
Stomach pain in pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain in pregnancy


Avatar n tn My sister is pregnant of 10 months ,she has a problem of urinal infection,she got pain in stomach and vaginal during the delivery of urinal.she has a stomach pain at the starting time of her pregnancy.Her doctor give her clacix 200, Profassi 1000,LFT suspension() to maintain the pregnancy and Lipigest 300 to kept in vaginal.Is it ok for her.she has low BP and feel very weak.
Avatar m tn i have had this shooting pain in my stomach for about three weeks. i can't seem to find out what it may be. it's so bad i double over in the floor. i was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem. it's not just in one spot it's all over my stomach. thanks.
Avatar n tn I had pain in the beginning of my pregnancy at 5 weeks almost felt like period cramps but a lot worse. I went to the e.r(that's how I found out I was pregnant) they said it was round ligament pains from uterus expanding and everything moving around.
Avatar n tn I agree with Hbabe2. Diarrhea can cause aweful cramping. Later on in pregnancy I tend to feel it higher in my stomach. I usually get it if I drink too much milk although usually I have no problems with dairy.
Avatar n tn Hi there, could you elaborate on where exactly your pain is occurring? Your stomach is located above your uterus, so the area of pain should be clearly distinct. It's not uncommon for women to experience indigestion and heartburn more often when pregnant, so you make be having an episode of this. If you feel nauseated, that is also a very common symptom of pregnancy.
Avatar n tn Now during pregnancy number 4 I do have a stone and even with a very controlled diet am in mild pain most of the time and occasionally in enough pain that I have passed out. My blood tests are always normal other then a horrible infection that landed me in the ER and in several rounds of antibiotics followed by a c.diff infection. The pain and stomach upset from my gallbladder is now causing contractions and I can barely sleep most nights.
Avatar f tn I'm 13 and half weeks pregnant and have been bleeding throughout my pregnancy. so far I have been to the doctors twice worried incase of a miscarriage but get sent away saying my pregnancy is fine but since last night I've had bloating cramp feeling in my womb like a painful period and passing dark blood again.
Avatar f tn I developed gall stones during my first pregnancy. I had pain in my upper stomach, right in the center. Mine started later in my pregnancy, so I just thought it was the baby pushing on my ribcage. I ended up having to have my gall bladder removes 2 weeks after giving birth. From what I understand this is very common during pregnancy. Your pain may not be from this, but I just thought I would mention my experience to you. Good luck.
Avatar f tn After reading you're first comment I was pretty sure that is a sign of pregnancy. If it was probably pain from you're uterus where the ovum has implanted which would cause a deep stomach pain. However, you should probably consult a doctor or checkout you're local Planned Parenthood. Also, try to think back to when you had risky/unprotected sex if you can remember.
Avatar f tn I am also 8 weeks I've been having lower cramping type pain it turns out i have a bladder infection yesterday when they also found out Im Prego Im having more tenderness my entire stomach area I read that is normal If the pain is severe and non stop I've read that could be a sign of something wrong I would go to see you ob Everyone's pregnancy differs so no-one can tell you what is 100% Go to you doc and good luck hope all is ok :-)
Avatar f tn Please do not compare your pregnancy pain to another persons pregnancy pain. We can not know what level of pain, what kind of pain or where exactly it is. ANY TIME, you have unbearable pain you NEED to be seen. Please go to the er or call your dr. While it could very well be nothing, you HAVE to listen to your body in a situation like this, our bodies let us know with pain or anything else when some thing is wrong. This early in pregnancy you really don't want to risk anything.
Avatar f tn Merry Christmas all! I'm having a bit if a nightmare...could be down to self indulgence and over eating yesterday- although I don't actually think I ate more than usual, but I am suffering with stomach pain. It's like a constant pain around the whole stomach. I think it may be trapped wind and have tried yoga positions, hot water and hot water bottle but no joy! I'm trying to stop myself from overthinking that something could be wrong. Any advice? I'm 21 weeks pregnant.
Avatar f tn I'm in quite abit of pain tonight, with my lower back and lower stomach like my uterus.
Avatar f tn Hey ladies, have you ever had stomach pain in very early pregnancy that it felt like you did 500 situps in your sleep? The pain goes from like an inch above my belly button all the way to my lower stomach. For the past 2 days ive had this pain and i havent done any kind of work out or work at all. Ive sat on the couch lol. And swimming but i kinda just laid in the pool the whole time.
Avatar f tn Its like a sharp but kinda dull stabbing pain in my lower stomach it comes and goes but its awfully uncomfortable. Should i be worried ? My sister said it could be round ligament pain but im only 6weeks?
Avatar f tn You might want to call your ob, it's normal to have pain when you get hit in the stomach and cramping afterwards but with pregnancy it's always better to ere on the side of precaution...I would call them just to be on the safe side.
Avatar f tn My very close friend is suffering from severe pain in lower stomach and getting difficulty in breathing as well.. i heard lot about GASTROENTEROLOGY and after reading reviews i think i would be helped!!! having any idea please you can inform me…gaestroenterology This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/232429'>Gastroenterology consult</a>.
Avatar f tn Hey ladies, have you ever had stomach pain in very early pregnancy that it felt like you did 500 situps in your sleep? The pain goes from like an inch above my belly button all the way to my lower stomach. For the past 2 days ive had this pain and i havent done any kind of work out or work at all. Ive sat on the couch lol. And swimming but i kinda just laid in the pool the whole time.
7607165 tn?1395780125 Wow what ascary feeling im in bed in dark sitting up I still feel sore stomach :( hope I get better
Avatar f tn I have thia pain in my stomach it feels like diarrhea but its not... I been throwing instead I dnt know what it is.. should I go to the doctor??
Avatar f tn I'm a kindergarten teacher and today one of my students punch my stomach not so hard because he is only 5 yrs old but should I be worried I'm only 8 weeks in my pregnancy
Avatar f tn Tmi im sorry last week me and my boyfriend were intimate and we had to stop because i kept getting pains in my lower stomach. Now im in so much pain with cramps in my lower stomach in my thighs just all down my legs. Im having back pain as well. If anyone can help i will greatly appreciate it.