
Psychotic features alcohol

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539694 tn?1434565947 i hallucinate and im often aware of it and i know ive been pretty paranoid and delusional for much of my life. Thing is at their extremes those are psychotic symptoms.. i dont feel psychotic im not a bad or nasty person :-( You say theres been times you felt like people could read your thoughts? I get that but i only noticed and really realised the last few years, its just so subconscious you know?
603015 tn?1329862973 Hypomania is distinguished from mania by the absence of psychotic symptoms. In other words if there are psychotic features its mania. BP2's can get psychotic features in mania the same as anyone does. Is this what you are referring to on the Black Dog Site ?
Avatar m tn schizophrenoform disorder, r/o psychotic disorder NOS, r/o MDD chronic with psychotic features, r/o alcohol abuse, partner relation problem Axis 2: no diagnosis with paranoid traits Axis 3 deferred Several months after discharge diagnosis (not by doctor who gave second opinion) amended to Axsis 1: MDD, in remission, r/o depression due to general medical condition (vestibular injury), adjustment disorder with depression/anxiety, partner relation problems, alcohol abuse.
1256303 tn?1291752568 My second question is how do I (and of course, my psychiatrist) differentiate between whether I am bipolar with psychotic features or schizo-affective? I definitely have the cycles of mania and depression, starting about three years ago, would have auditory and visual hallucinations when severely depressed. Recently with this batch of mania, I have begun to have the auditory hallucinations too, as well as visual. I also am having some problems with disorganized thoughts and speech and delusions.
1965148 tn?1354978634 I think that bipolar disorder can be with or without psychotic features. Since you seem to be having some psychosis then I would say you have it with. I think they have to observe you over time to get an acurate diagnosis. Therefor you would have to meet the diagnostic creiteria outlined in the DSM IV to recieve a diagnosis.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with Depression with psychotic features, not any Bipolar disorder Anyway I was on Prozac with Wellbutrin, then had a relapse and they took me off both and started me on Abilfy only. Is this a normal procedure or should I also be on some low dose antidepressant in your opinion ? Thank you very much for your time.
1965148 tn?1354978634 can anyone share their experiences with psychotic mania or bipolar with psychotic features? i have no idea where mine are heading but they are here, and they are not backing down.
222267 tn?1253302210 I have schizoaffective but from what you are describing you might have bipolar with psychotic features (ask your psychiatrist). But I had psychosis all the time as is typical for schizoaffective but with bipolar with psychotic features when you don't have moodswings you don't experience psychosis.
Avatar n tn When I was younger before my diagnosis I had similar psychotic features and I was treated for major depression with psychotic features. I was treated with anti depressants and anti pyschotics. Unfortunately the anti d's triggered rapid cycling and lithium was then added to the mix. If it helps I no longer hear voices, it stopped around age 20. Now during an episode I have classic bipolar features.
Avatar f tn ve made a good recovery from schizoaffective which clinically is a step further than bipolar with psychotic features as in bipolar with psychotic features a person has delusions and hears voices during moodswings and in schizoaffective disorder its all the time. Even with current treatment the symptoms can be mitigated. He should have his psychiatrist follow up as to an exact diagnosis and when the onset of it was.
1439426 tn?1283970705 That can also occur in people with bipolar with psychotic features. Discuss this with your psychiatrist and ask if psychosis is part of your diagnosis.
Avatar f tn I recently requested information from the place I am getting help from and I was reading their off official word on me and it was Bipolar 1/MRE-manic, Severe with mood incongruent psychotic features. and Panic attack with Agorophobia. This is my diagnoses since I have seen them. I thought it was only bipolar one not all of this. Now with the Mania it never seems to let up even with the medication nor do my moods.
Avatar f tn I think you would mean depression with psychotic features and like most psychiatric disabilities it lasts a lifetime as does the need for medication. Recovery rates depend on the individual person. As I've posted medications that are more specifically targeted to the right receptors and will have a better response rate and safer side effect profile are in development so treatment will improve in the coming years.
