneration of retina?
Avatar m tn I went to my speech therapy this morning. She had me saying ahhhhhh, ooooh, eeeeh and reading from what looked like a grade second reader. The she made a mistake. She said, "Tell me a little about yourself." Now, being a complete windbag I went into a dissertation that rocked her back on her heels. She kept asking me to take a deep breath as i talked.