
Rozerem used for

Common Questions and Answers about Rozerem used for


Avatar f tn Hello and welcome to the forum. Thank you for your question. Questions regarding medication are best discussed with your doctor as they prescribe the medication and know your particular situation. What is your specific issue with insomnia? Rozerem seems to be best used for those who don't fall asleep easily. Is that your situation? It works on melatonin and is not supposed to be habit forming which is a great benefit.
Avatar m tn Same here, I tried it once before and it worked great except for a buzz in the morning for an hour
Avatar n tn It is suppose to be really good and non habit forming. And can be used for a long time. I wonder if anyone else on here have heard about it?
Avatar m tn One good option you could ask your psychiatrist about is the medication Rozerem which works to adjust the sleep cycle and is safe and non addictive. There are other options as well but that's one worth asking about. Also it might be a simple matter of timing. If a medication keeps you awake at night you could ask your psychiatrist if you could take it earlier in the day and see if that helps. Discuss all this with them and see what they say.
603015 tn?1329862973 Sonata and Ambien are for short term use only. Lunesta can be used safely everyday. Rozerem works in the same manner as melatonin and actually adjusts the sleep cycle. That can be taken everyday and might get your sleep cycle more in order.
Avatar n tn My 6 1/2 year old girl has quite a patch of longer, darker axillary hair. Doesn't have pubic hair or breast development... She has always been tall for her age--but both parents are too (5'10" & 6'3"). I didn't really link this until reading up a bit, but she started having strong sweat odor at about 5 y.o. She also has a sleep disorder that we finally saw a pediatric sleep specialist for-- now she uses a blue spectrum light every morning.
Avatar f tn Lunesta and Rozerem are known sleep aides that are safe and effective and can be taken every day especially Rozerem which is derived from Melatonin and helps regulate the sleep cycle. As for anti-psychotic use they are finding that Zofran is effective for psychosis from Parkinsons' and it will not worsen Parkinsons's or create tardive dyskinesia but is actually helpful on it in studies.
741315 tn?1232458427 Xanax is generally used short term as an anti-anxiety medication. Klonopin or another medication in the same category is safer used long term. Ambien is not meant for everyday use as a sleeping aide as it can be addictive. Lunesta or Rozerem are two better choices. Rozerem works in the same manner as Melatonin and actually adjusts the sleep cycle. Those are some ideas to speak to your psychiatrist about.
Avatar f tn Isn't Rozerem very closely related to melatonin? I've tried melatonin and valerian for insomnia. Neither with much success. Surely there are other alternatives besides trazadone and rozerem. I would like to know what they are.
Avatar m tn t induce at night but feel sleepy at day time thus disturbing my working days.I want to start with Rozerem for inducing sleep.I wish to take this medication for a month or two and discontinue and get my sleep naturally as usual.Can the sleep disorder rebound after discontinuation? I've also been taking sertraline since many years,could these two drugs interact,if yes what are the effects?
Avatar m tn www.discountpharmacy.
Avatar m tn It appears to be similar in efficacy and like Ambien is meant for short term use only. Unless you've tried it Rozerem is one alternative that unlike Ambien or the medication you mentioned or Lunesta does not have a potential for a person to build up a tolerance to it and is an FDA approved medication that works like melatonin to adjust the sleep cycle. You could ask your psychiatrist about that.
Avatar m tn Way back you posted about trazadone as being a possible cause of tardives dyskinesia. I have taken it for 3 a sleep aid for fibromyalgia & anxiety & it has helped a lot. I can't take Ambien or z-drugs. They wire me & work the opposite just as benadryl does for me, but I am terrified of getting TD or dystonia from the trazadone. How great is the risk? My Dr. told me that in 38 yrs. she has never seen anyone get TD from it & that 50 mg.
Avatar n tn s suppose to be very safe, and is not habit forming, and also can be used for long term. I wonder if anyone has every tried it. And if it helped?
