
Protein diet example

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Avatar n tn The best diet is one that incorporates lots of fresh/frozen veggies, lean protein such as meat, eggs, dairy and legumes, healthy fats such as avocados, olive and coconut oils, nuts and seeds, along with a serving or two of fruit/day. Most vegetables have so few calories that you can eat as much as you want of them, without worrying about eating too much. Keep your meat servings to about the size of a deck of cards. Add olive or coconut oil for seasoning or to cook with.
Avatar f tn For example, if you weigh 68 kilograms, you need about 54 grams of protein per day. Weight lifters need up to 1.8 grams per kilogram per day, while endurance athletes require up to 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Multiply your daily caloric intake by 0.15 or 0.2 to estimate how many of your calories should come from protein. For example, if you eat 2,500 calories daily, you should get between 375 and 500 calories from protein.
Avatar n tn And if you want to see what people eat who actually live the longest and healthiest, scientists have been actively studying clusters of them. None of them eat a high protein diet -- they are all in the grains and beans and veggies and fruits categories. Food for thought.
Avatar f tn 2=111g of protein spread over 5-6 meals in the day. Include high protein foods in your diet. Your protein intake should be from foods rather than from supplements. Good sources of protein foods: whey, fish, dairy products (low fat variety), meats, unroasted nuts and seeds (almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds). Milk is one of the best muscle foods. The milk contains two high quality proteins, about 80 percent whey and 20 percent casein.
Avatar f tn /which makes it hard. A healthy pregnancy diet consists of protein, healthy carbs, whole grains, fruits and veggies. The closer your meals are together the less hungry you will feel and the less junk you will crave. You should eat 6 small meals a day .
Avatar n tn It happens when you eat very high protein with little fat and low carb. Try to not go over 1 gram protein per pound of lean body mass. For example, a person who weighs 150 lbs should limit to 150 grams protein per day. Also do not shy away from healthy fats, like olive oil, avocado, grass fed butter, nuts, full fat yogurt, etc. many people make the mistake of removing fats from their low carb diet, which then causes gluconeogenesis.
768251 tn?1256734583 s most valuable is a lifetime diet, well balanced between protein and vegetables and whole grains, and regular exercise.
Avatar n tn s very difficult to eat THAT much protein on a daily basis! I would love to expiriement with a diet made up of 25% fat, 25% protein, and 50% carbs, although, I fear it will make me gain weight, which I am not looking to do. Some sources have stated that it's a matter of total calories, while others have emphasized high protein diets increasing the metabolism. I don't want to start gaining weight, but am curiouse as to what would come of redistributing my macronutrients?
Avatar f tn Unfortunately there is no perfect diet and there no perfect diet for diabetes. But avoiding simple carbs is good for everyone. A BG meter is a good tool to use. Check out everything. Even beans. Yes some people have a very large and long lasting spike on beans, even though books suggest it as a good choice. Supplements can help some people. If you want to go in that direction consider things like chromium, they help some people control BG.
Avatar f tn I am vegan and use a vegan protein powder to supplement 20 grams extra a day. So my total protein is about 75-80 grams (not 95g). I read that you can get too much growth hormone (which is good for building muscle) but it creates insulin like growth factor (ILGF). Too much ILGF can potentially cause cancer. So that is what I am asking. What has anyone read about this.
Avatar f tn And, they need to eat only vegetable sources of protein. A diet high in animal protein ( which typically contains alot of ammonia) may precipitate an episode of encephalopathy among these people. Vegetarian diets, on the other hand, have a low ammonia content and have been shown to be much less likely than animal protein diets to induce encephalopathy. It is important to keep in mind that some popular weight-loss diets involve the consumption of a very high animal protein content.
Avatar f tn Since I exercise a little after I eat. My breakfast contains a little carbohydrates and some protein as well. For example, a slice of toast for carbs, and some bacon or sausage for protein and maybe eggs as well. But I try to keep it small, since I need to digest before I exercise. Then after about 1/2 hour aerobic exercise ( drinking water during this time as well) , I rest for about 20 minutes then I have a protein source. Check these sites for examples: http://www.webmd.
