
Speech therapist in va

Common Questions and Answers about Speech therapist in va


Avatar m tn The last time I was in a VA was 19 years ago. We'd gone to visit my wife's twin uncles who had both served in WWII. Both were in the VA because of advanced dementia (one also was dying of cancer). The cleanliness of the place was horrible. The quality of care was reprehensible. The amount of staff was non-existent. How you get quality help in places like VAs?
Avatar n tn She was assessed by early intervention (psychologist, speech therapist, and occupational therapist) and her pediatrician for autism and no one had any concerns. The speech therapist said she should be evaluated by a neuropsychologist. This is a very expensive assessment. Given the fact that she has been evaluated a couple of times do you think this is necessary? I am so frustrated, I have been trying to get her speech help for so long and have jumped through so many hoops.
584252 tn?1218223686 Hi i took my daughter Melissa to see a speech and language therapist today and she said from the little test she did her speech is within normal parameters, but from what i have been saying she did say she wanted to test her at school to check her understanding. She did notice that Melissa went into her own world and that when i spoke to her i had to repeat myself quite a few times.
620048 tn?1358018235 00. I am not sure what she is going to do but I am sure I need it..What do speech therapists do anyway? With all of that, I still have a terrible headache but still happy...
645800 tn?1466860955 My contention was that due to my MS / PTSD that the effects of my hearing loss were greater than the VA was saying they are in the real world. According to the VA rules if a S/C disability make some other Non- S/C disability worse it becomes also S/C. Last week I found a hearing place that tested for Auditory Processing Disorder.
Avatar m tn It may also include psychological training and counselling for boosting self-esteem and reducing the fear and tendency of avoiding situations such as speaking in front of a group. Please consult another speech therapist because many people do take help in teen age and benefit from it. Hope this helps you. Take care and regards!
645800 tn?1466860955 Today I got a letter from the VA concerning my application for disability. It kind of had me a little confused as it only concerned my hearing problems and not any of the other things I had applied for disability for. Next week I will go up there to see if I can find out why they only did the hearing in this letter. The end result is that they gave me "service connection" for my hearing loss at 0%. This means that I can get free treatment for it, but no monetary compensation.
Avatar m tn I went to my speech therapy this morning. She had me saying ahhhhhh, ooooh, eeeeh and reading from what looked like a grade second reader. The she made a mistake. She said, "Tell me a little about yourself." Now, being a complete windbag I went into a dissertation that rocked her back on her heels. She kept asking me to take a deep breath as i talked.
471949 tn?1236904026 thanks for your reply...its always good to find others who understand how truly bad the VA system really is. i'm sorry you had to experience that; i hope you are feeling better. i'm really scared to tell this rn how i really feel because of how she might react. she was on the verge of tears at our last appt! it was crazy!!! i felt so uncomfortable just to be there. i'm supposed to see her again on tuesday. the other problem is that she really isn't a therapist....
Avatar f tn Laws that restrict speech, particularly those that involve prior restraints on speech (and yes, actions can be construed as speech in certain circumstances) are subject to strict scrutiny, which is to say that they must be necessary to achieve a compelling government purpose. Restrictions on speech must be narrowly tailored, so that the least possible amount of speech is restricted.
Avatar n tn He didnt babble much as a baby, and not very much as a toddler, so at 2 years old I took him to a speech he is 4 and a half and the speech therapist just noticed that at the back of his throat his uvula is doubled, and she felt the back the top of the roof of his mouth and told me he has Submoucus Cleft Palate. We since have seen a nose ear and throat specialist and he says that my son doesnt need surgery, and should out grow his nasily sound by puberty.
738090 tn?1250622476 I have been sent to a speech therapist after I started having hoarseness. I have emphysema, acid reflux and the signs of essential tremor. The internist, pulmonologist, gastroentrologist and Ent all could not determine the cause.The speech therapist says is is because the muscle around the vocal cord has been retrained by using the PLB method and I have to relearn to work the breathing and speech in concert.
Avatar n tn The VA uses tmed for things like treating disability cases that are not close to a VA center. Does that make any sense? I went through PTSD therapy at the VA and never found a therapy named tmed that was used on me. If you find out more let me know.
Avatar n tn I live in Delhi, India and My pediatrician suggested me to consult speech therapist and I visited speech therapist also. He says she will talk in few months after attending few sessions, however, i dont see any change in my daughter after attending 5 sessions also. She imitates all the things but dont speak.......pls guide..