1510258 tn?1290468781 If in some way you are aware what is occurring is not real it might potentially be part of anxiety disorder but a psychiatrist would have to make that distinction. Psychosis can occur in depression with psychotic features and sometimes in severe depression and other criteria as well. There is the concern of stigmatization as regards seeing a psychiatrist which is understandable but it would be worthwhile to follow up as they could provide greater help with this.
Avatar m tn You could also have depression with psychotic features. I could explain the difference between the two but a psychiatrist could explain it. That is probably what is going on. As for onset of the mental illness in life there are more common age ranges but that doesn't mean you couldn't acquire one at any time in life.
1351968 tn?1278205300 Well there is a gradation between bipolar and schizophrenia such as bipolar with psychotic features (where a person experiences psychotic symptoms specifically during moodswings) and schizoaffective disorder, as was mentioned as I have where if untreated a person experiences psychotic symptoms at all times. Bipolar in some people can worsen over a life time, certainly if untreated and there are many subtypes of bipolar, including bipolar with psychotic features.
Avatar f tn It could also take some time to find the medication which is right for her because not every medication works the same and as effectively for every single person but chances are that one of them will work for her eventually. It could be bipolar disorder with psychotic features like ILADVOCATE said or some psychotic disorder since 120 conditions can have psychosis as a symptom.
Avatar n tn And if you have suicidal urges you need to see a psychiatrist right away. Depression with psychotic features is when a person has psychotic thoughts only during mood fluctuations. With schizoaffective disorder psychotic thoughts or auditory hallucinations (hearing voices) can occur at any time. But as to how to look at it I'd say look at it as I do, I am a person with a psychiatric disability and I need treatment as part of my recovery.
Avatar f tn Depakoate is a mood stabilizer. Zoloft is an anti-depressent. Seroquel is an antipsychotic and I believe by psychiatric standards that is a subclinical dose (when I was on it 300 mg. was where it started working). Not sure what "the pill to calm her nerves" is? You mean an anti-anxiety medication? Although only a psychiatrist can determine medication dosages and which medication to use I'd suggest you inform yourself.
Avatar m tn I was up and down for a while after the birth of my fourth beautiful baby. Then one night I stayed awake all night and that was it, I plunged into a very severe depression. I could not hold down water, struggled with an antidepressant for one month also with zanax. It was not getting any better, really it was very severe and I became like a skeleton and very irrational.
Avatar f tn t get a hold of myself. I do suffer from severe depression PTSD severe anxiety disorder with psychotic features. Is it all in my head or could something be wrong?
Avatar n tn I have been diagnosed with depression with psychotic features but every time I am hospitalized they diagnose me with schizoaffective disorder.
Avatar f tn As to your question that's complex. A manic episode is a mental change in that its a break from reality. A person's emotions are not normative to what is going on. It may impair judgement such as the grandiosity typical for mania where a person has an inflated sense of self importance. As for psychosis that is a sharp break from reality in logical and normative thinking.
Avatar n tn He was diagnosed with Major Depression with psychotic features. He has been on 20mg of Zyprexa, 100mg of Wellbutrin, 60 mg of Prozac for three years. Is this a normal course of treatment?
899491 tn?1243773627 Bipolar with psychotic features is not that rare. When a person has bipolar with psychotic features they have psychosis specifically during moodswings. When a person has schizoaffective as I do they experience psychosis all the time (as I did before my current recovery). The whole spectrum of bipolar to schizophrenia is linked up and they are just learning how.
Avatar n tn Here is what is going on, let me say right now I have not drunk alcohol for 5 months straight and I have not taken any illegal drugs for 3 months. Just to sum up that, as you'll probably ask that later. I am asking if psychosis exists in bipolar disorder because I have been experiencing episodes that make it difficult to concentrate on anything. I frequently have blackouts, where I honestly cannot remember how I got from point A to point B.