
Stomach pains in uterus

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pains in uterus


Avatar f tn Hey ladies so this is my first and I get a little nervous cuz I don't know what's normal and what's not. I have my first prenatal appt on Monday and I'm about 5 weeks. I know the cramping is normal but the past 2 days I've been getting random sharp like pinching pains in my uterus on the sides. It doesn't last very long only a few seconds, can anyone tell me if they too have had this?
Avatar n tn I'm havin stomach pains on my left side I'm 13 weeks 2 days, ftm. What could cause this?
Avatar f tn am 9 weeks pregnant and some times am having stomach pains like am on my periods thats how my stomach is paining what could be the cause?
Avatar f tn Hi, I've been experiencing some really odd pains in my lower stomach I am 14 weeks pregnant and my doctor said it was round ligament pains but it has gotten worse it hurts to turn, walk, or even get up and I don't know what it is.. what could that be?
Avatar f tn If youur early in pregancy, then yes completely normal. Its just youur uterus streching && getting used too he little onee.
Avatar f tn I'm 18 weeks tomorrow and since I was half way threw my 16th weeks I've have sharp pains.. im sure it's just growing pains making room.. I can usually tell by the way the pain feels. But unless it's horrible im sure everything's fine.
Avatar f tn Anyone else get lower stomach pressure? im 17+3 and had these pains for a week and it's veey uncomfortable even with sleeping.
Avatar f tn Has anyone experience occasional random shooting pain in the stomach/belly during pregnancy? I don't remember having them with my first pregnancy. Not sure how concerned I should be or if it is a part of normal growth.
324372 tn?1222820202 Thanks for the info! The problem is that my pain isn't related to my uterus stretching. This isn't in my lower abdomen, it's in my actual stomach. I would say I have an ulcer or something if I didn't know better! I'm too early on to have preclampsia. Anything I google on abdominal pain or upper abdominal pain and pregnancy just talks about the normal uterus stretching, and this ain't that. This is like... well.. my stomach lining is being chewed up! LOL!
Avatar f tn Drink lots of water n maybe try eating crackers that might help.
8818986 tn?1406114699 m 29 weeks with baby #2 and all of a sudden I am getting these extremely sharp pains in my stomach. I know feeling my uterus stretch is normal and it could just be that but the keeps going on and off again. It's not a constant pain. It starts then last a couple seconds then stops and starts again. It also is making me feel sick to my stomach :( any idea what it might be or do you think it's normal.
Avatar m tn It could be lots of things at this point. I know I head really bad indigestion that resulted in stomach pain rather then acid reflux. I also know that our rib cages flare to make room for baby. Baby could also be lying in a weird spot across the top of your uterus, transverse. Ifs it too painful go to emergency and they can help. Sorry if this seems like a wishy washy answer, but if there are more details maybe we can be of more help.
Avatar f tn All day today ive been having bad stomach pains, where it feels like my stomach is really tight but when I put my hand on it my stomach is soft. It's making me really uncomfortable and I can't even walk right. I'm worried. Im currently 27 Weeks pregnant any help?
Avatar f tn Hi all, first time mom. 27 weeks this saturday. I find ive been getting stomach pains last two days. Not constantly, but they are painful. I'm assuming its growing pains? Also any recommendations for extreme back pain? Pregnancy has veen wonderful thus far, minus my aching/burning back. Tia!
11928406 tn?1431049111 U should certainly speak wit ur doc bt it sound's like round ligament pain. It's ur uterus stretching as baby grows. It sent me to the er once bc from 7pm on I was in such terrible pain & my husband was afraid for me & baby as well. After tossing & turning all night I couldn't take the pain anymore & went bout 5am. I thought I had a uti or sum it turned out to be nothing. The pan was nothing like I'd feel in my 2 previous pregnancies.
Avatar f tn I'm 15+6 and keep having stomach pains I had a constant pain on the left side of my stomach all day yesterday is this normal 1st pregnancy after 3 m/c
Avatar f tn Yes i do get cramping occasionally, but the stomach pains are pains like I can't poo. Almost like if I have gas but nothing comes out. I may just be constipated. Is it ok to take laxatives does any one know?
433412 tn?1232554456 i'm just wondering if there is anybody else out there getting the same stomach pains as me, i'm 14weeks pregnant and have not yet been for my 1st scan and i'm getting really awful pains in my stomach it doesn't happen all the time but when it does i know about it. if any body's got any info or advice that would be great.
Avatar f tn It's prob ur uterus stretching, I had pains like that it wud come and go.
Avatar f tn So I've been having pains in my lower right stomach... like ovary area. It hurts to cough, sneeze, laugh, sit up, lay down... basically to use any stomach muscles. It started yesterday, I'm almost 17 wks. Is this something I should be concerned about or is it just the round ligament pains I was warned about? I am completely clueless...
Avatar f tn Is it a stretching feeling in your bladder area and/or stomach? Does it feel like sore muscles in your stomach? Any info would be appreciated!
Avatar f tn ve just found Out im pregnant with my first child,i think im about 5 weeks and have been having pains in my stomach like period pains but all over but no bleeding, im just wondering if anyone else has experienced this before and if its anything for me to worry about?
Avatar f tn I keep getting pains on the left and right of my lower stomach? Anyone tell me what this could be? There not bad pains and they just come and go whenever they feel.
Avatar f tn Im about 9 weeks pregnant & ive been getting slight cramp like pains in my stomach like pulses that are about a 3 in pain and I wanna know why ? Should I tell my doctor ?
Avatar f tn These aren't like round ligament pains.. I think. They don't happen on my sides or near my uterus. I'm 18+3 and have a good sized tummy. And I feel them on the sides of my stomach where it sticks out. Is it just everything stretching? They're sharp and kinda like tearing.
Avatar f tn It could be round ligament pain, basically your uterus is growing and causing some pain. Although idk about the when peeing. I would just with your doctor pain when peeing could mean you have an infection.