
Psychotic symptoms and depression

Common Questions and Answers about Psychotic symptoms and depression


Avatar f tn I am currently recovering from a severe depression with suicide ideation in which i apparently had psychotic symptoms. Has anyone else had psychosis without knowing what it was until speaking to your therapist about what was going on? and does anyone have any advice as to what to look for in oneself when psychosis starts?
Avatar f tn Anyhow, onto my question... In addition to depression, I struggle with anxiety and take 1 mg Ativan as needed, up to 3x/day. The Ativan helps with the anxiety but I've noticed if I have to take it for a few days in a row it really seems to affect my mood, in that I often feel even more depressed than I did before taking it.
1965148 tn?1354978634 It is a symptom but you also have to have numerous other symptoms like hypomania or mania, and depression. People can have one psychotic episode and be just fine after that.
539694 tn?1434565947 Thanks Tyzer and Ruby but unfortunately i cannot get help.. Im an A level student living at home i dont want my family knowing im going to the doctors and the one im registered at is very far away i have no way to get there but i carnt get dropped there because i want it secret.. at least until im on some kind of treatment.
Avatar f tn The problem with getting a second opinion is getting one, then you become the doctor. I was given medication more suitable to a patient in greater need than my condition. Not long into this course of meds I discovered that they actual made my condition worse. Disclaimer, I'm not a doctor. Subsequently I went with the depression medication. It didn't make me feel worse but it did seem to help somewhat. That little help provided the basis of me working on my problem myself.
Avatar m tn I am a firm believer and active caregiver for one who was given interferon for HCV and subsequently had psychotic/depressive episodes (severe) for a 3 year period. My spouse was diagnosed in 2002 with HCV.....prior to that was working, actively engaged in life....after attempting the HCV trmt interferon with Ribaviran for less than 2 wks had a psychotic break and then was but on an antidepressant.
Avatar n tn I have suggested she go and talk to a professional and possibly get on med. for depression. She is 20 years old and in college. Today she told me she felt like she was having a psychotic breakdown.What is this kind of breakdown?
899491 tn?1243773627 When I had my relaspe all the familiar sensations reared its ugly head and its very frightening handling this monster inside me. After experiencing the good, bad and ugly of mania I slid into a deep depression. I felt that familiar disjointed feeling like I did not own my own body. The pdoc put me on Abilify which is an antipsychotic drug. Am I psychotic? The last three months I believe I experienced some type of psychosis.
919239 tn?1269394658 My doctor is an expert on treatment resistant depression and she prescribes a low dose anti psychotic along with an anti depressant usually a SNRI I have taken zyprexa with effexor, I came off everything eventually giving up the anti psychotic first and at another time (now my second episode) cymbalta with Seroquel, though i am weaning the Seroquel now and i am down to 12.5 mg Are you just taking the one drug? ?
1351968 tn?1278205300 Well there is a gradation between bipolar and schizophrenia such as bipolar with psychotic features (where a person experiences psychotic symptoms specifically during moodswings) and schizoaffective disorder, as was mentioned as I have where if untreated a person experiences psychotic symptoms at all times. Bipolar in some people can worsen over a life time, certainly if untreated and there are many subtypes of bipolar, including bipolar with psychotic features.
Avatar f tn They can occur in any location within the brain. They are often incidental findings with no symptoms and with no consequences. However, when they do cause symptoms, that could include headaches, seizures, and in some rare instances psychiatric problems. If someone has a headache and an arachnoid cyst, just given the statistical probabilities, they are more likely to have a headache unrelated to the cyst than to have headaches caused by the cyst.
Avatar m tn I had a history of depression and anxiety symptoms for 24 months prior to hospitalization. I was diagnosed at discharge with Axis 1 MDD, severe recurrent (without psychotic features). Axis 2 was deferred. Axis 3: orthopedic condition, partner relation problems. Follow up care consisted of psychotherapy and ssri. One year later I was hospitalized second time for three weeks after experiencing a panic attack/mental break down in response to several stressful events the week prior to admission.
1510258 tn?1290468781 If in some way you are aware what is occurring is not real it might potentially be part of anxiety disorder but a psychiatrist would have to make that distinction. Psychosis can occur in depression with psychotic features and sometimes in severe depression and other criteria as well. There is the concern of stigmatization as regards seeing a psychiatrist which is understandable but it would be worthwhile to follow up as they could provide greater help with this.
Avatar m tn I was up and down for a while after the birth of my fourth beautiful baby. Then one night I stayed awake all night and that was it, I plunged into a very severe depression. I could not hold down water, struggled with an antidepressant for one month also with zanax. It was not getting any better, really it was very severe and I became like a skeleton and very irrational.
Avatar n tn When I was younger before my diagnosis I had similar psychotic features and I was treated for major depression with psychotic features. I was treated with anti depressants and anti pyschotics. Unfortunately the anti d's triggered rapid cycling and lithium was then added to the mix. If it helps I no longer hear voices, it stopped around age 20. Now during an episode I have classic bipolar features.
Avatar m tn The only form of depression that can cause psychotic episodes, is Bi-polar Depressive Disorder but typical clinical depression that can result from severe anxiety, is not in the psychosis category
Avatar f tn Please consult a doctor immediately both for a clinical and a psychological assessment. Depression, dementia, alcohol abuse, migraines, diabetes, abuse of certain drugs etc can also cause auditory hallucinations or hearing voices. It can also be a part of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, schizophreniform disorder, shared psychotic disorder, brief psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, substance-induced psychotic disorder. Hence it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Avatar f tn Dont know - i went nearly 15 years not on meds and i thought i was fine until I wasnt and went psychotic manic, so you might be fine for a long time as well. And I wasnt fine, I was hypomanic and looking back had at least 3 mini breakdowns and burnouts in that time.
Avatar f tn Hi, I think for the most part the two words, melancholy and depression, are and can be used interchangeably. In the early part of the last century the term for depression was "melancholy". Probably refers to the sadness a lot of folks feel in depression. Are you being treated with any medications or therapy. I hope you are doing well and get through this.
1360950 tn?1277656603 Antipsychotics are often used as mood stabilizers, and some of them are really very effective for that purpose. Many patients who have never had psychotic symptoms (patients with depression which has not responded to just an antidepressant, for instance) are finding that the addition of an "atypical" or newer antipsychotic can be helpful. This is an example of the problem with names in pharmacology.
Avatar n tn I am 17 and I have never taken drugs, don’t drink or even smoke. I’ve been diagnosed with depression and anxiety a couple of weeks back and I wanted to know if this is a symptom, or if I should be more worried about it. Its not that bad but often coincides with suicidal urges. Should I tell my doctor?
Avatar f tn Aripiprazole is used to treat the symptoms of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (manic depression). It is also used together with other medications to treat major depressive disorder in adults. You mentioned that it cleaared your anxiety, but you didn't say anything to your doctor about anxiety. Anxiety can be a completely different issue and may require a different course of action.
Avatar f tn My Psych. has me on all three, plus Klonopin, am not getting anybetter and refuse to take anti-psychotic meds.
Avatar f tn Within FEP patients, decreases in cortisol and the cortisol/DHEAS ratio over time were directly related to the improvement in depression . . . negative . . . and psychotic symptoms . . . . Perceived stress significantly correlated with DHEAS . . . and the cortisol/DHEAS ratio . . . in controls, but not patients, possibly reflecting an impaired hormonal response to stress in FEP patients. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.