
Psychotic treatment

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12268405 tn?1427853361 On April 2nd I made the decision to admit myself to a psychiatric hospital due to a psychotic episode. The thing that I'm having the hardest time comprehending is if I induced the episode or not. I convinced myself that I was covered in fleas, I heard voices saying my name and calling me worthless in the past, & I experienced paranoia. I don't know what to think right now. I wish I could know if I made the symptoms worse or not...
1256303 tn?1291752568 My second question is how do I (and of course, my psychiatrist) differentiate between whether I am bipolar with psychotic features or schizo-affective? I definitely have the cycles of mania and depression, starting about three years ago, would have auditory and visual hallucinations when severely depressed. Recently with this batch of mania, I have begun to have the auditory hallucinations too, as well as visual. I also am having some problems with disorganized thoughts and speech and delusions.
1044813 tn?1370494406 Hello all, I would like to request the addition of Seroquel (quetiapine) which is an anti-psychotic to the mood tracker. Seroquel is very commonly prescribed for the treatment of both manic and depressive episodes of bipolar disorder.
Avatar n tn I'm sure there are those on here who have a similar diagnosis, but isn't this something to ask your psychiatrist about this difference in diagnostic terminology? Also ask if it actually matters -- a lot of diagnoses in the Diagnostic Manual aren't meaningful to the patient, they are more for fitting into the patents for FDA approved drugs or getting reimbursement from insurance companies. Some are extremely meaningful, because they alter the treatment.
1647108 tn?1301275694 i have PTSD too, from combat in panama i take an anti-depressant(zoloft) and an anti-psychotic(respiridone){for schizophrenia} and cogentin(for tardive dyskinesia) i go to group therapy and attend counseling for all of this; see if you can talk to a therapist or a doctor or a psychiatrist ok :)
Avatar f tn I now know I always had behavior that was unusual and somewhat abnormal since I was a child, first started having psychotic thoughts when I was 13 and then at the age of 18 had a full psychotic break. I never really felt like myself until I started that treatment in clinical study but once I did could look back and see that I always had behavior patterns and obsessions that were markedly abnormal.
Avatar f tn however, positive findings for the impact of relapse prevention treatment suggest that learning to use anticipatory coping can reduce the likelihood of having a psychiatric hospitalization and associated consequences (Herz et al., 2000). Preventive coping refers to the process by which a person builds up resources and resistance “just in case” possible stressors occur in the distant future (Schwarzer, 2001).
Avatar n tn That's not true. When I first developed schizoaffective disorder I knew I was psychotic. I just didn't know how much and why. And yes I needed treatment and because I got the wrong treatment (I was misdiagnosed with ocd and given Anafranil) I ended up in the psychiatric hospital in 1991 (now I am recovered, that was then). If someone is extremely psychotic they may not perceive reality at all but let's hope people get treatment before it approaches that point.
Avatar f tn I have had only 1 mild paranoid event during mania that came years after my first recognized mania, so I obviously DO NOT understand psychotic features of BP at all. But my ex-husband has had many psychotic events. He has Bipolar Disorder w/ psychotic features. He has gone into psychosis many times, and is extremely paranoid. After reading the Bipolar Child I see that he has been bipolar his whole life, and has only been diagnosed 3 months ago.
Avatar f tn Was this part of a question or the whole thing? What is the question about your mother? Are you concerned about your mother's impact on you? Or does your mother have bipolar disorder? I have recovered from schizoaffective disorder but I do have difficulties coping with my mother's bipolar disorder as she is not under treatment yet but will be. So I understand both aspects. But perhaps you could be more prescise for us as to what really went wrong.
Avatar m tn I was up and down for a while after the birth of my fourth beautiful baby. Then one night I stayed awake all night and that was it, I plunged into a very severe depression. I could not hold down water, struggled with an antidepressant for one month also with zanax. It was not getting any better, really it was very severe and I became like a skeleton and very irrational.
Avatar n tn When a person is psychotic they can lack judgment. One of the purposes of treatment is to have them get past that point.
Avatar f tn I think you would mean depression with psychotic features and like most psychiatric disabilities it lasts a lifetime as does the need for medication. Recovery rates depend on the individual person. As I've posted medications that are more specifically targeted to the right receptors and will have a better response rate and safer side effect profile are in development so treatment will improve in the coming years.
Avatar n tn I am having lots of sleep problems while tapering from Risperdal but I am not even thinking about taking help of any anti psychotic to sleep. Even my Pdoc says it is wrong to do so as an Anti psychotic should only be used for the purpose it was made for.Incidentally my last dose of Risperdal is on 22nd night.
Avatar n tn When I was younger before my diagnosis I had similar psychotic features and I was treated for major depression with psychotic features. I was treated with anti depressants and anti pyschotics. Unfortunately the anti d's triggered rapid cycling and lithium was then added to the mix. If it helps I no longer hear voices, it stopped around age 20. Now during an episode I have classic bipolar features.
Avatar f tn TMS is generally used for treatment refractory depression but it has been used on treatment refractory schizophrenia as before my current recovery (and before TMS was clinically approved) I considered being a participant in that study. Before you would even consider that though you should have your psychiatrist try a combination of all available mood stabilizers and antipsychotics depending what they think is going on.
Avatar f tn My Psych. has me on all three, plus Klonopin, am not getting anybetter and refuse to take anti-psychotic meds.
Avatar n tn She says they gave her this medicine for a month as a tranquillizer. Is this possible?
Avatar f tn ” Administering Valium to patients suffering from the toxic effects of “Bath Salts” does not result in positive responses to treatment. Standard hospital treatment for drug overdose does not work effectively on “Bath Salts.” Even when patients come off of sedation, behavior has been shown to revert back to the uncontrollable state of psychosis. As a warning to young people experimenting with this drug, the effects of “Bath Salts” may be permanent.
Avatar m tn s left arm stop working and he feel extreme pain in the arm. and still he can not do any work with his left arm and he become a psychotic patient by using pain killers. Can anyone please help us. how can we treatment my brother..
Avatar f tn She prescribed me a anti-psychotic. I heard so many horrible things about this type of medication, like developing permanent neurological problems. I read these horrible stories about doctors prescibing it to infants, why would a baby need a anti-psychotic? I feel like they just give these medications to anyone without a proper diagnoses. I feel like the presription was inappropriate. This is the only doctor I can see because I have no insurance and she is the only state doctor available.
987762 tn?1671273328 Hi and thank you in advance for your help and advice regarding understanding schizophrenia better! My daughters partner of 2 1/2 years is as far as we've been told is undx with anything other than GAD, though we were aware he'd been involuntarily admitted to a state hospital for treatment in his mid teens, he told me he wanted to get away from his controlling mother and faked a break down.
Avatar m tn I am a firm believer and active caregiver for one who was given interferon for HCV and subsequently had psychotic/depressive episodes (severe) for a 3 year period. My spouse was diagnosed in 2002 with HCV.....prior to that was working, actively engaged in life....after attempting the HCV trmt interferon with Ribaviran for less than 2 wks had a psychotic break and then was but on an antidepressant.