
Sad quotes crying

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Avatar f tn I just finished listing some of my favorite movies and I was just thinking of one of my favorite movie quotes. Remember Doc Holliday in Tombstone when he said, "I have two guns, one for each of you !" ? That was one of my favorites. What are some of yours ?
Avatar f tn I also read that and looked into it (google) they say your baby can start to express emotions as early as 28 weeks (WebMd) that is sad though we don't know if they are crying and can't do nothing
Avatar n tn And then gravity comes in to play. And to get to the sum of it all..I would say crying over sad things like sad movies or just anything sad shows that your a loving and caring person. It shows you have heart in one way or another. I would rather know a person who cryes over sad things than turns a cold shoulder and continues on carlessly. Anyway I hope i made your day all the much more happy.
Avatar f tn I do the same thing sometimes.. Ill even put head phones in and listen to sad music..
9144599 tn?1405316589 Is it bad to cry for a long time when pregnant? I just feel so sad and depressed and can't stop crying due to big family problems right now.
8480294 tn?1406317697 Im sorry :( I was in dmat for one semester. I then took a month long class so that I could test out of it.
1124967 tn?1283705847 So sad tonight and can't stop crying. Where did everybody go. I feel alone tonight and nobody to talk to. I was on such a great high today and now feeling the lowest of lows. I know that is all normal. Just needed to vent a little. Take care.
Avatar f tn Hormones... gotta love them huh? But yea it's normal to have unusual feelings. I cry over literally nothing still... 24w now.
1251708 tn?1277580440 What is wrong? Is it abuse? We need to know why you are so sad before we can help.
Avatar f tn got into a big fight with my husband I started crying so much do you think my baby is ok I feel so bad crying because I know I need to stay strong for her
Avatar n tn I'm very sad. My csection is scheduled for 4/9/2014 & my daughter has even dropped yet. she's not even low as she is suppose to be. My doctor tells me not to worry but I am so worried... She should be lower than where is it right now.
2048234 tn?1330814100 Hey all. I am trying to put together a little book of positive notes for my sad days. Do any of you have songs that help you get through the tough days or quotes? I just want something I can keep with me whenever things get tough. I really want to go home, or atleast go outside.
424839 tn?1268186246 My question is about these quotes I have been posting I would like to know if I posted some on religon would that offend anyone being that must would be refferancing Buddhsium but when you read the quotes the can be transfered into anyones faith so I would like to know if people would be offended thanks.
Avatar n tn The anemia is a big problem for your brain, emotions, everything. Dont give up on working that out. There is light at the end of the tunnel!!
1569133 tn?1310464416 awwwww a sad one feeling low Eric its very good though ..I must hunt some out I love quotes ..
10456991 tn?1427890197 I'm 23 weeks and I am so emotional and sensitive to everything and once I start crying I can't stop I'll cry for over an hr straight. Is anyone else going through anything like this?
Avatar f tn This weekend my boyfriend decided to go on a lads holiday to Prauge and i had a lovely evening without him at the cinema and all but got into bed and now im crying like a baby. I know its probably cus i miss him but also all week iv been bursting into tears for just no reason...and mood swings like something terrible!! Am i normal or am i turning into a psyco?!
Avatar f tn I cant stop crying everything feels wrong. Its almost like im suicidal but I know.
Avatar f tn I start crying out of no where because my husband wont touch my stomach , Why ??
Avatar f tn I've had severe depression all my life. I had a schizoid episode when I was a teenager. Mental illness runs in my family. I take pristiq, lamactil, adderall, and clonazepam for panic attacks. I'm usually pretty stable on my meds. But I still don't understand why the hours of 1-5 p.m. are the worst for me I'm great in the morning and evening and night, but mid afternoon I go down hill and very depressed or sad. Also the weekend is very hard for me.