
Seroquel uses and side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Seroquel uses and side effects


Avatar n tn Doing so can cause major withdrawals and horrible side effects. I have a link that tells you all about seroquel. I do not reccomend you read it, as it will only scare you off it. I did not even look closely at the page. But I will leave it up to you. Blessings - Blu
1246883 tn?1285547973 I immediately started to gain weight. And stopped the Seroquel immediately (mid Dec). I know this is one of the side effects. I gained about 5lbs. Being 5'9" and weighing 135, I felt the 5 extra pounds would come off with eating better and a few more yoga classes . But the weight kept coming. I got down to a dietary intake of about 1000 cals. But that mad no difference.
Avatar f tn My Doctor just switch my medication from 150 mg of Effexor XR to 400 mg of Seroquel XR. I dropped my dosage of Effexor gradually but I still experienced terrible withdrawl. Now I am experiencing bad side effects, " I'm guessing ths", from the Seroquel. I have gained weight in my stomach area very rapidly, I have pain and stiffness in my legs, 24 hour dry mouth and sinuses and I feel like I could cry at the drop of a hat.
561706 tn?1333947274 I discussed this with a psychiatric doctor - I put these 2 on a weighing scale. On one side I take seroquel and run the risk of getting diabetes etc. On the other side, I don't take medication and run the risk of getting hospitalized again, after which I only need to go on medication again. Which one would you choose if you were me? Doctor said she would choose medication. I ask why, what is so bad about getting a relapse which I consider unlikely.
802234 tn?1237830136 My 34 year old son is taking 150 mg imipramine, 6 (1mg) Clonozapam, and 400mg Seroquel, (down from 600 mg) per day. His side effects are weakness, irregular heartbeat and eye problems. One of his eyes has gotten so bad that he may have to get a cornea transplant. I cannot say for sure if the meds caused his eye problems, but he had perfect vision all during school and according to my research seroquel has been know to cause lens problems in the eyes.
Avatar f tn Muscle stiffness of any kind can be a part of extra pyramidal side effects (temporary movement disorders) which can occur with any antipsychotic and can be treated with a side effect pill. Confusion and especially sedation are not uncommon and that's why I would agree with the other posters that it is best to take Seroquel right before going to sleep but you could speak to your psychiatrist about all this.
1305767 tn?1361192676 Was your doctor suggesting you try it to help with anxiety? Personally, I have not heard of it being used for that as there are much more effective medications out there for anxiety. Also Seroquel can actually cause anxiety and panic attacks! I hope that your doctor asked you many more questions to determine if you had bipolar disorder than just about racing thoughts. Bipolar disorder cannot and should not be diagnosed only on the basis of that.
Avatar f tn I am on lithium it has had the worst side effects. i take 1200mg a day. it was making me sick, i was shaking, throwing up and all kind if other stuff. They didnt want to take me off of it because my lithium levels were perfect also. It took a few months of playing with the meds they add to it to get it right.Now i am on lithium celexa and ambien and it seems to be no trouble since october other than me gaining weight.
4592241 tn?1359813138 t go lay straight down and go to sleep and sleep at least two or three hours, my eyes will get blood shot and I can not cognitively function at all. I think I told you but i am not on Abilify. My mom is and she has to take it at night because she feels the same way you do if she takes it in the daytime.
1168718 tn?1464983535 I am being put on it for sleep, and I have read up on it, and the side effects are kinda scarey. Does anyone have any input? My Dr. is putting me on a very tiny dose to start, as I reacted to Nortriptyline and have been on nothing for sleep for 3 days now. Can anyone give me some help please??
Avatar n tn Hi. I am bipolar and currently taking Lithium, Neurontin, Seroquel & Lamictal. I have only been on the Lamictal for about 7 weeks, starting @ 25mg & every 2 weeks adding another 25mg; thus I am currently @ 100mg per day.
Avatar f tn Hi there, I looked on the side effects of Depakote and I didn't find anything to do with this. I've never been an angry person, nor have I really ever have I ever blasted people or my dogs. I yell at my dogs, have no patience, basically more irritability that I'm not able to control .I'm Bipolar,with mixed states, rapid cycling and have been in the last couple of months, hypomanic.
Avatar f tn m already on lithium, seroquel, viibryd, and klonopin. By Wednesday I started having headaches, stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhea. Does this go away or does it mean I'm going to have to go off it? Thanks.
2010625 tn?1329372056 When a person starts a medication often the side effects are at their worst at first and a person is better able to tolerate the medication over time. However you should let your psychiatrist know about these side effects. Nausea could potentially be prevented by taking a medication with food if your psychiatrist says that would work out.
605458 tn?1539228808 I used to take regular Seroquel with no sexual side effects. I was recently changed to Seroquel XR and the side effects are so different than regular Seroquel, and one of them is sexual side effects. Anyone else? The other new med I am on is Amitiza, which is for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and didn't have sexual side effects listed. I have been under a lot of new stress lately, but that has never caused this problem in the past.
Avatar n tn i dont think im bp and the seroquel they put me on made me in a weird dream like state and a zombie. since the 3 months i have been on zoloft i have been great, few anxiety episodes and im driving again!! i was wondering if anyone has had that kind of reaction or experience.
1696867 tn?1312609591 My question is, how long do I need to put up with the side effects? It is effecting my home and work life ( I have even had to go part time - just can't function). I want to feel "stable", but to what extent should if ruin the rest of my life?
915369 tn?1355314810 Ok so I told my psychiatrist everything that came to my mind yesterday, so most of what's been troubling and how my episodes have been and how long they've been lasting and how severe they are or aren't. She said it sounded like I had rapid cycling, asked me how my low and high I was getting and just kept repeating that they get "severe". I thought I was getting better so surprise surprise for me!
1134609 tn?1269272200 Seroquel and Zyprexa both being antipsychotics can easily cause akathesia which can be treated with a side effect pill. Lithium on its own does not effect dopamine so it can't cause akathesia but since it raises the blood level of an antipsychotic it can worsen the effect of akathesia.
Avatar n tn Hello I take Seroquel XR and needed a side effect drug as I was getting sudden movements, twitches and tensing calves, my pdoc said that out of all the anti psychotics that Seroquel was one of the least likely to cause these side effects but I still got them. I have noticed when my dose has been lowered or when I forget to take it I feel a generalised ache all over my body.
574118 tn?1305135284 Hi, I understand where you are coming from - I started with 150mg and then it crept up to 600mg (now on 500mg) and depend on this dose for sleep so much that I cannot seem to lower it further. Makes me feel 'dependent' on the drug, and the side effects are troublesome, and even on this dose I still find myself taking risks and manic symptoms break through. Seeing the pdoc on Monday to see if I can change to another AP, will let you know how I get on.
355133 tn?1241569648 ve been titrating down from 300mg by 25mg/wk and the side effects have been horrific; nausea, headaches, blurred vision. The side effects from toxicity still exist; itching,burning/tingling, pins & needles, bone ache and stiffness in legs all still exist as well.
Avatar m tn But it is the only thing that has worked for me with my sleep problems thus i have stayed on it. Also the side effects of weight gain and some other negative side effects are the reason I would love to get off of it. If anyone knows of any medications instead of seroquel that might work.....