
Protein diet meals

Common Questions and Answers about Protein diet meals


Avatar m tn Eat the healthiest diet you can. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Healthy foods help keep you strong, give you more energy and support your immune system. If you're nauseated, try eating small meals throughout the day. Choose foods that are soothing and easy to digest, such as soups, broths or a plain baked potato. A registered dietitian can be especially helpful if you have weight loss or trouble eating.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have just started weight trainning 3x a day. I'm also running 4 days out of the week, ranging from 5-12mi. I'm eating a good balance beteen protein and carbs; I eat 3-4 times a day. I'm eating around 1200 calories; Am I eating enough? I don't want to loose weight; I want my stomac to look toned and not "flabby." how do I make my stomac look that way and loose the additional fat?
Avatar f tn /which makes it hard. A healthy pregnancy diet consists of protein, healthy carbs, whole grains, fruits and veggies. The closer your meals are together the less hungry you will feel and the less junk you will crave. You should eat 6 small meals a day .
Avatar f tn They say it's best to actually eat 6 small meals a day instead of your standard 3 meals a day. You could always make a smoothie or something like that as a replacement. It's still high in nutrients and good for you.
Avatar f tn Protein is the main ingredient that needs attention as a vegetarian. You have to make sure you are properly taking in protein combos at all meals. Plant protein is good for the body and will not harm the Liver; in fact people with liver disease are encouraged to eat more vegan vegetarian meals. You get protein from plant sources, such as soy milk, rice milk, soy yogurt, soy cheese, soy ice cream, and rice ice cream.
Avatar f tn Well balanced small meals, 6 times a day, is the best for your baby. I eat my 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) with a protein, veggie, and/or grain.. brown rice, chicken breast, salmon, broccoli, quinoa (I buy steamable bags of rice and vegetables, cuts prep time down so much)... things like that! 3 other small meals in between (celery with peanut butter and a glass of green tea, grapefruit with a cup of yogurt, crackers and almond butter, chopped up mixed fruit.) I cook, a lot.
Avatar f tn That's an awful lot of protein... my doctor has me on a high protein diet, 108 grams/day and most days I can't make that, even with a couple of shakes. Are shakes and water all you plan to consume? If so, that's not good or sustainable. In addition, weight lost too and not in a healthy manner will most likely be regained as soon as you start eating normally again, even if maintaining a healthy diet.
Avatar f tn That makes sense. I know I feel better with smaller high protein meals but didn't know why. Then I am noticing even people with arrythmias are saying the same thing about carbs and larger meals.
Avatar n tn ideally you should be eating 5 small healthy meals a day. PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN. get yourself some reusable plastic containers and pack your meals for the week. keep the first 5 out of the freezer (1 st day) and when you go to bed put the next 5 in the fridge. sounds like a lot of work, but really you are making your life a lot easier having you whole week's worth of food prepared and ready.
568875 tn?1424397205 and i have severe swelling and the doc told me i need to be on high protein and low sodium diet. i have no idea where to begin looking for good snack ideas and easy meals. i cant seem to find really anything on google, so i was wondering if any of u ladies have this swelling problem and were put on this diet what did u do for snacks and meals...or if anyone just has any ideas i would greatly appreciate it.
Avatar f tn Remove sugars and starches from your diet. Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source and low-carb vegetables. Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source and low-carb vegetables. Working out is extremely important to losing weight quickly and keeping it off. It is best to do some sort of resistance training like weight lifting. If that is not an option, cardio workouts work too.
Avatar f tn If you have a refrigerator, you can buy frozen veggies that you can cook in a microwave - assuming that you have one. You can buy frozen veggies for a fraction of the cost of fresh and they are just as good for you. Add a meat, eggs, dairy, etc to get your protein, bread or cereal to get your whole grains a serving or 2 of fruit every day, some healthy fat, such as olive oil, and avocado in your salad.
