
Psychotic mood disorder

Common Questions and Answers about Psychotic mood disorder


1201916 tn?1277603095 It works better than Geodon did for me but I take it for a psychotic disorder rather than a mood disorder but bipolar disorder can have psychotic symptoms and every medicine works differently for each person.
Avatar f tn My question is what is the difference between Bipolar disorder with psychotic features and Schizoaffective disorder? And which one sounds closest to what i am experiencing, if it's possible to answer?
1256303 tn?1291752568 ILADVOCATE is right, about the mood episodes correlating with psychotic features for BP, and so this is where the mood chart can help. I would not worry too much about getting the right 'label' as the treatment is basically the same for both conditions; an antipsychotic and mood stabiliser. I have suspected that I had schizoaffective in the past, but either way, it would not make a difference to my medications as far as I'm aware.
202665 tn?1248806733 Yes schizophrenia doesnt have any mood changes but there are a whole spectrum of conditions in between such as bipolar with psychotic features and schizoaffective disorder which involve both psychosis and mood changes. Sometimes certain concerns such as psychosis can increase over time become more apparent or are more in need of treatment. Bipolar with psychotic features is generally defined by psychotic thoughts or auditory or other hallucinations occuring only during mood swings..
1044813 tn?1370494406 Hello all, I would like to request the addition of Seroquel (quetiapine) which is an anti-psychotic to the mood tracker. Seroquel is very commonly prescribed for the treatment of both manic and depressive episodes of bipolar disorder.
Avatar f tn Yes, it is possible. You can see the guidlines here:*************.com/schizophrenia/c/120/150461/schizophrenia/ If the delusions and whatnot only appear during a mood episode, then it's a mood disorder with psychotic features. To get the schizoaffective marker (schizophrenia + mood disorder), you must be having the schizophrenia symptoms for a certain amount of time while having a normal mood.
Avatar f tn Since Wellbutin, Lamictal and Topaxax all have the same side effects of anxiety,hyperactivity,insomnia, mood swings why use them to treat a manic episode, especially a severe one? My Psych. has me on all three, plus Klonopin, am not getting anybetter and refuse to take anti-psychotic meds.
Avatar n tn You could have depression with psychotic features or schizoaffective disorder. I have schizoaffective disorder and the mood disorder aspect is bipolar. I am recovered now with an antipsychotic in Phase II FDA study glycine as I've said on other posts but I know what the experience is like. But there are other forms of schizoaffective disorder that have depression instead of bipolar as the mood phase. And if you have suicidal urges you need to see a psychiatrist right away.
1546631 tn?1321643204 ll start with our story, my 8yo little boy has current diagnoses of psychotic disorder NOS, mood disorder NOS, and ADHD, combined type. We are pending diagnoses of Schizoaffective disorder, Bipolar disorder with psychosis. It's been a rough road, and still is. His meds are constantly being changed, and we just had another hospitalization. I have hope for the future, and believe we can all find support here. What is your story?
Avatar n tn (sorry if its robotic i was 16) Formerly known as ‘Manic-Depressive Disorder’ Like the former name suggests sufferers of Bipolar disorder have persistent mood swings between states of elevated mood known as ‘mania’ to lowered mood states involving deep depression. During the individuals depressed mood period they will suffer from many of the symptoms of Unipolar depression however when their mood switches to mania they will have an extremely elevated mood.
605458 tn?1539228808 Sure, we can add anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic meds to the sleep tracker. We'll let you know when it's available. Thanks for the suggestion.
Avatar n tn Abilify is specifically FDA approved for both mood disorders and psychotic disorders. If a person has a mood disorder that would have any type of psychosis as part of it they would most likely need an antipsychotic. Otherwise there are a wide variety of mood stabilizers although only a psychiatrist would understand the clinical specifics.