Avatar n tn they are really only meant to be used for a short period of time...and 2....each medication comes with an educational monograph with each med you get from the Pharmacy. Also, remember that when a doc prescribes something, they expect that you take it as prescribed...they don't expect that you'll take 2, 3, 4 times as many (or more) a day as you are supposed to. That's part of your "contract" (pt-doc relationship).....
Avatar f tn I tried the Rozerem and Melatonin and they did nothing for me. I have not however tried the Lunesta. I will ask my doctor about that one. I have even been put on Symbytax (sp) in order to try and help me gain weight. I gained 4lbs, but that was it. I looked that one up and it is for severe bipolar disorder. I am not even diagnosed with depression. Why are doctors so quick into anti-depressants for other symptoms? I guess I will just have to live with the insomnia. Thanks for your input...
Avatar n tn 30pm sinemet uses low dosage because it looks like impact her falling into sleep even with Rozerem. She used to be able to fall into sleep quickly when took 25/100, but cannot for increased dosage). The strangest is motion: In morning, right after get up but BEFORE sinemet, her walking is steady, no difficult stepping out, speed is slow but ok, no sign of dyskinesia (or not noticeable) Around 1.
Avatar f tn I have chronic insomnia amid anxiety disorder. Can I use Rozerem at a dosage of 16 mg if 8 mg will not help?
Avatar m tn Have you tried melatonin? About the safest supplement around, and one of the most researched pharmaceutical products out there. Very small doses work best for sleep, about .5mg or 1mg. I'd rather take the real thing than a chemical variant such as Rozerem, but that's just me. They're both pharmaceutical products, and melatonin is a lot cheaper and has been used a lot longer.
Avatar f tn Thus, the more I hear, the more I know, and the more I know, the less money I will be throwing away regarding having Rozerum filled for naught, in addition to anteing up big bucks to pay for it. Self-pay patients, a monthly (#30) day supply costs $135.00. Three years ago, Ambien cost $3.00 per pill. A very well know insurance company would cover Ambien, but only for a 15-day supply.
Avatar n tn Can anyone let me know if Rozerem 8mg (RX sleep aid) and Prozac 20 mg (antidepressant) are safe to take with methadone (15mg daily) I am detoxing after 15 years on MMT and have slowly "tapered" my dose from 60mg daily to 15mg daily. I am having some insomnia & depression/antiety issues related to my husband being on the waiting list for a liver transplant. Just want to make sure i'm not gonna "croak" if I take the other meds.
Avatar f tn Hello! Can I take Belsomra and Rozerem together if the effect of one drug is not enough?
1088646 tn?1256949923 I'm taking Ambien but still don't feel rested....I've lived with this for 55 years I guess I can go the rest of the way. Any natural suggestions??
Avatar n tn I realize what you are saying. I am bi-polar and used to be on Zyprexa. When I was on it I had no trouble sleeping. But now I do not sleep well at all. A psychiatrist friend of mine suggested the possibility of taking 1 mg of Zyprexa. However, he cautioned that I should talk to my regular psychiatrist about this. This is why I just wanted to get feedback if anyone has tried this before.
Avatar f tn chronic insomnia with anxiety disorder. I take escitalopram in the morning. Can Rozerem replace Zaleplon?
Avatar f tn Please don't do anything without speaking to your psychiatrist. Lamictal is generally a very tolerable mood stabilizer. If you find you can't tolerate it speak to your psychiatrist. There are many viable options listed on the links page. As regarding mood stabilizers if you stop them the moodswings and full symptoms of mania and depression return. As for Ambien if you can't tolerate it you can ask your psychiatrist about changing it.
Avatar n tn That site and some others linked up here will give you clinically accurate advice from a consumer perspective to educate yourself and bring to your psychiatrist. Lunesta and Rozerem are good options for sleep, especially Rozerem which in working like melatonin can actually adjust the sleep cycle. However, if Effexor was prescribed as an anti-depressent let that get adjusted before trying additional sleep aids as untreated depression causes insomnia.