
Raloxifene bodybuilding

Common Questions and Answers about Raloxifene bodybuilding


Avatar f tn Lymphnodes clear and had five weeks of radiation treatment. Tried Tomxifene but made me ill. Dr, recommended Raloxifene. does Raloxifene prevent the recurrance of my type of breast cancer? Marian This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/261381'>Aromatase vs. Raloxifene</a>.
Avatar f tn I am supposed to start Raloxifene. This may cause hot flashes. If severe enough, dr will rx Effexor to treat flashes. I have been reading such negative information about the side effects of Effexor, and even worse, the are withdrawal symptoms if you have to get off of it. Is there anyone reading this that actually had to take effexor along with Raloxifene? If so, could you tell me please if you had a good, or bad experience? Thank you for any input.
Avatar f tn The medications currently FDA approved as chemoprevention for breast cancer are tamoxifen and raloxifene. Decisions to use a medication as chemoprevention would be made based on weighing the risks and benefits to the individual patient.
394052 tn?1203100849 less evidence was found for raloxifene. the USPSTF found good evidence that both tamoxifen and raloxifene increase the risk of thromboembolitic events (stroke, DVT, PE). they found that tamoxifen increases the risk of endometrial CA. the USPSTF recommends screening for colon CA starting at age 50 in men and women. earlier screening recommendations depend on the patient, family history and medical conditions (ie they are different for conditions such as ulcerative colitis, etc).
Avatar f tn Aside from radiation, you can ask your doctor about other breast cancer risk reduction strategies such as that of hormonal treatment with tamoxifen or raloxifene. Other breast conditions that may increase the risk of invasive cancer would include DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ). Regards.
Avatar n tn 3 and albuman in urine is some time nill and some time trace i m little bit afraid should i continue bodybuilding or should i leave it . for bodybuilding i m taking high protien and low carb diet , and testosterone and growth harmone .
Avatar f tn Use of Raloxifene is intended to decrease the risk of osteoporosis and to decrease the risk of invasise breast cancer or to prevent invasive breast cancer from retuning in women who have had invasive BC. If you have questions or concerns about using it, it would be best to discuss them with the physician who prescribed it. Best wishes...
Avatar m tn Do your mean lifting weights as in weight lifting the sport, or lifting weights as in bodybuilding, I cant think of a reason that bodybuilding should stunt your growth, but that you may just a small build, in that case you may find it hard to build your weight up, and weight lifting could stop you growing by the amount of weights that you lift over your head.
Avatar n tn I am not sure which medication your mother is taking, but Evista (raloxifene) can cause muscle cramps of the legs. Please have your mother make an appointment with her physician.
Avatar n tn I have been told by Oncologist that have 5 times risk factor for breast cancer. Am on raloxifene. Last nite I noticed some dimpling on the biopsied breast abt 1" from incision scar. Just had a manual exam by the Oncologist and don't want to seem like a hypochondriac, but should I see him again. He felt nothing during manual exam, but the lump that was removed was not palpable either and only detected by mammo.
Avatar m tn What makes you think that a T2 diabetic cannot do bodybuilding? Physical exercise is one key to burning off excess glucose and managing your glucose levels.
Avatar m tn I would only say that this website probably has a different approach every five minutes. Bodybuilding magazines, and this is basically one, usually in the same issue will have three or four different theories of the same exercise. I used to sell bodybuilding supplements in small quantities when I managed health foods stores, and they always sent several magazines with every order.
Avatar n tn Other forms of treatment post-operatively would include additional radiation therapy, or hormonal treatment with Tamoxifen or Raloxifene. All of these additional treatments are aimed to lessen the chance of recurrence as well as prevent the future development of frankly invasive cancers. Regards.
Avatar n tn In addition, women over the age of 35 with LCIS who are at treated at the Cancer Center have access to a similar drug, Raloxifene, that may also reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Cancer Center physicians are participating in a clinical trial called STAR, where the effectiveness of Raloxifene is being compared to that of Tamoxifen for the prevention of breast cancer in high risk women.
Avatar f tn Hi there, My boyfriend has a problem where he looses his erection during sex. He is a very health conscious 21 year old uni student. He keeps to an exceptionally healthy diet and has an interest in bodybuilding in which he works out 4-5 days a week for about 60-90 mins. He doesn't have problems sleeping and is not stressed out or have any sort of performance anxiety that know of. He takes supplements to aid him which were protien, AAKG, creatine, glutamine and tribulus.
Avatar m tn What would be the side effects if we take steroids in bodybuilding to increase our body in a few time?
Avatar m tn I thought of taking whey protien shakes and creatine as a post fundoplication diet as for the first couples fo weak I am only supposed to get liquid intake. Does bodybuilding supplementations or even Bodybuilding dietary plans in anyway affect the fundoplication?
Avatar m tn Hi, Please Please Suggest Me A Food Diet I am 16 Years Old 6ft Height and Underweight By 8 Kg And I Started Bodybuilding Too Recently So Please Suggest Me A Proper Food Diet And Please, Like If You Say That I should Take Proteins So Please Also Tell That In Which Fruit Or Vegetable I found Proteins Like If You Tell Some Vitamins That I Have To Take Please Tell Me That In Which Fruit I Found Which Vitamin. Thank You.
Avatar m tn lamisl oral tablets for toe nail fungal, i was wondering is ok in the body with creatine supplement for bodybuilding??
Avatar f tn Osteoporosis medications like Raloxifene (Evista), alendronate (Fosomax), risendronate (Actonel) and ibandronate (Boniva) all can cause flu like symptoms in individuals that are taking them. I am not sure what medications you are on, but this could be your problem.
Avatar n tn The hormone therapy has so many side affects. The drugs suggested for me are Arimidex or Raloxifene. Is there anyone that does not take hormone therapy and is still doing well with no recurrance?
Avatar n tn Hello. I've got these dark patches on my skin: (the big one to the right of the pic-rib area) I have another one of the same size just under the armpit(at the joint, not in the arm pit) These two are about 1.5-2cm in their greatest length and i have no idea when they appeared as being in these areas it was difficult to notice them. I have them for 4 months but probably started around 6 months ago.
Avatar m tn I started bodybuilding almost 1 year ago with improving my nutrition which included protein and vitamins supplementation. My last time working out was shoulders; at the end of the that workout I had a bit of a pain on my neck which was familiar to me because I had similar pain in the same workout before many times but it healed on its own. However, the pain that time was extremely worse when I tried to sleep that day. I woke up having stiff neck and couldn't move my head from side to side.
Avatar m tn The exercise part of bodybuilding is good for your liver, but you might want to think twice about doing a protein-heavy bodybuilder's diet. Too much protein can stress your liver. You might want to talk to a doctor about what is the appropriate amount of protein intake.