
Stomach pains after gastric bypass surgery

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pains after gastric bypass surgery


Avatar f tn I had gastric bypass surgery about 15 months ago. Two weeks after surgery I had my gall bladder removed and spent a week in the hospital with dehydration and pancreatitis. I have had that same stomach pain a couple other times since pancreatitis. Last week as I live by myself I had to call an ambulance as the pain in stomach was so severe. They did blood work and said my pancreais enzymes were elevated a little. Gave me pain pills and sent me home.
Avatar n tn Normally if it was gastric bypass, the surgery cures gerd . by removing the stomach, there are few cells to produce acid. Question, have you gained weight back at all recently? What type of bypass did you have? There are a couple of different ways they do it.
611067 tn?1458591483 There are many possible reasons for your stomach pain, and frankly, because you had gastric bypass surgery and you are describing this pain as killing you, and hurting really badly, a visit to your doctor is warranted. As a matter of fact, you should be seeing him or her to discuss this whole topic. He or she would be in the best position to recommend an effective and appropriate treatment for your pain, and would be the one to prescribe it.
Avatar m tn Diets set you up for failure. You need to create a healthy way of eating that keeps your metabolism running on high and keeps your glucose levels from rising and dropping too much. This is done by eating every 3-4 hours, foods that are healthy to include fruit and whole grains, low carbs, protein, etc. I have heard of the bypass surgery curing diabetes, but the surgery comes with some big risks, and it's own problems.
Avatar f tn What you have could be Dumping Syndrome or rapid gastric emptying following gastric bypass surgery. This can result in feeling weak and nutritional deficiencies as food is not absorbed. This is treated by taking small frequent meals, drinking fluids in between meals, taking more of proteins and less of carbohydrates and simple sugars (total no). Generally this is due to increased secretion of insulin from the pancreas. This can be overcome by increasing fiber in diet.
Avatar m tn Gastric banding, Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass, Mini-Gastric Bypass, Duodenal Switch are all great suggestions. Someone also suggested the Gastric Balloon. Your uncle has significant amount of weight to lose and the balloon is a temporary device that stays in the stomach for only six months. Not the right solution. The support and aftercare program is just as important, if not more important, than the surgery itself.
Avatar f tn I had weight loss surgery (gastric sleeve) 7 months ago and recently found out I am 9 weeks pregnant. The doctor wants my to triple my food intake which I'm not sure is possible. Has anyone else become pregnant after WLS?
Avatar n tn I also had gastric bypass surgery, but the drugs never left my system that quickly although they did effect me quicker than others. Do you still see your surgeon from the gastric bypass? Perhaps go to him/her and ask what they think? That is a lot to go cold turkey from or perhaps find a pain management clinic that can help you or go to a doctor who can help you come up with a plan to come off the medication safely and much easier than this. If you want to chat you can PM me anytime!
Avatar n tn Sometimes I only have to take 1 of the 2. The type surgery I have, my stomach is completely detached. No food goes into the stomach. It still produces gastric juices and the pass on into intestines. But for the pain... Yes I must break Lortab in half along with Soma and Zanaflex. I am on a butt load of other meds. The ones I can break, I do, and the ones I can't, I take more of a lesser strength. My pain meds take effect much faster after surgery. I also use a spray called StoPain.
Avatar f tn Before they do a surgery like gastric bypass you have to loose a certain amount of weight before they will work on you. My mom had it done about 5 years ago and she was on a strict diet plan..its expensive and I believe with diet and exercise you can achieve the same results..
870200 tn?1240459551 I have a close friend that had laparoscopy surgery, having a gastric bypass. She had a bile leak and she is now in ICU heavily sedated on a respirator, her pancreas has shut down and she has this black liquid coming out of her mouth. What are her chances of recovery? and what kind of complications will she have?
3660320 tn?1347816593 Hello, You need to be careful while selecting foods which you can eat after gastric bypass surgery. It is best to avoid difficult to digest foods like meat; doughy bread; popcorn, nuts or seeds; and stringy or fibrous vegetables, including corn, cabbage, celery and broccoli. Choose foods and beverages with low or no sugar content. The most nutritious carbohydrates are found in a variety of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products like milk and yogurt.
