
Stomach pains lasting days

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pains lasting days


Avatar f tn m having really bad sharp pains in my sides my left especially and have had a really bad headache thats lasting for days.
Avatar f tn I realized I had them when I had extreme pains at 21weeks lasting for 2 days..
5154295 tn?1372284196 I'm 20weeks4days- and starting since yesterday I've had these vaginal pains. Sharp and last a second but have been more constant today. Along with stomach tightening and pains. I've read it's normal once you hit 30+weeks, it's just your body getting read for labor, and I also read that having these pains early could be a sign a premature labor?? I'm not extremely worried but they have been lasting all morning. So any insight ladies? Put my mind at ease?
Avatar f tn Im 6 Weeks pregnant. And I get these lil pains off and on in my lower stomach. Is this normal. Or could something be wrong?
Avatar f tn Ive been having these muscle spasms in my back on the right side that radiates thru my stomach. They r lasting quite awhile on nd off. It gets so bad I cant stand up. Is this braxton hicks? theyre painful nd I didnt think braxton hicks hurt. They never did with my last 3 babies. The thing im worried about is after it finally stops I jus have to lay down cause I feel like crap. Any advice or suggeations.
Avatar f tn I'm a 33 year old female. 3 nights ago, I was woken up by intense stomach pains (right in the bottom/center of my ribs) that felt like they were coming in waves lasting about 3-5 seconds. I was eating Gaviscon tablets all night, which helped for about 25 minutes at a time. I have absolutely NO history of stomach issues or even heartburn. I've been taking Prevacid for 2 days and its helping though I still take Gaviscon liquid in the morning and when I go to bed.
Avatar f tn If these pains or growing pains are lasting only few seconds it's normal ...but if it's sharp lasting on one side for a while ..see a doctor ... I get them too ...but usually when I stand up or switch sides try to do that slowly u should Def drink a lot of fluids at least 8 glasses a day .
Avatar f tn At least twice a week lol Then the pee pains are Almost unbearable! If I sleep hard and don't wake to pee feels like my bladder is exploding. I just woke up at 5am craving fries.
Avatar f tn When I lay down and shut my eyes , everything spins. And randomly I have very sharp intense pains in my stomach for just a bit and then it goes away. My heart starts racing and I panic about the most littlest thing such as being to close to the side if the road or or just random things ...
Avatar f tn So I'm due in 15 days. I am having pain on my back going around to my front area in my stomach, it hurts so bad idk if they're contractions because it hurts for a good min then it stops for seconds and the pain comes all over again. My baby hasn't moved & my stomach is just hard as a rock and when I try to touch her she does not move??! Am I ready to give birth?! Idk nothing I'm a first time mom should I be heading to the hospital?!
Avatar f tn Thank u the pains in my back are lasting for about a minute and getting them quite regular
Avatar f tn My cramps were light and would stop, come back (they lasted for 5 mins) it went on for a couple of days. I asked my doctor and she said that as long as they aren't sever cramps, lasting for a long period and no blood, that I was fine.
Avatar f tn My doc said today Im 3 cm dilated im still having stabbing pains in vagina they are getting stronger and lasting longer mainly when I stand the pain is only in my vagina not in my stomach are they braxton Hicks?
Avatar f tn Here is the thing am 34 weeks and 2 days and today my belly button is causing me pain it sticks out as it did with my first child but never got any pain from it and I have also been getting shooing pains down my right side of my belly not lasting long but keeps coming and going does anyone know what it is?
Avatar f tn I am 39 weeks 3 days and I have been having mild contractions for about 5 hours now. Over the past 2 hours they have gotten stronger, about 20 mins apart and I am very nauseous and sweaty while I have them. They are also lasting over 30 seconds. Thw contractions have also moved from my upper stomach to lower with some mild cramping feeling. This is my second child but was induced with my first so this is all new to me ! Could this be the start of labor !?
Avatar n tn So are you saying that you have never had a period before? I just want to be clear.The pains you are feeling could be that of a period.
Avatar f tn I am a new mommy so i gI am 15 weeks and 3 days and I was having really bad stomach pains on my right side under my ribs for two days. Couldn't lay on that side or anything. It then migrated to the just the left side bit in the same spot. Then it just went away. Anyone know what's happening?
Avatar f tn I'm 14 weeks and I have been having a small amount of stomach pains. I keep reading this is normal because my ligaments etc are stretching and baby is anyone else experincing this and if so how much or where is your pain? I'm kinda nervous since this is my 4th pregnancy and this is the furthest I have gotten.
Avatar f tn Fiance and I just had sex now I have cramps really low in my stomach that make me need to poop and lower back pain I'm 35 weeks 2 days could these be contractions or something else?
Avatar f tn I'm 30 Weeks And 3 Days Pregnant And I Recently Woke Up With Very Bad Stomach Pains And It Felt Like Contractions When I Went To The Hospital They Said I Was Having Braxton Hicks And I Only Had A Uti. I Took The Medicine And It Still Didn't Help. I Assumed They Would Have Given Me A Sonogram But They Didn't. My Aunt Called My Doctor And They Said The Pains Were Normal. I Am Only 114.6 Pounds And I Started Off At 95. So I Am Very Petite And I'm Only 17.
5255779 tn?1414034937 Ive been having stomach pains alll nite its just tight and hurts really bad had me up majority of the nite or half sleep ...
Avatar n tn Im 11 weeks and 4 days and im having reallg bad stomach pains.. They are making me worrie.
7454812 tn?1391877431 This is my first pregnancy and I'm 16 weeks and 6 days. My sister states my stomach pains are false contractions but I think its to early for that. Any advice?!
Avatar n tn I just finished my two years of tamoxifen and start my arimidex this week. I recently developed severe stomach pains with cramps, diarrhea and what feels like acid indigestion that has lasted for almost a week. Everything I swallow with the exception of water, makes me hurt terribly. We were in Costa Rica when it started so my G.P. thinks it's either a parasite or a staff infection. I wondered if it could be from my chemo and radiation treatments.