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Revlimid dosing mds

Common Questions and Answers about Revlimid dosing mds


Avatar n tn What is the average lifespan, prognosis for systemic amyloidosis??
9624973 tn?1413016130 s all about insurance. I hate to see any drugs cost without insurance. My father has MDS and is taking Revlimid. Without Medicare or insurance or without medicine company's financial aid, it's 10,000 dollars for 30 day supply. But with Medicare it's 300 dollars. But when you represent a company, you are the image of what the company represents. The system works sometimes and it does work else where. Hep C cure for 12 week supply is about $90,000.
Avatar f tn Call your local pharmacist. We at MedHelp are not allowed to give out dosing instructions. Your pharmacist will be able to tell you exactly how to dose the medications. If your regular pharmacy is closed on Sunday, call any pharmacist availabe at your local grocery store or drug store such as Walgreens, CVS, or RiteAid.
Avatar n tn Finally, saw a hemotologis in 2007 who diagnose MDS with Refactory Anemia. I was advised no known cause and and no cure. I have not had a bone marrow biopsy. I am receiving supportive care only. Some research I've done indicated that my low wbc could be due to diurects--which I take.Does anyone have any info about this as a possible cause. I would like to hear from anyone who have the same DX , and who may be receving treatment. Thanks so much.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with secondary autoimmune adrenal insufficiency in December. I feel lousy most of the time, have chronic abdominal pain and abnormal stools, and feel best flat on my back...which doesn't work well for someone who works 12 hour shifts in a busy ER while selling one house, building another, and has 2 teens and a disabled husband, lol. Here's my question. If a person has say diabetes, their meds are based on their blood sugars.
Avatar f tn If you are on triple therapy for genotype 1 and undetectable then your doc is following AASLD protocol for anemia management Anemia developed among recipients of both PIs. Hemoglobin decreases below 10 g/dL (grade 2 toxicity) occurred in 49% of patients who received a BOC regimen compared to 29% of those who received the SOC regimen, whereas 9% had a hemoglobin decline of <8.5 g/dL (grade 3 toxicity).
910090 tn?1332167460 s always good to also confirm this with either the specialty pharmacy or your doctor with meds and dosing. You should be fine - it happens.
Avatar m tn ve been found to have extremely low cortisol and have been following the dosing chart on *************************. Basically every 3 or 4 days you increase by 2.5mg if you haven't seen it. Initially I was feeling slightly better on one dose of 2.5mg each morning then a day or two after being on two doses of 2.5mg I started to feel very spaced out, dizzy, exhausted and confused. I read somewhere that ideally you should raise your dose every 2 weeks or so. Would you agree with this?
Avatar f tn I can't really comment on the treatment of your MDS. In MDS, the bone marrow does not make enough normal blood cells for the body, and this could be due to a number of possible reasons. Usually in MDS the cause of the changes to the bone marrow is unknown. In a small number of cases, MDS is thought to be linked to exposure to some chemicals, such as certain solvents, or to radiation. MDS can also be caused by treatment with chemotherapy or radiation therapy for other diseases.
Avatar f tn I personally saw about 20 MDs before finding my way to a Lyme specialist ... only one of those 20-odd MDs tested me for Lyme, and she (an endocrinologist) told me that my positive test result was probably inaccurate [as they can be], and she was certain I couldn't have Lyme, and so didn't pursue it. I did, however, and finally was treated by another MD.
Avatar f tn I am not sure what dose you were on with the labs you posted, but the TSH of only 12 with T4 and T3s that low suggests a slight possibility of pituitary disease or recent T3-only dosing which you stopped a few days prior to the testing. Most commonly this would be an absorption issue -- gastroparesis, gastric bypass, celiac sprue, inflammatory bowel disease, medication/supplement interference.