Protein diet muscle building

Common Questions and Answers about Protein diet muscle building


1415174 tn?1453243103 I am vegan and use a vegan protein powder to supplement 20 grams extra a day. So my total protein is about 75-80 grams (not 95g). I read that you can get too much growth hormone (which is good for building muscle) but it creates insulin like growth factor (ILGF). Too much ILGF can potentially cause cancer. So that is what I am asking. What has anyone read about this.
Avatar n tn definetly eat a very high calorie protein diet if your looking to build nuscle not fat then i recomend working out your muscle and afterwards drinking a protein shake with things like milk,peanut butter, and banana make sure your eating healthy fats and lots of protein
Avatar n tn Many people do not realize how much food to eat when it comes to diet. The mass muscle building nutrition is the important aspect of building ripped and sexy muscles. The food will supply the energy to the body in various combination which will enable it to support to the activities you perform. The choice of foods has to be ideal which will be suitable for your body specifications and requirements.
Avatar f tn Do not lower your calories!!! Eat whole, high protein foods. You can worry about losing weight later (chances are you are gradually without trying anyway) working out is always a good idea, but don't push too hard or the stress can effect your milk supply. Remember to drink as much water as possible and eat as much protein as you can, you are building your baby's muscles and baby needs that to grow strong and healthy. Above all, remember supply and demand!
522699 tn?1250590716 Make sure you have a sufficiently accurate diet to help which means no cupcakes for pre-exercise food..LOL. Protein will help rebuild muscle but you must work it out in order for the protein to rebuild it. When you are on a low calorie diet it is very hard to build muscle you have just just make sure you eat every 3 hours or so. Every body is different and for some building muscle will be harder. Do exercises and eat the right foods.
Avatar n tn Remember that if you're embarking on a muscle building program, you'll need to eat extra protein. This isn't necessarily a healthy thing to do, but you'll need it if you want to add and keep the muscle. You don't need to go overboard, but it does help your muscles recover so you can keep at it and feeds the muscles.
Avatar f tn As you exercise you are building lean body muscle mass which weight more than fat so a scale will reflect no weight loss when in fact the body is trimming down fat. Measure your waist and hips as a guide for trimming down. The tape measure will measure loss of inches and your clothes will start to feel looser. When you skip meals the body will go into ‘starvation mode’ to protect itself.
707563 tn?1626361905 Nuts and fruits are definitely not too cheap depending, nor is a paleo diet high in vegetables and fruits. It's high in protein, mostly animal protein. Now, there is no one paleo diet -- this is a collection of diets that are a marketing scheme, not anything based on reality or science. The theory behind these diets is that prehistoric peoples -- the paleo part -- ate mostly protein. But of course they ate mostly plant food, because animals were very hard to catch.
Avatar n tn Welcome As long as you are working out and building/maintaining muscle mass, you should NOT be losing muscle. It's when you STOP exercising that you begin losing muscle. I'm not really up on "stone vs pounds" but I think your 13 stone converts to around 180 pounds - is that right? I don't know how tall you are, but 1000 calories doesn't sound like very much.
Avatar f tn Muscles need high calorie fuel and exercise to grow and get larger. This can be achieved by proper weight- gain diet and exercises specific to muscle gain. If the proper diet is not planned, the exercising will only burn calories rather than building muscles. A dietician will help you find out how many calories are needed to reach the desired weight and then track the daily calorie intake. Eat around six meals a day, once every three hours.
Avatar f tn I have a question and hope you can help -- I am generally fit and in good health (by no means skinny). I jog/walk daily. I stick to a low carb (lean protein/vegetables) diet. I am 30 yrs old, 5'7 and usually flex between 135-139 pounds. I recently started an intense cardio kickboxing class which I LOVE. I go 3-4 times per week. Its an hour long class and it is super intense and works me out unbelievably. Ive been going for about 5 weeks now.
Avatar m tn Whats difference between protein and creatine? Which is better for building muscles?
Avatar n tn Proteins you can increase a little by taking a glass of toned milk with your regular protein diet. With more of intense muscle building you need to take supplements as advised by your trainer. At a point of time you would see that it gets difficult to shed the remaining fat and here the diet comes as an important factor and you have to squeeze the carbohydrates but never decrease it less than 30-40% of your diet while actively exercising.
Avatar m tn Timing is Everything At any given moment, even at rest, your body is breaking down and building protein, Every time you eat at least 30 grams of protein, you trigger a burst of protein synthesis that lasts about 3 hours. But think about it: When do you eat most of your protein? At dinner, right? That means you could be fueling muscle growth for only a few hours a day, and breaking down muscle the rest of the time, Instead, you should spread out your protein intake.
Avatar f tn If you are working out you are building lean muscle, not losing muscle. Suggest getting your protein for food sources, not pills. Protein from food has additional vitamins and minerals and possible fiber, depending on the protein source. Recommend a regular multi-vitamin, without protein.
Avatar n tn One or two protein shakes into your daily diet to increase your calorie and protein intake. Whole foods are the best sources of calories and protein, but if you have a naturally high metabolism, you may find it difficult to get what you need through whole foods alone. I also suggest buying Whey protein Concentrate NOT Isolate!! Avoid those with added sugars and preservatives. Add high calorie ingredients to your protein shakes to boost the calorie content.
Avatar m tn Same with whey. For building muscle, some prefer egg protein, but most seem to like the whey. Organic is great, but when you're isolating something down to the protein, it's more important it be done correctly. An organic product that uses the wrong kind of method of isolating the protein isn't going to be very helpful. If muscle is what you're after and not health, go ask the biggest guy at your gym. It's obviously working.
Avatar m tn I would suggest you to to do a regular fitness and weight training program of your choice along with protein rich diet which means a diet rich in amino acids but also from natural sources.
Avatar f tn There are a lot of good protein powders on the market that are not meant for "muscle building", but protein is the building block for muscle and muscle burns fat. Exercise also helps build muscle, but if you do the right ones, you won't "bulk up". I often use, both, Greek yogurt and protein powder in my smoothies. The yogurt gives you and extra amount of protein, plus calcium, vitamin B12, etc.
7650155 tn?1414371335 This past week I've decided to get serious about my health. I'm 29 years old, 5 feet 7.5 inches tall and about 150 pounds. I've always been active but am focusing on leaning up and building muscle . My diet consists of: Breakfast: 5 egg whites & one yoke fried with olive oil. Half a grapefruit & a half a cup of quinoa with one tablespoon of chia seeds, agave & cinnamon. Lunch & dinner: varies between chicken, fish or ground Turkey. And a side of veggies.
767435 tn?1235759815 The program in the book is 6 months long. Muscle building takes time so it will not happen overnight, but if you are new to lifting you will see some changes pretty quickly. Don't underestimate how much you can lift and don't be afraid of 'bulking', it is really hard for a woman to gain that amount of muscle. It will just give you great curves.
Avatar n tn All the crunches and sit ups in the world will not help. I recommend following a high protein low carb diet for 16 weeks along with a 30 minute cardio routine (running is best) at least 4 times a week - also continue with weightlifting as the promotion of muscle tissue assists with keeping the metabolism strong. Best of Luck.
Avatar m tn Yoga centers on building core strength, breathing and relaxation. It can help you build muscle, lose weight and regain lost movement. You can get yoga dvd's relatively inexpensively at discount department stores, or google "yoga" and you can watch all types of videos, showing you how to do certain poses. Get your doctor's okay. For diet, make sure you eat mostly veggies, and add in lean protein, low/no fat dairy, nuts, seeds and "good" fats.