
Stress management articles

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Avatar f tn hi i'm new to the group and happy to find some info on IC. I have had out infections my whole life or so i thought! 2 yrs. ago i had another doctor for a few months while mine was on maternity leave after going in every 2 to 4 weeks with a uti she said "this is not normal and im going to start testing yr. urine."...all the further tests came back negative for bacteria but there is always blood and protein in my urine. So she said i have IC and there is no known cure....
5097121 tn?1466787392 I just did a quick search, boy there are a lot of articles out there about stress management. This one was exceptionally good: Hope this was helpful to you, I know we can ALL benefit from this information!
Avatar f tn //, starting an exercise program (, or another goal that's meaningful to you.
Avatar f tn These articles may be helpful. morbus hirsprung = megacolon. http://www.mayoclinic.
Avatar f tn Stress can hurt the baby but it takes a lot to. Me and my boyfriend fight so bad all the time now bc I'm so hormonal! I get cramps afterwards sometimes but other then that everything is okay with the baby. Its normal to get crazy every now and then especially being pregnant now!
Avatar n tn Where I could find articles about Right carotid artery dissection with pseudo aneurism and what causes it. Thanks.
Avatar m tn I would check with a Reputable “Pain Management “ Doctor. After over 9 years of Chronic Back Pain & Being an Liver Transplant Patient My Pain Management Doctor Just Perscribed Marinol. ( dronabinol 5mg) Hoping it will Help with Pain & I’m hoping to get 3 or 4 benefits beside just pain relief. Supposed to take 3 times daily 1 hr before meals.
1050179 tn?1253899186 I have Fibromyalgia. Had it for 10 years now. Some pain meds worked but not for long periods of time. The meds for fibro had intolerable side effects for me. I have been on Methadone for 2 years now becuz i became pregnant and stopping pain meds would've put too much stress on the baby. She is 2 years old now.she's happy and healthy! My issue is that I have found out through my experience in taking liquid methadone that it helps my fibro pain for a long period of time..
Avatar f tn Hi.... I am really under stress as me n my husband had unprotected sex 5-6 days before my periods.. N we are not planning for a baby right now..I want to knw is there a possibility of me getting cycle lasts for 30 days..had intercourse on 19th n my due date is 24..also advices about my safe days???
Avatar n tn Welcome. Have you been newly diagnosed? I'm going to post a link to articles here that I think are very helpful. It's all the diabetes articles with things about work outs and eating---- the portion control article is a good one to check out. Here's the link: Take a look through those and we'll answer any questions!
Tbd For health and assistance in blood sugar management the minimum recommendation would typically be 30 - 60 minutes of moderate exercise daily. This could be split into 2 or more sessions. Ie. 20 minutes of brisk walking after each meal, or 30 minutes activity morning and night, or 1 session. You can also increase your regular activity. ie. walking up stairs instead of elevator. Walking while shopping (park farther away than usual), housework, etc. Hope this helps.
648944 tn?1241469694 Hi, everybody. It's a good while since I last posted. That's because I've had a very interesting experience, and I wanted to age it a bit before sharing it. Here's the story: for reasons not worth going into, I needed to change my pain management ("PM"). My PCP sent me to somebody that I gather is well respected in the community. Her immediate comment was, "Too much narcotics".
327385 tn?1378360731 im on meds but when im stressed it dont help. does anyone else have stress seizures? what helps you and how to get my neuro to listen and help me?
Avatar f tn You are a wonderful daughter to be questioning your father's Oxycodone. I would think that the medical staff could find something not as addictive as Oxycodone. You may need to find another doctor to get it changed, but ask the current doctor.
Avatar m tn If you are having depression and anxiety you should try relaxation methods and share your feelings with someone close. Stress management techniques will help you. Pharmacological therapy includes short course of appropriate sedatives and Hypnotics against prescription. Non-benzodiazepines are effective in delayed onset sleep disorder and help to initiate the sleep. I suggest you to consult physician.
572651 tn?1530999357 The authors speculate about why the benefits of the stress management treatment did not last beyond the 24-week treatment period. One possibility they point out is that participants may require longer treatment to learn to maintain the stress-reducing behaviors on their own.