Avatar f tn 2=111g of protein spread over 5-6 meals in the day. Include high protein foods in your diet. Your protein intake should be from foods rather than from supplements. Good sources of protein foods: whey, fish, dairy products (low fat variety), meats, unroasted nuts and seeds (almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds). Milk is one of the best muscle foods. The milk contains two high quality proteins, about 80 percent whey and 20 percent casein.
Avatar n tn You need to increase your protein intake to 50-60gms a day by increasing the soy milk to 3 cups a day, add nuts to your oatmeal each time and have a starch (either rice, bread, or pasta) with your beans so you get complete protein with your meals. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Eat them as snacks or add them to your salads with additional nuts. Fruits and vegetables give us the nutrients we need to keep our immune system and body healthy. Best of luck.
Avatar n tn I am also afraid of the Hight Protein, High Amino Acids Whey Powders so I was wondering if there is a diet or medicine or something I can ask my doctor for. He doesnt seem to be very attentive to my weight problem. In fact,he always advocates being thin so as to not to tax my liver, but I am now beyond thin... I don't know if I will be able to survive an illness being THIS thin.
7650155 tn?1414371335 This past week I've decided to get serious about my health. I'm 29 years old, 5 feet 7.5 inches tall and about 150 pounds. I've always been active but am focusing on leaning up and building muscle . My diet consists of: Breakfast: 5 egg whites & one yoke fried with olive oil. Half a grapefruit & a half a cup of quinoa with one tablespoon of chia seeds, agave & cinnamon. Lunch & dinner: varies between chicken, fish or ground Turkey. And a side of veggies.
Avatar f tn I usually have a normal diet throughout the day and I repeat my 1/2 hour exercise with meals etc at the end of the day. Remember, try to not eat too late at night, because after a certain time, your body starts storing that meal for during sleep. And also, yoghurt helps speed up metabolism as well, since it contains active cultures. That's about it!
7758733 tn?1402589420 Being pregnant, diets are not really encouraged, but when I think of eating right I always have diet in the back of my head as a guideline, like not a lot of bread, don't eat after 8 pm etc. My question is what's the difference? What should I be more cautious of or what is not so costly since I am growing a human being. I ask because I love to eat, lol pregnant or not pregnant. I just want to find a common ground of being satisfied and eating right. Sounds fat?
Avatar m tn Can you guys do a diagnostics about whether my diet is wrong or whether I should move to three meals or whether what? With professional and personal experience, what do y'all think. Just thoughts and advice if you want. Thanks, Khatiz...
Avatar n tn It is weird. So, they say to eat very small meals that contain protein 6 times a day or have 3 meals with snacks that have protein or complex carbs.
Avatar f tn m hearing a lot about kidney issues and wonder if my dog is at risk because of his high protein diet.
Avatar n tn Eat 5-6 times a day, for every gram of carb eat 1 gram of protein. They can be just small mini meals. Do cardio 45min a day 4 times a week and weight train 3 days a week. That should do it. Eat lots of fiber for the constipation and you will be regular, fruit, raw veggies etc, whole grains if your system can have them. Are you taking any supplements?
9990306 tn?1407113138 s hard to find a protein shake or anything like that. So, do you guys know any vegan protein sources? It would be appreciated. Thank you!
Avatar f tn I'm not a full vegetarian so I get protien from dairy. Beans good source. Nuts too. About 10 yrs ago I started eating fish too. So now I don't eat meat like chicken beef or pork. I eat a lot of vegetable soup to maintain/ lose weight. Plus drink tons of water. That helps food cravings.
Avatar f tn As far as fruits consummation goes, recommend eating only fresh fruit (avoid fruit juices) and eat fruits within a meals or with a protein source. That will help decrease the fast absorption of fruit natural sugar so the sugar levels in the blood do not spike up. Hoped this helped you.
Avatar n tn Dear winkster, Actually a diabetic diet is really only what a healthy diet would be for people without diabetes. And fruits are a part of that even though they have sugar it get metabolized like any other carbohydrates.