
Psychotic disorder in film

Common Questions and Answers about Psychotic disorder in film


Avatar f tn Is it possible for hallucinations/psychotic experiences to be like a horror film playing in your mind that you can't control? For example, yesterday, I had this mental "movie" of the grim reaper standing behind me with a wire, about to strangle me or slit my throat. Deep down I knew it wasn't real but it felt real, like a dream while I was awake, as if I could somehow sense that he was behind me ready to do something. I was totally afraid of what was going to happen.
12268405 tn?1427853361 d like to hear from you again, about any changes you can encourage in your treatment, or any improvements you are feeling after being in the psych ward, and so on. I will check here and check at the Schizophrenic department to see how you are!
Avatar f tn No because in the dark tear film problems are rarely symptomatic. They would be much more common day time and go away with blink or installation of artificial tears and don't have geometric designs.
Avatar f tn I suppose the real question i had was what is the difference,in general, between bipolar disorder w/ psychotic features and schizoaffective disorder?
1351968 tn?1278205300 Bipolar in some people can worsen over a life time, certainly if untreated and there are many subtypes of bipolar, including bipolar with psychotic features. In mood swings there are difficulties in the understanding of emotions and relations with people and ability to focus and understand things and make appropriate decisions but when a person encounters psychotic symptoms there is a full break in reality testing.
1201916 tn?1277603095 It works better than Geodon did for me but I take it for a psychotic disorder rather than a mood disorder but bipolar disorder can have psychotic symptoms and every medicine works differently for each person.
603015 tn?1329862973 Hypomania is distinguished from mania by the absence of psychotic symptoms. In other words if there are psychotic features its mania. BP2's can get psychotic features in mania the same as anyone does. Is this what you are referring to on the Black Dog Site ?
Avatar f tn 14 years old is indeed young but it might be psychotic episodes or something somehow leading to bi-polarity as it could be and it is very likely, that is is schizo but at this age who knows if she's just shizotypal or schizoid, well you wanna know if it's a personality disorder or a psychotic disorder. In females real psychotic disorders tend to appear later than in men, who are starting to get symptoms between adolescence and early adulthood.
Avatar f tn m not short of breath, I have no palpitations, no joint or back pain, no diarrhea, no painful urination, no chest pain, no sexual apathy, no pain during intercourse, no impotence, no menstrual problems. These are some of the signs of somatization disorder. The only ones I DO have are, pain in the arms and legs, SOMEtimes difficulty swallowing (not often, thank goodness), vision changes and muscle weakness.
Avatar n tn 1. Intermediate explosive disorder (mostly in the men in her family) 2. the birth-father is Bi-polar 3. schizophrenia runs in the family. What are the chances of this baby developing these disorders? Is it possible for the baby not to get these mental disorders and live a normal life? I am scared because I don't know much about these disorders and unsure what to do...hope to get some advise soon.
Avatar f tn Well I heard classically this happens in schizophrenia but I think it also can happen in bipolar disorder where you stay in a deteriorated state as mentioned although a doctor mentioned that people with psychosis in other mental disorders generally recover back to baseline classically after the psychotic break is over. I guess it all depends on the severity of the psychotic break and other such factors.
Avatar f tn If you are psychotic then you have a lot of company here. This doctor has outlived his usefulness to you, no matter what. It is totally unprofessional for him to take it personally that you are getting other consultations. He has absolutely no right to get angry. His emotions don't come into the equation at all. He is entitled not to treat you anymore if he doesn't like your actions or words, but that's as far as it goes.
202665 tn?1248806733 Yes schizophrenia doesnt have any mood changes but there are a whole spectrum of conditions in between such as bipolar with psychotic features and schizoaffective disorder which involve both psychosis and mood changes. Sometimes certain concerns such as psychosis can increase over time become more apparent or are more in need of treatment. Bipolar with psychotic features is generally defined by psychotic thoughts or auditory or other hallucinations occuring only during mood swings..
Avatar n tn Some of what you are describing could be neurological so have some tests done to rule that out first. As for psychosis existing in bipolar it can especially in bipolar with psychotic features and schizoaffective as I have made a full recovery from (read through my posts). Zyprexa causes sedation and a fair amount of weight gain from what I've found and is somewhat hard to tolerate. You could ask your psychiatrist about other options as regards antipsychotics.
Avatar f tn Actually, ILADVOCATE, Depresonalization and Derealization ARE NOT due to psychosis or a psychotic illness. They are symptoms of dissociation. Check it out in the "DSM". It clearly classifies Depersonalization and Derealization as dissociative states. I have had this illness my whole life and it causes me great fear. It is dissociation. I was misdiagnosed as being psychotic and three doctors overturned that diagnosis.
Avatar f tn His birth mother also suffers from schizoeffective disorder. In the last year I have noticed a disturbing difference in his actions. He has been telling friends, family members, and teachers all sorts of "lies". I don't know if it's right to call them lies though because I think to him they might be true...or at least he may believe they are true. Years ago he did this with his birth father.
Avatar f tn Holiday blues can affect anyone, especially people with things like bipolar disorder. Depressive episodes I don't think are required for bipolar disorder 1 to be diagnosed and only mania is required but they frequently occur. With psychotic features just means you experience psychotic symptoms when manic and/or depressed but particularly while manic.
Avatar f tn If someone has a headache and an arachnoid cyst, just given the statistical probabilities, they are more likely to have a headache unrelated to the cyst than to have headaches caused by the cyst. Similarly, in a patient with bipolar disorder and an arachnoid cyst, the likelihood is that the cyst is NOT causing the psychiatric disorder. Having said this, it depends on several factors, including the location and size of the cyst, and more importantly its effect on surrounding brain structures.
Avatar m tn The only form of depression that can cause psychotic episodes, is Bi-polar Depressive Disorder but typical clinical depression that can result from severe anxiety, is not in the psychosis category
Avatar n tn You could have depression with psychotic features or schizoaffective disorder. I have schizoaffective disorder and the mood disorder aspect is bipolar. I am recovered now with an antipsychotic in Phase II FDA study glycine as I've said on other posts but I know what the experience is like. But there are other forms of schizoaffective disorder that have depression instead of bipolar as the mood phase. And if you have suicidal urges you need to see a psychiatrist right away.
728480 tn?1312059930 Well you are talking about two different issues. First of all, psychological and Freudian theories are now considered outdated as regards psychiatric disabilities (my prefered term for mental illness). That doesn't mean people with psychiatric disabilities don't experience normal feelings that need psychotherapy. And there are complex issues.
1256303 tn?1291752568 I do know that for schizoaffective disorder delusions and psychosis occur at all times whereas in bipolar with psychotic features they occur only during moodswings. You can speak to your psychiatrist about this but also keep a mood tracker and print out the results for your psychiatrist as that can be markedly helpful as well.
Avatar n tn I strongly recommend that you try not to get lost in the jungle of the jargon of our profession. the person you described had a paranoid psychotic episode, and is now in remission, with a paranoid personality. You don't have to invoke the schizophrenic idea to fit the facts of this case.....