Avatar f tn I had gastric bypass surgery in 1981. Recently I have been losing weight in leaps and bounds and my dr is afraid I may have blockage down near my stomach and if I'm not better by my next appt, he is going to send my to a Gastroenterologist. See I would eat and then throw up. Today I am fine, but the day is young. I have been taking nausea meds and also cough meds today and they seem to have helped. Could someone help if they have ever had this problem before.
Avatar f tn I had gastric bypass surgery 14 years ago. In the past 2 weeks I have felt like there is something stuck in my stomach. Sort of similar to not chewing something large and swallowing it. Is this something common with gastric bypass at all or something else I should worry about? No fever but on occasion I do get a sharon pain under my rib and feel like I could belch a lot.
987338 tn?1248974040 You're right that your stomach will be transiently smaller if you eat less food. But keep in mind that this temporarily smaller stomach size won't be help you to lose weight in the future. The reason why gastric bypass surgery is successful is because it makes you feel so full after eating smaller quantities of food that it retrains your body and mind with respect to what hunger and satiety feel like and what amount of food is needed to satisfy you.
3106099 tn?1341488881 Hello, i had gastric bypass 3 months ago and i'm pregnant now. 2 years is a good time to be pregnant after surgery. I'm very scared about my one. Pregnancy after a healthy weightloss is more good than with obesity. You have lower risk now. So be happy and enjoy the pregnancy.
Avatar f tn What a coincidence. im watching TLC a baby story & the mom & dad both had gastric bypass surgery . They're also in their 40s , with a healthy pregnancy & healthy baby !
Avatar f tn Hi there. After gastric removal(gastrectomy) or gastric bypass surgery especially the Roux-en-Y bypass there is impaired B12 absoprption. The mucosal cells are no longer available nor is the required intrinsic factor for the absorption. This leads to inadequate GI absorption of B2 and may cause pernicious anemia. Treatment is like in pernicious anemia either oral mega doses or B12 by injection. Take care.
Avatar f tn It is difficult to reliably predict your absorption without knowing the exact nature of your surgery. For example, having a 'wrap' or 'banding' procedure would not affect absorption, but a gastric bypass might. Most medications are taken up in the proximal intestine, and from there go straight to the liver. Some medications are largely metabolized there, so gastric bypass may actually increase the effects of those medications.
Avatar f tn I recently had gastric bypass reversal because of bleeding ulcers. After this surgery I stay sick because my sugar drops. If I eat nuts, it also makes me sick. I have upper stomach pain. Not sure what is going on now.
Avatar n tn However, due to the less invasive nature of the procedure, the risks involved with Lap-Band surgery is less severe as compared to other weight loss surgeries like the open gastric bypass surgery. Unlike other weight loss surgeries which are completely permanent, Lap-Band is a reversible procedure meaning the Lap-Band device can be removed any time. So what are the possible complications and risks associated with the Lap-Band system?
1555529 tn?1302250599 Vertical Banded Gastroplasty, Complications, Revision surgery, Feeding Tubes, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Gastric Sleeving etc. I am very curious as to why lapband is the only listing being that it is the newest and there are far more people that have had the other surgeries that could help each other and support them.
Avatar f tn because hiccups can occur as a problem after any surgery, not just bypass. The anaesthetic can cause some people to get hiccups too. Usually after surgery the hiccups tend to vanish after about 6 weeks so your dad should see them go soon. There is something else to consider. During heart bypass surgery a nerve on the left of right is sometimes traumatised which operates the diaphram. It can take a few weeks for this nerve to return to normal. It could be that the diaphram is having spasms.
Avatar f tn can ulcers cause an anastamotic stricture or are they only caused by gastric bypass
4308773 tn?1352574189 I recently (10.30.12) had the Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery, and now I ' take my pain medication (before surgery I would take 600mg Gabapentin 3x day & 2. 50mg Tramadol 4-6x day) now that I am feeling slightly better from surgery and ready to get back to work and an exercise routine, I really need my medications. I saw my pain management doctor last week and explained the situation, about gastric bypass people not being able to swallow pills and he gave me a topical cream.