
Slim fast reviews

Common Questions and Answers about Slim fast reviews


Avatar f tn Is it ok to drink slim fast while pregnant? I have gained too much weight so far. I started out tiny and now my mid section is huge! I'm not looking to lose weight but eating hurts. My lower back is in excruciating pain and I know it's from the weight gain and due to my belly sticking so far out. I'm only 25 weeks pregnant and I feel the only option is to eat tiny meals to keep up my energy because after I eat my stomach feels so tight b it just hurts.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had any luck on the Slim-Fast diet? I just started it, I need to lose around 30lbs.
Avatar f tn hi has any one done the slim fast diet----(milkshakes) and lost weight.How lond could u go on for? I'm planning to go on it but will do only one shake for dinner and have breakfast and lunch as normal.
Avatar f tn Welcome to the community. Try walking at a reasonable pace. Also look into yoga as it's low impact and done at a slow very deliberate pace. Be sure to watch what you eat as well - might also help the e-coli infection.
Avatar n tn Does anyone know how I can purchase the Slim Ball pills DESPERATE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1735424 tn?1357433558 I am on week 13 of tx, and 5 weeks with Vic. My white blood count dropped pretty fast, so that I was on weekly Neupogen injections by week 5. The doc said I had an excellent response to Interferon apparently. My hemoglobin started at 14 and by week 12 was down to 10. The doc just reduced my Riba from 1000 mg to 800. I weigh 143 so am right at the borderline and am okay with the reduction as I am past week 12 and have been UND since week 7.
Avatar f tn Only negative thing would be it might give u diarrhea lol. And if u go into labor it will probably be messy. Castor oil makes labor fast and intense so if u start contractions keep an eye on them. I would try if I were u. Lol good luck!
648017 tn?1247999424 No, you had protected sex.
Avatar f tn My daughter is 2 and we have used honest practically since she was born. It is very conveinient, you can change the ship date each month based on whether you need them sooner or later. My daughter has sensitive skin and these have worked well. When she was still in diapers she would wet the bed at night, they have the option of overnight diapers, I got them and didnt have anymore issues. She is in their training pants now, no issues.
Avatar f tn I was just reading the reviews and a lot of them are complaining about it being too loud..and motor breaking fast... do you mommies on here have any reviews and/or experiences with them?
655875 tn?1295695107 Slim Fast was getting difficult to stay on track. I found myself cheating on the diet. My friend told me about the protien shake that Dr. Oz uses. There are a few recipes on his website. Right now I am using the Ultimate Breakfast Smoothie. It tastes awesome and it actually keeps me full for over 6 hours. I have zero cravings for food and sweets. I've cut back my dinner portion.
Avatar f tn I went on amazon and I looked up reviews there is one I found that was 60, BUT you have to buy two different sizes cuz it works so fast. I would suggest looking into reviews in amazon.
Avatar f tn I tried using fertility drugs to help me conceive because I know chances was probably going to be slim and the drugs was over the counter but I think it cost a cysts on my left ovaries and im not sure if the cysts would cause me to not be able to get pregnant my boyfriend is using the pull out method and he know how much a Baby would mean to me but its like he just dont care I just need answers because doctors not telling me anything :"(
Avatar f tn They grow so fast i wouldnt put that much into one. Youll never get it back if you sell it. I bought one for 180 from babies r us.
Avatar m tn i bought 3 months supply at the apidexin website after viewing alor of reviews of people claiming that it really works with fast and amazing results. Been taking it for a week now and i havent noticed no weight loss or increased energy. I was already eating less and watching the food i eat so kept that the same and nothing. Has anyone else tried this product? Usually in the reviews they claimed to see avg. 5lbs less in a week.
1707055 tn?1316144521 First off, there is no healthy way to drop pounds fast. When you lose weight, you want to do it slowly in order to keep the pounds off and have the weight loss last. Second, according to your weight tracker status on your profile, you are already in a healthy weight range, so why are you trying to lose more weight? It's not healthy to go below a certain weight and your body needs many nutrients, especially as a growing teen.
Avatar f tn No, I don't think it will affect kidney stones, but.. Slim fast has horrible ingredients, and I would not feed it to my dog. From their website, they list Hydrogenated soybean oil, High Fructose Corn syrup, etc. Soybean oil will make you fat, and so will high fructose corn syrup.Suffice to say, stay away from Slim Fast! Eat whole foods instead. At best, these drinks may cause rapid weight loss, but they are not healthy and usually the weight comes back later.
Avatar f tn so to me it would seem that you had already missed ovulation and your chances of pregnancy would be slim especially if your taking the emergency contraceptive. Hope this helps.
1968463 tn?1374757813 What I may do, is just make sure to also eat small meals with my meds. Or, I can do what I know works....slim fast shakes two times a day and good sensibel meal for dinnner. I honestly think that it is more the feeling bad and not being as active as normal that has me gaining weight. i just dont think that I want to go so extreme while dealing with everything else I have going on. I think that it would just be impossible for me too do anyway.
Avatar f tn Went to the Restroom and when I was done and cleaned myself I saw a clear slim it didn't seem and to touch it was really gooey. What was it? 36+3 , 2cm dilated 80% effaced..
Avatar f tn Are slim jims ok during pregnancy..
Avatar f tn I got quite few of my baby stuff online..
Avatar f tn Guy 1 doesn't know about guy 2, so can only test one. Guy two didn't finish and I know you can get pregnant from pre *** but following advice from a dr it's very very slim. My scan was on a Friday and said 8 week exactly so 6 weeks conception date which works out may 5th, My scan was 16th June. And I know they say ovulation is 2 weeks after period but cuz of the pill ovulation is different. I don't know what DDC or ravgen is? How do I go about that?