Tbd I eat veggies and fruits. I'm a Type 1 Diabetic and need to lose some weight. My doctor says I don't get enough protein in my diet to lose weight. I'm not a big fan of beans. What is a good source of protein for my case?
Avatar n tn I became a vegetarian almost 4 years ago. Since then, my hair has slowly become greasy and limp. I have tried other shampoos but it didn't work. I am wondering if I am not getting enough protein and iron in my diet. I don't like tofu very much so I need to find other ways to get a lot of protein without having to eat a ton of it. How can I get iron in my diet? Has anyone else have this problem that is a vegetarian? Can signs of missing nutrients be shown in hair? Thank you!
Avatar f tn Keep saturated fats and sugars low to prevent storing body fat in unwanted places while dieting to slim the thighs. Decrease your total daily protein intake. Taking in less than one gram of protein per pound of your body weight each day will keep you in a negative nitrogen balance, meaning protein synthesis cannot overtake catabolism. Stick to healthy low-glycemic carbohydrates such as fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts and seeds.
Avatar m tn Go to the doctor and get some things checked out and then have a discussion with your doctor about options for ensuring you get enough protein and calcium in your diet; there are more things you can get protein from, for example, than meat or cheeses.
Avatar n tn Eating a vegetarian diet isn't any different than eating any other way. You need enough protein, complex carbs for energy, and antioxidant rich foods such as colored veggies and a moderate amount of fruit. That's a balanced diet for anyone of any origin. Given that if you're living in India and they've been eating a vegetarian diet there for centuries, there are a host of people there you probably know who can help you.
1201433 tn?1328997637 Try to eat a healthy balanced diet. There are a lot of dietary myths out there. Do some reading on basic nutrition and if you get it into your head to try something new make sure you do your homework and understand why you are doing it. Do not just start doing something because you see others doing it or you saw someone on a forum who advised it. Also understand what you are doing by looking into the FACTS. Science not subjectivity. I try to consume .
Avatar n tn Are you on a restricted diet? I'm on a high protein/high fat diet (Atkins revised diet). It's working for me to drop glucose and pounds. I hate working out so I go to low impact classes which are actually fun.
Avatar n tn I think the trick is finding a replacement for the carbs you already consume for example using lettace leaves in place of tortilla wraps or spiralized veg in place of pasta - hope this helps x
Avatar f tn s nearly impossible with 2000 mg of sodium limit daily. I hit the protein shake w/ chick pea n hemp protein. The whey protein made me tired. Too much bad protein can bring on HE. You'll find your balance where you can feel good. Lots of protein bars and dry cereals have high protein and I consume a lot of those!
Avatar f tn m normally a very healthy eater and will have a variety of protein and vegetables daily. I know that eating healthy is the most important thing now than before as I'm expecting but I just can't seem to keep any of it down. Every time I eat anything remotely healthy I feel nautious all day. If I eat grilled cheese sandwiches, crackers, on and j I'm fine. What do I do? Am I hurting my baby?
Avatar f tn I am a new mom, I delivered my baby 4 months ago, I want to go on a diet but I am afraid thst will affect my baby because I am breast feeding her
Avatar n tn Food allergy dermatitis can occur to any food substance in the diet, not just protein. A low protein diet is contraindicated. Your dog, if food allergic, may need a diet with a novel protein source (something your dog has never been exposed to before). A grain-free diet is also important. Since grains are high on the allergenic scale.
Avatar f tn A successful diet plan should contain high protein diet, protein is useful in the matter of weight reduction in light of the fact that it is hard to process. This implies that you will feel full more aside from the way that protein makes you feel full quicker. Make sure, high protein eating plan just conveys extensive weight reduction results when the consumption of carbs is limited.