Avatar f tn I think some picture cues help as well. I try to bring this up as somethings people don't think of this in regards to speech--------- but the nervous system can be greatly involved in speech. Our sensory system and motor planning are what we need to organize what we hear and process it and then to organize how we want to respond and then send the message to the oral motor (mouth muscles) to articulate and make the sounds.
676912 tn?1332812551 Hi there! Well, that stinks. I know from experience that it is hard when our kids have any type of issue that makes things harder for them. How old is your son? My son has sensory integration disorder. Part of sensory is motor planning which is involved a great deal in organizing, understanding speech.
Avatar f tn I have been diagnosed with dysphagia I was evaluated by a speech therapist and diagnosed after having a barium swallow they think its because of the MS so after 3 months in therapy I have to turn my head to the right to swallow and things dont get stuck as often but there are times I forget to do that or I am out in public and I have problems. I dont think it will improve but will do the best I can and will follow up with speech therapy if I need to in the future .
Avatar n tn I have not heard about Neuroaid until now (especially that it is not approved, yet). I googled this, and what I saw was that it is some kind of newly developed drug that is produced in China. Although there is some research being run now to test the effectiveness of this drug, I found an article about this drug (see the link). Based on the literature, this drug is being used in China in patient with brain injuries such as stroke 48 hours following a stroke.
Avatar f tn Yes, repeated infections can have an impact on hearing. Your son's development of speech/language is definitiely delayed, and this warants evaluation by a Speech/Language therapist. But an audiological evaluation is crucial, because it is possible that the delay in speech is secondary to hearing loss.
Avatar f tn My son is 3 in feb, He had speech therapy when he was 18 months old because he started to use a pet name for my daughter and would not use her name. Now his speech is really good for his age BUT he always refers to himself in the third person. Is this normal. Quotes: "Its *** Bottle" "*** Loves mummy" "*** wants sweets" He speaks like this wenever referin to himself!
Avatar f tn He needs to have one home, he needs both his mom and dad as well as grandparents in one location and he needs to be eveluated by a speech therapist or school district to start speech therapy. I can not believe that his mom would allow him to be away from her for 4 or 6 months at the tender age of two!! That alone tells alot.
Avatar f tn m not the same as the therapist, but once a week, well, there are 6 other days that the speech therapist is not there, so getting homework assignments for me to do with my daughter, I find essential. And although she is not speaking so much right now, her receptive language (her understanding us) has dramatically improved, and she is communicating in other ways such as learning to point (that concept is really hard for her and it's been a struggle) and doing sign language.
193609 tn?1292180293 My son is part of Early ON of Michigan and has other therapists through the ISD, and is waiting on an eval from a speech therapist there. Anyways, the speech therapist at the ISD told me that she will do the eval but he probably will not qualift because of his age. She said that they do educational speech therapy and that Ashtyn needs Clinical speech therapy.
Avatar n tn Is she delayed in her speech or language? I have seen children do this when they are having a hard time communicating with others. I made a necklace out of a teething toy for a child that was having problems with biting. We taught him to bite the necklace when he was angry instead of another child. This really helped him. She could be having sensory issues that can be identified by taking her to an Occupational Therapist. I do not believe this is happening for no reason.
2098262 tn?1333322736 He also used to stick out his tongue and that stopped. He has been under the care of a doctor and a speech therapist and they never noticed any abnormalities with his mouth. This morning, he had his mouth open and I noticed (NEVER saw it before today) a webbing that went from the tip of his tongue to the floor of his mouth. Is it possible to develop a tongue tie later in childhood or was it always there and has just gotten worse? Thanks!
Avatar f tn my daughter received a head injury in the service, started out with headaches then numbness on left side, hand arm leg, decided she had keyari injury and they operated, well numbness went away everything fine for a couple of months went back to work as life flight nurse, then the headaches started back and she received botox injections for a couple of months and they seemed to keep them at bay, now they are back with a vengence and she has been in the hospital, both civilian and va for te past t
Avatar f tn Hi my sister-n-law had triplets and then another set of twins. All premie's and all with delayed speech. By age 2 they all had a speech therapist work with them because of weak mouth/tongue. Within a short period of time they all had advanced in their language skills. The therapist said with some mouth exercises they have really caught up. They are now 6 and 3 yrs old.