
Stomach pains yellow discharge

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pains yellow discharge


Avatar n tn You could possibly have a yeast infection. Does it itch down there or burn when you use the bathroom?
Avatar f tn Yellow is not normal atleast Idnt think . I found out I was expecting at 2 weeks .
Avatar f tn Well I am no expert but any yellow discharge with blood should be investigate especially if you also have pains in your stomach. You say you thought the brownish discharge may have been your period again. Does that mean you are having abnormal periods as well? You dont say how old you are. If your sexually active and child bearing age I would get this checked out. A yellow discharge with some blood could indicate you have an infection and I would not leave that another 14 days to be honest.
Avatar m tn The characteristic symptom of trichomoniasis infection is a heavy, frothy, yellow-green, fishy-smelling discharge from the vagina. The infection can also cause discomfort during sex, vaginal itching, pain when passing urine and occasionally stomach pains. Diagnosis can be confirmed only after pelvic examination and swab samples of the discharge and cervix swabs.Treatment depends on the same.
Avatar f tn Now the discharge is showing up a light yellow.... Could it be some thing in the discharge irritating my labia?
Avatar f tn I'm 26 and I've had this issue for a long time now and it's RUINED my sex life. I have a yellowish discharge that has the consistency of, like, snot. There is not a gross smell, but it's an "off" smell. This is been going on for like 2 years now. I've seen 2 Dr.'s and an OB GYN. I noticed another girls post with similar symptoms to mine, although I have been treated for bacterial vaginosis twice and symptoms still persist...a Dr.
Avatar m tn Bf is having severe lower right stomach pain ,throwing up yellow substance, sweats, no appetite...was diagnosed with gerd but hospital didn't really do any test to see if it could possibly b anything else n these medications are not working ...he does not wIth what this could b this doctor is not helpful....
Avatar f tn i would get that checked out asap as they increase your risk for preterm labor... My discharge dries a bit yellow depending on how heavy it is but it is generally milky white wet.... tmi i know... Im almost 27 weeks now but since like 24-25 weeks, I have had pain down my sides when I walk... generally around my hips shooting down into my thighs.. I dont find they shoot into my vagina but I have had shooting pains periodically in my vagina... was told it could be the baby kicking it..
Avatar f tn m 19 years old, first pregnacy having lot of discomfort in my lower back and front of my lower belly these pains comes and goes , also had yellow mucus or d.c when i wiped please someone can explain what this is.
Avatar m tn Ok, so I am 17 and I am still a virgin. I was supposed to have my period but instead i'm getting a yellow-ish discharge and i'm itching. I just want to know what's going on. Can an infection stop my period or is something else wrong with me?
518733 tn?1333017015 im around 5weeks and iv been getting some discharge its light yellow it dont smell but sometimes its alot. iv had 3 miscarriges in the past this is my 4th pregncey so i was just wondering if this was normal and if anyone else has it ?
Avatar m tn re so young, I would go see a doctor because you are having the shooting pains and mentioning yellow discharge.
Avatar f tn heavy yellow discharge with foul odour, itchiness, soreness, redness. Please help me with any info.
Avatar m tn when i take this they really cause my stomach to hurt and i will start having frequent bowell movements and will have a yellowish discharge check your meds and maybe this could be causing it.
Avatar f tn I have been experiencing thin yellow discharge with some blood and a lot of itching and irritation. What can be causing this? I had a bartholin gland cyst a week and a half ago but it has gone down dramatically now, I also used a harsh bar soap and probably went a little too far inside when cleaning in the shower, and I have also been pretty sick with strep and a middle ear infection during this time (antibiotics for two days so far).
Avatar m tn The characteristic symptom of trichomoniasis infection is a heavy, frothy, yellow-green, fishy-smelling discharge from the vagina. The infection can also cause discomfort during sex, vaginal itching, pain when passing urine and occasionally stomach pains. It is diagnosed by pelvic examination, swabs of the discharge and their culture sensitivity.
Avatar f tn I am 8 weeks pregnant and have a yellow discharge that has a faint fish like smell to it. Am I oka...
Avatar m tn but ever since I have been feeling that it is not right I have been having pains in the groin area and stomach and lower back and still visit the toilet 4 to 5 times a day and I had urine test as well since then that has come back normal and I have been feeling itchy around the tip of the penis and a small drop of white discharge.
Avatar f tn i was meant to start on 26th of december and all that has happened is tht i got a yellow sticky and stretchy discharge and now there is no dischrge at all just cramping. my breasts arnt sore at all and i dont feel so nuseated. i have had lower back pains, and felt abit bloted. please help me.
Avatar n tn Ok well today i'm 37 weeks 1 day with my first i went in two weeks early but here's my question the last couple days i've been having pains in my stomach but i'm thinking there BH because they feel like cramps but they go away and last night i had bad diareahh and throwing up with my stomach contracting so i think labor might be near but just right now i felt like a gush of somehting come out so i went to the bathroom and it was alot of discharge but what concerns me is that it w
Avatar f tn While waiting to see if anyone responding to my post, I spotted yours. It's been many years since I was pregnant, but some of your symptoms appear to be that you are pregnant. The tender boobs, the lightheadness, the slight cramping but no period. If you are going to be late, what is the latest you've been and still gotten your period? When you've gone beyond that point, take the test. The yellow discharge is something I'm not familiar with.
Avatar f tn I'm 15+6 and keep having stomach pains I had a constant pain on the left side of my stomach all day yesterday is this normal 1st pregnancy after 3 m/c
Avatar f tn So I was starting to think will I ever lose my plug... I wake up this morning use restroom and had discharge coming out, but when I wiped nothing. I assume it was the YI medicine (cream) I am using. Well I go to shower and before I get in I use the bathroom again and when I wiped there was this thick yellow clear s'not looking discharge but it wasn't blood tinged. I wiped again and nothing there so I feel pretty sure that was my mucus plug.