
Risperidone and anxiety

Common Questions and Answers about Risperidone and anxiety


1649932 tn?1348082640 A couple of the many, many side effects of risperidone are agitation and anxiety. Also, this medication is recommended to be initially dosed at 1mg bid (TWICE A DAY) with incremental increases of 1mg bid on days 2 and 3 to a dose of 3 mg bid on day 3. (This would be a total of 6mg per day) If you have been on risperidone for three weeks and you're still on the starting dose, you need to ask your doctor why he is keeping you at the level.
Avatar m tn the problem is that BP pts develop anxiety often, so unless you have anxiety, then you will be ok and will sleep well after the risperidone gets out of your body completely which is abt 3 weeks at most, since the half life is very short, matter of hours
603015 tn?1329862973 I had anxiety and insomnia at 3 mg but at 1 mg risperidone I am better but my Pdoc feels I can be maintained only on Tegretol so he is taking me off Risperidone and Xanax after adequate taper as well.
Avatar m tn I am in full blown withdrawal symptoms from stopping risperidone with anxiety and my psychiatrist is back 5 days later.I had to stop because of side effects at 1 mg.What should I do?
Avatar m tn I can confidently state from experience that Risperidone use is associated with significant insomnia and anxiety(my personal opinion).This is one med I wont ever take again.
1260240 tn?1336077448 The psychiatrist has now put Glen (16) ASD on prozac (20ml liquid) once a day alongside his 1mg twice a day risperidone (was on 2mg twice daily but had to cut it down due to Glen becoming constipated). Glen's anxiety is still sky high on the risperidone, been on it nearly 8 weeks so she thought she would try prozac as well. Do you think the prozac will help my son?
2216810 tn?1420856876 Thank you so much for your help.My doc prescribet Mirtazapine(remeron) and Risperidone but said you can take xanax as you need.So my desicion is to stay on Mirtazapine and Xanax because Risperidone its an anti psychotic to treat schitzophrenia,and my diagnose is Panic anxiety diaorder so I think these two meds are good to treat my anxiety.I stop Risperidone because after about three weeks of taking it,it just made me feel sucidal.
1742269 tn?1315381633 Risperidone is generic for Risperidal and I think it's a pretty good option for depression & psychosis. Not so much for anxiety though. It should give you a boost or make you feel energized rather than lethargic due to the increased norepinephrine plasma levels. This does not make you gain weight either. See how it goes and maybe you will be able to eliminate your antidepressant or at least decrease it.
Avatar f tn Have u googled the meds? I knw citalopram is for anxiety and depression. Risperidone is for mood disorder. My daughter takes them. Not sure bout the others. Google may help. Sorry couldnt be of more help. Good luck.
Avatar f tn I have found it extremely difficult and wonder how long the anxiety will continue after stopping the risperidone which for me is just 6 days away.
1649932 tn?1348082640 Hi so i saw my doctor today in i told her that i didnt feel like risperidone was working for me in that i still feel the same way before i started to taking the medecine. So before i was taking 2 in a half mg a day now im taking 2 mg a day in 2 mg a night to make social anxiety go away in so that i can feel better in i was just wonder if u are on 4 mg of risperidone in what does it do for you thanks.
774736 tn?1311331385 m just trying figure out whether or not I should continue with cognitive therapy and or start taking anxiety meds. I am taking a lot of difficult classes right now in college cause I'm in my last year of undergrad, (pre-med) and I need my brain functioning at full capacity lol. I basically have a lot going on and I don't want to be in a haze 24/7 because of my anxiety problem.
Avatar m tn It has been 2 days since I stopped Risperidone and I am getting anxiety and nausea symtoms.Involuntary movements have decreased after stopping medication.
Avatar m tn The doctor said to take it down to once a day and this is when I realized after 20 hours without meds that my body and mind became dependent. I started to shake and anxiety went through the roof. An hour after I took one I was calm again. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best taper to get off of this stuff with minimal withdraws? If I would have known a person could become dependent on this stuff I wouldn't have taken it in the first place. Thanks for any suggestions.
Avatar f tn s decision was based in part on a study of autistic people with severe and enduring problems of violent meltdowns, aggression, and self-injury; risperidone is not recommended for autistic people with mild aggression and explosive behavior without an enduring pattern.
2216810 tn?1420856876 I'm diagnosed with panic anxiety disorder and I'm in my 2nd week of new medicaments Mirtazapine (remeron) 15 mg and Risset (Risperidone) 1mg but I'm feeling so anxious and more depressed than I ever was.I'm at a break point.Before starting these medication I had my anxiety in higher levels but I could function,I was able to go out,but now I'm isolated and I don't talk to anyone for all the day,I prefer to be alone with my bad thoughts .
Avatar m tn But I dont get it, I am not having much anxiety and depression. Whats going on? What do you feel when you are depressed or feeling some anxiety? Can depression and anxiety be hidden? Any full information on "Agitated Depression"?
Avatar n tn he has had all of the classic signs of toxicity from this drug. he was treated in our local ER (2 days later) with benedryl and adavan and he seemed fine following the treatment. but the dystonic reactions, disorganized thinking, anxiety, all symptoms continue. it's the weekend, i can't get a doctor to call me back, he has never had any other treatment prior to this and I am scared. please help. i want my son back!!! how long does it take to get this drug out of his system?
Avatar f tn Ever since I was put on risperdal(3mg a day), I have been extremely fatigued. At first I thought it was due to the ECT's, but it's been a year and a half, and I don't feel any better. I keep telling my psych doc, but he says I just need to get a job and that it's in my head. Have you ever heard of fatigue(physical, not mental) as a side affect of risperdal? Or lamictal, for that matter?
Avatar n tn I must disagree with the other poster. Risperdal was approved by the FDA for use in children on the spectrum in 2006 to treat *repeated* bouts of aggression and irritability as are other anti-psychotics. My son was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was 3 and has been taking Risperidone (Risperdal) for 4 years in varying dosages. Without it he could not have attended mainstream schooling as his aggressive outbursts were a danger to himself, other children and adults.
Avatar m tn I am on a tapering from Risperidone and am currently at 0.5 mg per day and have 6 days left to stop it on advice of my Psychiatrist but I am finding the withdrawal syndrome extremely difficult and am experiencing lots of anxiety.I would want to know if anyone has experienced similar withdrawal syndrome from Risperidone or similar such anti psychotics and about how long could this withdrawal syndrome last after stopping this medicine as I am very distressed with this anxiety.
8909441 tn?1400551294 Little history, so I was diagnosed with ptsd, bipolar, and anxiety with agoraphobia. My pcp gave me risperidone 2mg and hydroyzine 25mg (3 times daily or as needed). I told my psych I didn't want the risperidone because of already existing obesity issues and I told her the hydroy was just drying out my nose and making me feel like I had a sinus infection all the time. So she gives me ativan 0.5mg (one a day), Prazosin 2 ( 1 @ night).
561706 tn?1333947274 I just wanted you to know that after starting this Risperidone I have lost interest in everything I use to like in life like reading,music and movies and become withdrawn.That is what I dont like as this Risperdal has almost finished off my interests in things I liked.I had a similar experience in 1997 when I was started on chlorpromazine by another Pdoc and it had then similarly led me to lose interest in everything I liked like reading music and movies.
Avatar n tn my calves and feet gets swollen and tight and hard when i am on my feet either sitting or standing or walking for more then 3 or 4 hours. And i have calf and feet spasm that are severely painful sometimes especially after i am in an air-conditioned place walking or standing for more than one hour. I have very little varicose veins n i dont smoke or drink but i am on prozac 3 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets of risperidone at night. What is wrong with me?