Avatar f tn Before my current recovery I had full blown mania and also had psychotic episodes (which need not go with it, I have schizoaffective disorder but there is also bioplar with psychotic features where psychosis only occurs during mood changes, in schizoaffective disorder its all the time). Things were disturbing and extreme and I needed medication as soon as I had my first psychotic break.
1351968 tn?1278205300 Well there is a gradation between bipolar and schizophrenia such as bipolar with psychotic features (where a person experiences psychotic symptoms specifically during moodswings) and schizoaffective disorder, as was mentioned as I have where if untreated a person experiences psychotic symptoms at all times. Bipolar in some people can worsen over a life time, certainly if untreated and there are many subtypes of bipolar, including bipolar with psychotic features.
603015 tn?1329862973 Psychosis like ILADVOCATE said causes you to lose touch with reality, it can cause you to start believeing bizarre things, thinking in a bizarre way, behaving in a bizarre way, and hearing/seeing/tasting/smelling/feeling things not there or things that are there incorrectly, and it can also cause different severities of paranoia where you suspect everyone or possibly everything of things without any evidence to do so. Bipolar disorder can cause psychosis during severe mood episodes.
Avatar f tn She could have bipolar with psychotic features or schizoaffective disorder (ask the psychiatrist both have a mood disorder with psychosis). Clearly if she hears voices and has delusions its more than bipolar. The psychiatrist obviously has their own plans but I've not known Seroquel to work on psychosis at that low a dose. Why not ask them more about her treatment and become more involved?
1255530 tn?1269867619 All this you would have to discuss with your psychiatrist.
Avatar f tn I too am bipolar and on seroquel. Seroquel is an anti-psychotic. Please don't let that word "psychotic" make you upset all though I admit it does kind of stink. I also take Lamtrogine or Lamictal. I've been on tegretal and it worked for a long time for me. There are so many out there. I personally take Lamicatl Welbutrin Trazodone Seroquel These are my bipolar meds all though I do have physical health problems that I also take meds for.
Avatar f tn ILADVOCATE is right about the blood work. Before I was diagnosed with a psychotic disorder, they tested me for all kinds of crap like with MRIs and tests for syphilis and blood deficiencies and such.
915369 tn?1355314810 I was seeing a psychiatrist for a few years but she stopped seeing me after diagnosing me with borderline personality disorder. She also diagnosed me with dysthymia, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive features. I was originally thought to have bipolar disorder and psychosis NOS but to be quite honest I'd prefer the diagnosis of borderline seeing as this way I don't need to take medication.
Avatar m tn Has the doc and specialists looked at bipolar disorder? treatments for that range from mood stabilizers like lithium to anticonvulsant's like tegretol. You may not have one specific condition you could have 2 or 3 and you may need a few different medications. brain scans x ray and ultrasound aren't always accurate.
Avatar f tn s impact on you? Or does your mother have bipolar disorder? I have recovered from schizoaffective disorder but I do have difficulties coping with my mother's bipolar disorder as she is not under treatment yet but will be. So I understand both aspects. But perhaps you could be more prescise for us as to what really went wrong.
Avatar f tn Holiday blues can affect anyone, especially people with things like bipolar disorder. Depressive episodes I don't think are required for bipolar disorder 1 to be diagnosed and only mania is required but they frequently occur. With psychotic features just means you experience psychotic symptoms when manic and/or depressed but particularly while manic.
Avatar f tn Could my husband have bi polar disorder. He has been diagnosed with clinical depression years ago, and just recently was given a medicine that treats the symptoms of bipolar disorder. he said the side effects were not good and he quit taking the medication. Two days ago he got angry over something trivial and again today slamming doors and yelling at me and our kids.
Avatar m tn Hi Tammy, seroquel (quetiapine) is an atypical antipsychotic and is often prescribed for bipolar disorder to address psychotic symptoms and for it's mood stabilising properties mainly antimanic, although it also has some anti-depressant effects. It is also prescribed for other things such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective, GAD or severe insomnia (because of the sedation, and in smaller doses). It can be sedating at first, but usually this lessens as you get use to it.